March  8, 2025
January-August 2012
Thematic Program on Inverse Problems and Imaging

August 20-24, 2012
Industrial Problem-Solving Workshop on Medical Imaging

Organizers: Sean Bohun (UOIT),Michael Lynch (MITACS)
Huaxiong Huang (York), Nilima Nigam (SFU)
Mary Pugh (Toronto), Hongmei Zhu (York)
Proposed Problems

Registered Participants
Workshop Hotel
Special rates have been arranged for attendees, please book before July 20
Workshop Schedule Travel to Fields

This 5-day workshop will follow the very successful format of previous Fields-MITACS Industrial Problem-Solving Workshops. Some of the problems to be discussed will be ones generated during the Connector Events at the Inaugural Conference and at the Workshop on Brain Imaging. Participants will include between 36-50 academic experts (including mathematicians), and experts from industry.
On the first day, the industrial sponsors will present their problem statements. The academic experts will divide into teams of 6-10 people each, with one team assigned to each problem. The teams spend the next 3 days collaborating on solutions to their problem, and present their solution on the final day of the workshop.

What the workshop is about:

The objective of the FMIPW is to connect industries with faculty, postdocs and graduate students who have expertise in industrial case-studies. This interaction is fostered in the specific context of a problem-solving session over 5 days. The case-studies in question have a significant mathematical or statistical content.
The interaction between industry and academia has many potential benefits for both. Academics learn about interesting potential research problems and find application for their existing tools. Industries get access to some of the most experienced mathematical modellers and problem-solvers on the continent.

The FMIPW will occur over 5 days. Participants will include between 36-50 academic experts (including mathematicians and statisticians), and experts from industry. On the first day, the industrial sponsors will present their problem statements. The academic experts will divide into teams of 6-10 people each, with one team assigned to each problem. The teams spend the next 3 days collaborating on solutions to their problem, and present their solution on the final day of the workshop.

At the end of the week, the academic experts make a presentation consisting of the problem restatement and their solution. This is a summary of results; the teams also prepare reports for the industrial sponsors.


Problem 1 - Image Registration in the Presence of Discontinuities (presentation) Presenters: Yonho Kim, Dustin Steinhauer, Karteek Popuri, Rolf Clackdoyle, Alvin Ihsani, Khaled Issa, Evgeniy Lebed
Problem 2 - Problem Description for Math-Biomed (presentation)
Presenters: Bahram Marami, Iain Moyles
Problem 3 - Detecting current density vector coherent movement (presentation)
Presenters: Sujanthan Sriskandarajah, Nataliya Portman, Alexandre Foucault, Dominique Brunet, Yousef Akhavan, Vavara Nika
Problem 4 - Statistical models with tolerance for abnormalities (presentation)
Presentations: Craig Sinnamon, Anna Belkine, Berardo Galvao-Sousa
Problem 5 - Modelling human perception in clinical diagnosis


Monday, August 20, 2012
8:00 Continental Breakfast
8:50 Opening Remarks, Room 230
9:00 Problem Presentations - Problem 1
9:30 Problem Presentations - Problem 2
10:00 Problem Presentations - Problem 3
10:30 Refreshments
11:00 Problem Presentations - Problem 4
11:30 Problem Presentations - Problem 5
12:00 Lunch
1:30 Group Discussions
3:30 Refreshments
4:00 Group Discussions
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
8:00 Continental Breakfast
9:00 Group Discussions
10:30 Refreshments
11:00 Group Discussions
12:00 Lunch
1:30 Group Discussions
3:30 Refreshments
4:00 Group Discussions
5:00 Daily Summaries
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
8:00 Continental Breakfast
9:00 Group Discussions
10:30 Refreshments
11:00 Group Discussions
12:00 Lunch
1:30 Group Discussions
3:30 Refreshments
4:00 Group Discussions
5:00 Daily Summaries
5:30 Pizza Night Party
Thursday, August 23, 2012
8:00 Continental Breakfast
9:00 Group Discussions
10:30 Refreshments
11:00 Group Discussions
12:00 Lunch
1:30 Group Discussions
3:30 Refreshments
4:00 Group Discussions
Friday, August 24, 2012
8:00 Continental Breakfast
9:00 Solution presentations - Problem 1
9:30 Solution presentations - Problem 2
10:00 Solution presentations - Problem 3
10:30 Refreshments
11:00 Solution presentations - Problem 4
11:30 Solution presentations - Problem 5
12:00 Closing Remarks
12:30 Lunch


Full Name University/Affiliation
A. I. Forsyth, Peter University of Waterloo
Adebimpe, Olukayode Osun State University
Adjogou, Folly Université de Montréal
Akhavan, Yousef York University
Amroabadi, SayedMasoud University of Toronto
Andrews, Rob (no affiliation)
Assadi, Homa Ryerson University
Athavale, Prashant University of Toronto
Baddour, Natalie University of Ottawa
Bal, Guillaume Columbia University
Belkine, Anna Simon Fraser University
Bohun, C. Sean University of Ontario Institute of Technology
Brunet, Dominique University of Waterloo
Chen, Tian University of British Columbia
Clackdoyle, Rolf University Jean Monnet (Saint Etienne)
Cotar, Codina The Fields Institute
Desfossés Foucault, Alexandre University of Montreal
Dominguez, William Sunnybrook Research Institute
Ebrahimi, Mehran Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
ElGohary, Sherif Cairo University
Galvão-Sousa, Bernardo University of Toronto
Garingo, Mario Cerebral Diagnostics
Guadarrama Bustos, Lili Universidad Autonoma de Aguascalientes
Hasan, Samir  
Hoell, Nicholas Columbia University
Huai, Hong Ming York University
Iglesias Martínez, José Alberto Université Paris IX
Ihsani, Alvin McMaster University
Issa, Khaled SunnyBrook Reserach Institute
Jabbour, Jamil UOIT
Jackson, Ken University of Toronto
Jankowski, Hanna York University
Kaffel, Ahmed Brown University
Kim, Yunho UC Irvine
Lebed, Evgeniy Simon Fraser University
Lewis, Matthew UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas
Liao, Wenyuan University of Calgary
Majeed, Muhammad Usman King Abdullah University of Science and Technology KAUST , KSA
Marami, Bahram McMaster University
Mecca, Roberto Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Mohsen-Pour, Mohammad University of Toronto
Montaz, Ali M. University of the Witwatersrand
Moyles, Iain University of British Columbia
Nika, Vavara York University
Niknejad, Amir College of Mount Saint Vincent
Otero, Daniel University of Waterloo
Palangi, Hamid University of British Columbia
Popuri, Karteek University of Alberta
Portman, Nataliya Montreal Neurological Institute
Pradhan, Debasish Defence Institute of Advanced Technology
Rappoport, Yuri Russian Academy of Sciences
Rezvani, Nargol University of Toronto
Roosta-Khorasani, Farbod University of British Columbia
Samani, Abbas Western University
Sharma, Cartik Laborie Canada
Shokrollahi, Elnaz University of Toronto
Sinnamon, Craig University of Toronto
Somasunderam, Naveen University of California, Merced
Sriskandarajah, Sujanthan Western University
Steinhauer, Dustin Texas A&M University
Tan, Yongji Fudan University
Vellai Badradoss, Surya Prasath University of Missouri-Columbia
Wang, Steven York University
Wang, Zhe Robert University of Toronto
Yang, Yang University of Washington
Yin, Ke Georgia Institute of Technology
Younis, Nada Ryerson University
Zhu, Hongmei York University

Travel Support

Deadline to apply was June 15.

1) fill out the application
2) have your advisor submit a letter of recommendation to thematic<at>

Past Workshops

August 14-18, 2006
Fields-MITACS Industrial Problem-Solving Workshop (FMIPW)

August 11-15, 2008
Fields-MITACS Industrial Problem-Solving Workshop (FMIPW)

June 22-26, 2009
OCCAM-Fields-MITACS, Math-in-Medicine Study Group
Biomedical Problems Solving Workshop

August 16-20, 2010
Fields-MITACS Industrial Problem-Solving Workshop (FMIPW10)



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