Tsunamis, Rogue Waves, And Flooding
13- 16, 2011
by Fields,
held at Wallberg Building (WB 116),184-200 College Street
University of Toronto (map to venue)
W. Craig, D. Henderson, E. Pelinovsky & C. Sulem
This workshop is on the dynamics of extreme ocean waves, such as
tsunamis and rogue waves, and the hazards that they present to coastal
regions and to shipping. Our purpose is to inform the mathematics
community about problems of prediction and of description of extreme
ocean waves, that in particular may be addressed in part by mathematical
tools and techniques. As well, our purpose is to provide a venue
from which collaborations are developed between the two communities
of mathematicians and ocean scientists.
Invited Speakers:
Diego Arcas, NOAA/Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory
O. Bokhove, Twente
John Dudley, FEMTO-ST, Université de Franche Comté
Denys Dutykh, Université de Savoie-CNRS
Isaak Fine, Institute of Ocean Sciences, BC
Johannes Gemmich, University of Victoria
Diana Greenslade, Bureau of Meteorology, Melbourne
Christian Kharif, IRPHE
Emile Okal, Northwestern
Miguel Onorato, Università di Torino
Geir Pedersen, Universitetet i Oslo
Efim Pelinovsky, Institute of Applied Physics, Russian
Academy of Sciences
Harvey Segur, University of Colorado
Harry Yeh, Oregon State
Tentative Schedule
Monday June 13 Wallberg
Building (WB 116) 184-200 College
Street |
12:30 |
On site registration |
H. Segur (Boulder)
Tsunamis |
2:00 |
H. Yeh (Oregon State)
Solitary-Wave Amplification along a Vertical Wall: Theory
and Experiment |
Tea Break |
D. Greenslade (Melbourne)
Operational tsunami forecast and warning |
E. Okal (Northwestern)
Tsunamis as normal modes of the Earth, and a venture
into extracurricular geophysics |
5:30 |
Reception |
Tuesday June 14 |
10:00 |
E. Pelinovsky (RAS - Nizhny Novgorod)
Rogue Waves in the Ocean; Facts, Theories and Modelling |
G. Pedersen (Oslo)
Topics related to tsunamis generated by rock slides |
Lunch |
J. Dudley (Franche - Comte)
Light on nonlinearity: what optics can reveal about the
science of extreme ocean waves |
Tea |
Wednesday 15 June |
Diego Arcas (NOAA)
Aspects of Tsunami Modeling and Detection |
M. Onorato (Torino)
Triggering breathers in currents |
Lunch |
2:00 |
I. Fine (Institute of Ocean Sciences,
Sydney, BC)
The NEPTUNE Canada measurements of approaching tsunamis
off the British Columbia coast: an opportunity for regional
modelling and forecasting |
3:00 |
Tea |
3:30 |
O. Bokhove (Twente)
Makings Waves at Beaches |
Thursday 16 June |
10:00 |
D. Dutykh (Chambery)
Dispersive and non-dispersive wave runup and some related
phenomena |
11:00 |
J. Gemmrich (Victoria)
Dynamical and statistical explanations of rogue wave
occurrence rates |
12:00 |
Ch. Kharif (Marseille)
Extreme sea wave modelling : Application to rogue waves
Final List of Participants:
Full Name |
University Name |
Aechtner, Matthias |
McMaster University |
Arcas, Diego |
NOAA/Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory |
Ayala, Diego |
McMaster University |
Bayram, Saziye |
Buffalo State College |
Bell, Jordan |
University of Toronto |
Bokhove, Onno |
University of Twente |
Chabchoub, Amin |
Hamburg University of Technology |
Cher, Yuri |
McGill University |
Coles, Matthew |
McMaster University |
Craig, Walter |
McMaster University |
Dudley, John M. |
University of Franche-Comté |
Dutykh, Denys |
Université de Savoie-CNRS |
Dyachenko, Alexander |
Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics |
Fine, Issak |
Institute of Ocean Sciences |
Gemmrich, Johannes |
University of Victoria |
Graham, Ian |
University of Toronto |
Greenhalgh, Scott |
University of Guelph |
Greenslade, Diana |
Bureau of Meteorology |
Gustafsson, Jonathan |
McMaster University |
Henderson, Diane |
Pennsylvania State University |
Kevlahan, Nicholas |
McMaster University |
Kharif, Christian |
Institut de Recherche sur les Phenomenes Hors Equilibre |
Lamb, Kevin |
University of Waterloo |
Liu, Xiao |
University of Toronto |
Okal, Emile |
Northwestern University |
Onorato, Miguel |
Università di Torino |
Pedersen, Geir Kleivstul |
University of Oslo |
Pelinovsky, Efim |
Russian Academy of Sciences |
Rogers, Nick |
McMaster University |
Segur, Harvey |
University of Colorado |
Sulem, Catherine |
University of Toronto |
Valenta, George |
Yeh, Harry |
Oregon State University |
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on the Mathematics of Extreme Sea Waves in a larger map