on Mathematics of Medical Imaging,
June 20-24, 2011
hosted by the Fields Institute, held at the Medical Sciences
Building , UToronto (map to venue) |
Adrian Nachman , University of Toronto
Dhavide Aruliah, University of Ontario Institute of Technology
Hongmei Zhu, York University
This conference aims to set the collaborative tone for a year of activities
on Medical Imaging by bringing together mathematicians, researchers in health
sciences, and health care manufacturers. A special effort will be made to
support the participation by graduate students and postdoctoral fellows, who
may then be excited to take part in the numerous educational opportunities
planned throughout the year.
The main goals of the conference will be to:
- Showcase some of the major recent advances in the mathematics
of Medical Imaging, and find ways in which these can have significant
impact in future clinical applications.
- Bring to the attention of mathematicians interesting new problems
and help define mathematical structures yet to be understood.
- Establish research and training interconnections with the large
Medical Imaging community in Ontario and British Columbia.
- Establish research relationships with industrial partners interested
in the discovery of novel imaging techniques and instrumentation.
The conference will include:
- Distinguished Lectures on Inverse Problems, Medical Image
Analysis and Patient Specific Modeling,
- Academia- Industry Connector Event on Mathematical Challenges
in Medical Imaging,
- Survey lectures by leading biomedical researchers from Ontario
and British Columbia,
- Special Sessions (invited and contributed talks) on recent research
- Postdoctoral Fellow/Graduate Student Research Poster Competition.
There will be 4 (45-minute) plenary talks each morning. Afternoons
will be devoted to Special Sessions, the Connector Event and the
Postdoctoral Fellow/Graduate Student Research Poster Competition.
Guillaume Bal, Columbia University
Charles Epstein, University of Pennsylvania
Aaron Fenster, Robarts Research Institute
Mathias Fink, Universit Paris 7
Polina Golland, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Ender Konukoglu, Microsoft Research, Cambridge
Jeremy Magland, University of Pennsylvania
Anne Martel, Sunnybrook Health Sciences
Michael I. Miller, Johns Hopkins University
Xavier Pennec, INRIA Sophia Antipolis
Justin Romberg, Georgia Institute of Technology
Yoram Rudy, Washington University, St. Louis
John Schotland, University of Michigan
Samuli Siltanen, University of Helsinki
Allen R Tannenbaum, Georgia Institute of Technology
Gunther Uhlmann, UC Irvine and University of Washington
Lihong V. Wang, Washington University, St. Louis
Graham Wright, Sunnybrook Health Sciences and U. of Toronto.
Registered Participants:
Full Name |
University/Affiliation |
Afshin, Mariam |
University of Western Ontario |
Aguilar, Luis |
University of Toronto |
Akçakaya, Mehmet |
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School |
Al Balushi, Ibrahim |
McGill University |
Alali, Sanaz |
University of Toronto |
Alastruey, Jordi |
Imperial College London |
Ali, Abdalssamia |
McMaster University |
Ameri, Golafsoun |
Ryerson University |
Amza, Cristiana |
University of Toronto |
Anand, Christopher |
McMaster University |
Anastasio, Mark |
Washington University in St. Louis |
Arridge, Simon |
University College London |
Aruliah, Dhavide |
University of Ontario Institute of Technology |
Athavale, Prashant |
University of Toronto |
Bailey, Richard |
University of Toronto |
Bal, Guillaume |
Columbia University |
Bevan, Peter |
McMaster University |
Boccara, A. Claude |
ESPCI ParisTech |
Bonfert-Taylor, Petra |
Dartmouth/Wesleyan |
Bonnetier, Eric |
Université Joseph Fourier |
Boucharin, Alexis |
Queen's University |
Brock, Kristy |
Princess Margaret Hospital |
Burchard, Almut |
University of Toronto |
Chan, Rachel |
University of Toronto |
Cheng, Hai-Ling |
The Hospital for Sick Children |
Cheyne, Douglas |
The Hospital for Sick Children |
Chinta, Lakshminarayan V. |
Sunnybrook Research Institute |
Chmielewski, Aneta |
University Health Network |
Churchill, Nathan |
The Rotman Research Institute Baycrest |
Cobzas, Dana |
University of Alberta |
Colliander, James |
University of Toronto |
Conroy, Leigh |
University of Toronto |
Crawley, Adrian |
Toronto Western Hospital |
Curtis, Andrew |
Robarts Research Institute |
Cusack, Rhodri |
University of Western Ontario |
de Gournay, Frédéric |
Université de Versailles, Saint-Quentin-En-Yvelines |
Delbary, Fabrice |
Technical University of Denmark |
DeMonte, Tim |
Field Metrica Inc. |
Di Martino, Elena |
University of Calgary |
Dickinson, Andrew |
Queen's University |
Dixon, Ted |
Huron Technologies International Inc. |
Donner, René |
Medical University Vienna |
Dufort, Paul |
University Health Network |
Ebrahimi, Mehran |
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre |
Eilaghi, Armin |
University of Western Ontario |
Elsaid, Nahla |
University of Toronto |
Epstein, Charles |
University of Pennsylvania |
Ettinger, J. Mark |
Faridani, Adel |
Oregon State University |
Fenster, Aaron |
University of Western Ontario |
Finch, David |
Oregon State University |
Fink, Mathias |
Université Paris VII |
Forsyth, Peter |
University of Waterloo |
Frayne, Richard |
University of Calgary |
Gaetz, William |
Lurie Family Foundation MEG Imaging Center |
Gallego, Cristina |
Sunnybrook Health Science |
Gallo, Diego |
Politecnico di Torino |
Garvin, Mona |
University of Iowa |
Ge, Mei |
Sunnybrook Research Institute |
Gerbeau, Jean-Frederic |
Ghanavati, Sahar |
University of Toronto |
Golestani Rad, Laleh |
University of Toronto |
Golland, Polina |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Grady, Cheryl |
Baycrest Hospital |
Grady, Leo |
Siemens Corporate Research |
Grinberg, Leopold |
Brown University |
Guadarrama, Lili |
Universite Paris-Sud 11 |
Guevara Vasquez, Fernando |
University of Utah |
Haber, Eldad |
University of British Columbia |
Habets, Damiaan |
University of Western Ontario |
Hajian, Arsen |
Tornado Medical Systems |
Hashemi, Sayed Masoud |
University of Toronto |
Herman, Peter |
University of Toronto |
Hoell, Nicholas |
Columbia University |
Hoi, Yiemeng |
University of Toronto |
Holtzman Gazit, Michal |
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology |
Horesh, Lior |
IBM T J Watson Research Center |
Huang, Edward X. |
Hospital for Sick Children |
Hudson, John |
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, University of Toronto |
Hyvönen, Nuutti |
Aalto University |
Ihsani, Alvin |
McMaster University |
Imani, Farhad |
Queen's University |
Jackson, Ken |
University of Toronto |
Jankowski, Hanna |
York University |
Jin, Bangti |
Texas A&M University |
Jin, Wei |
Shandong Academy of Chinese Medicine |
Johnson, Timothy |
University of Michigan |
Joy, M.L.G. |
University of Toronto |
Katsevich, Alexander |
University of Central Florida |
Kayvanrad, Mohammad |
Robarts Research Institute |
Koff, David |
McMaster University |
Kolehmainen, Ville |
University of Eastern Finland |
Konukoglu, Ender |
Microsoft Research |
Koudstaal, Mark |
University of Toronto |
Lachmann, Frederic |
Medipattern Corporation |
Lashkari, Bahman |
University of Toronto |
Lausch, Anthony |
University of Toronto |
Lebed, Evgeniy |
Simon Fraser University |
Lechleiter, Armin |
INRIA Saclay / Ecole Polytechnique |
Lee, Benjamin |
Ryerson University |
Leonard, Patrick |
Sunnybrook Research Institute |
Lerch, Jason |
The Hospital for Sick Children |
Levi, Ofer |
University of Toronto |
Li, Jiawei |
York University |
Li, Shuo |
GE and University of Western Ontario |
Lim, Mikyoung |
Lindenmaier, Andras |
University of Toronto |
Liu, Cheng |
York University |
Liu, Xiteng |
The Hospital for Sick Children |
Lobo, Gavin |
Lu, YingLi |
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre |
Lynch, Michael |
Ma, Weijing |
University of Toronto |
Magland, Jeremy |
University of Pennsylvania |
Majid, Shaikh |
University of Waterloo |
Mamonov, Alexander |
University of Texas at Austin |
Mandelis, Andreas |
University of Toronto |
Mansouri, Abdol-Reza |
Queen's University |
Mariaca Hajducek, C. Dagmar |
University of Waterloo |
Martel, Anne |
University of Toronto |
Martinez, Alex |
University of Toronto |
McLaughlin, Joyce |
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute |
Mehrabian, Hatef |
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre |
Michailovich, Oleg |
University of Waterloo |
Miller, Michael |
Johns Hopkins University |
Moradifam, Amir |
University of Toronto |
Morales, Dinora |
Technical University of Madrid |
Morbiducci, Umberto |
Politecnico di Torino |
Mosher, John |
Cleveland Clinic |
Mueller, Jennifer |
Colorado State University |
Murray, Raquel |
Murua, Alejandro |
Université de Montréal |
Mynard, Jonathan |
University of Toronto |
Nachman, Adrian |
University of Toronto |
Naser, Mohamed |
McMaster University |
Nasui, Otilia Cristina |
University of Toronto |
Nhan, Tam |
Sunnybrook Research Institute |
Nika, Ilia |
Centennial College |
Nika, Vavara |
York University |
Noble, George |
Ryerson University |
Ola, Petri |
University of Helsinki |
Patch, Sarah |
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee |
Pavlin, Jessica |
McMaster University |
Peikari, Hamed |
Queen's University |
Peikari, Mohammad |
Queen's University |
Pennec, Xavier |
INRIA Sophia-Antipolis Mediterranee |
Perez Velazquez, Jose Luis |
The Hospital for Sick Children |
Pop, Mihaela |
University of Toronto |
Portman, Nataliya |
Montreal Neurological Institute |
Poublanc, Julien |
Toronto Western Hospital |
Prakash, Ammu |
University of Manitoba |
Pressman, Irwin |
Carleton University |
Pugh, Mary C. |
University of Toronto |
Raamana, Pradeep Reddy |
Simon Fraser University |
Radau, Perry |
Sunnybrook Research Institute |
Ren, Kui |
University of Texas at Austin |
Rezvani, Nargol |
University of Toronto |
Riba, Luigi |
University of Turin |
Rilling, Gabriel |
University of Edinburgh |
Ritman, Erik |
Mayo Clinic College of Medicine |
Roberts, T.P.L. |
Lurie Family Foundation MEG Imaging Center |
Romberg, Justin |
Georgia Institute of Technology |
Ross, Bernhard |
Rotman Research Institute, Baycrest |
Rudy, Yoram |
Washington University in St. Louis |
Sadjadi, Hossein |
Queen's University |
Sadleir, Rosalind |
University of Florida |
Safri, Murtaza |
Sunnybrook Hospital |
Samsonov, Alexey |
University of Wisconsin |
Satriano, Alessandro |
University of Calgary |
Schotland, John |
University of Michigan |
Schwarzbach, Christoph |
University of British Columbia |
Scott, Greig |
Stanford University |
Seo, Jin Keun |
Yonsei University |
Shadden, Shawn |
Illinois Institute of Technology |
Sharpe, Michael |
University of Toronto |
Sherif, Sherif |
University of Manitoba |
Shojaii, Rushin |
University of Toronto (Sunnybrook Hospital) |
Sidky, Emil |
University of Chicago |
Sigal, Israel Michael |
University of Toronto |
Siltanen, Samuli |
University of Helsinki |
Sivaloganathan, Sivabal |
University of Waterloo |
Sled, John |
The Hospital for Sick Children |
Smith, Michael |
University of Calgary |
Stefanovic, Bojana |
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre |
Steinman, David |
University of Toronto |
Stergiopoulos, Stergios |
University of Toronto |
Strother, Stephen |
The Rotman Research Institute Baycrest |
Stuxidziy, Audrius |
Tomographix Ltd. |
Sulem, Catherine |
University of Toronto |
Sussman, Marshall |
University Health Network |
Sweeney, Frédéric |
Tornado Medical Systems |
Tabatabaei, Nima |
University of Toronto |
Tahmasebi, Amir |
University of Toronto |
Tamminen, Janne |
University of Helsinki |
Taylor, Edward |
Dartmouth/Wesleyan |
Telenkov, Sergey |
Center for Advanced Diffusion Wave Technologies |
Thornton, Wren |
Indiana University |
Tian, Yanhua |
Ryerson University |
Tward, Daniel |
Johns Hopkins University |
Uhlmann, Gunther |
University of Washington |
Velikina, Julia |
University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Veneziani, Alessandro |
Emory University |
Venkateswarao, Yogesh Chinta |
McMaster University |
Verma, Ragini |
University of Pennsylvania |
Vignon-Clementel, Irène |
Vitkin, Alex |
Ontario Cancer Institute / Princess Margaret Hospital |
Vrscay, Edward R. |
University of Waterloo |
Wan, Justin |
University of Waterloo |
Wang, Gary |
Sunnybrook Research |
Wang, Lihong |
Washington University in St. Louis Home |
Wang, Paul |
Mount Sinai Hospital |
Wang, Z. Jane |
University of British Columbia |
Weersink, Robert |
Princess Margaret Hospital, University Health Network |
Wilson, Brian |
Ontario Cancer Institute / Princess Margaret Hospital |
Wood, Michael |
University of Toronto |
Wright, Graham A. |
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre |
Wu, Qiong |
McMaster University |
Xu, Helen |
Queen's University |
Xu, Robert |
University of Toronto |
Xu, Yuan |
Ryerson University |
Yadollahi, Azadeh |
Toronto Rehabilitation Institute |
Ye, Jong Chul |
Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST) |
Zamyadi, Mojdeh |
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre |
Zhang, Xiling |
Shandong Academy of Chinese Medicine |
Zhu, Hongmei |
York University |
Zhuang, Xiahai |
University College London |
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