June 24-28, 2012
The 2012 Annual Meeting of the Canadian Applied and Industrial Mathematics Society

Contact Us programs@fields.utoronto.ca

Organizing Committee
Abba Gumel (Manitoba)
Huaxiong Huang (York)
Nilima Nigam (SFU)

Scientific Committee
Ian Frigaard (UBC)
Pietro-Luciano Buono (UOIT)
Matt Davison (UWO)
Michael Haslam (York)
Richard Karsten (Acadia)
Adam Metzler (UWO)
Bartosz Protas (McMaster)
Mary Pugh (Toronto)
Siv Sivaloganathan (Waterloo)
Ray Spiteri (Saskatchewan)
Pauline van den Driessche (UVic)
Buks van Rensburg (York)
Michael Ward (UBC)
Huaiping Zhu (York)