March  9, 2025


February 22-24, 2012
Workshop on Surfactant Driven Thin Film Flows
to be held at the Fields Institute, Toronto

Marina Chugunova, University of Toronto
Rachel Levy, Harvey Mudd College
Linda B. Smolka, Bucknell University

Registration now closed
Fee $50, Students and PDF $25 (non refundable)

Audio and Slides of Talks (available shortly)

Objectives of the programme: 

Surfactant-driven, or Maragoni-driven, thin film flows have numerous biological applications. Surfactant-laden drops are used to alleviate "dry-eye" and surfactant replacement therapy is used to treat the immature lungs of preterm infants. Marangoni-driven flows also arise in industrial settings including coating flow technology, film drainage in emulsions and foams and the drying of semi-conductor wafers in microelectronics.

Surfactant-driven flows are accompanied by complex dynamics which include rupture, dewetting, and fingering. While modeling issues related to surfactant spreading on thin films have attracted interest since the early 1970s, in-depth analytical research has only recently begun. This three-day workshop will provide a forum to disseminate ideas regarding analysis and application. The workshop will also initiate collaborations between mathematicians who model the flows using nonlinear partial differential equations, approximate solutions with numerical techniques, and explore analytical solutions of these equations.


Wednesday February 22
8:30 - 9:00 On-site Registration and coffee
9:00 - 9:10 Welcome and Introduction
9:10 - 10:00 Jim Lewis, Lawson Health Research Institute
Clinical Use of Surfactant
10:05 - 10:30 Edgar J. Acosta, University of Toronto
Predicting lung mechanics from dynamic surface tension evaluations of lung surfactants
10:30 - 11:00 Coffee Break
11:00 - 11:25 Erin Byrne, Harvey Mudd College
The biofilm as a thin film: assumptions, advantages, and limitations
11:30-11:55 Joshua Dijksman, Duke University
Spreading of thin rotating films: Competition of thermal Marangoni, centrifugal, and gravitational forcing.
11:55 - 1:45 LUNCH BREAK
1:45 - 2:35 Kara Maki, Rochester Institute of Technology
Fast Evaporation of Spreading Droplets of Colloidal Suspensions
2:40 - 3:05 Eugene Benilov, University of Limerick
On advancing contact lines with a $180^{\circ}$ contact angle
3:10 - 3:35 Josh Bostwick, North Carolina State University
Spreading and bi-stability of droplets driven by thermocapillary and centrifugal forces
3:35- 4:00 Coffee Break
4:00 - 4:40 Ellen Peterson, Carnegie Mellon University
Behavior of a Droplet on a Thin Fluid Film
4:45 - 5:15 Georgy Kitavtsev, Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences
Coarsening rates for the dynamics of polymer droplets in the presence of strong slippage
5:20 - 7:00 Workshop Reception Fields Atrium (cash bar)
Thursday February 23
8:30 - 9:00 Coffee Break
9:00 - 9:50 Ewen King-Smith, Ohio State University
Structure, function and dynamics of the tear film lipid layer
9:55-10:20 Thomas Witelski, Duke University
The influence of surfactants on transient behaviors in forced film thinning
10:20 - 11:00 Coffee Break
11:00 - 11:50 Richard Braun, University of Delaware
Models for Tear Film Dynamics
11:55 - 12:20 Shilpa Khatri, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
A Numerical Method for Two Phase Flows with Insoluble and Soluble Surfactants
12:20 -2:00 LUNCH BREAK
2:00 - 2:50 Nades Palaniyar, The Hospital for Sick Children
Surfactant deficiency and neonatal lungs diseases
2:55 - 3:45 James Grotberg, University of Michigan
Surfactant delivery and liquid plugs
3:45 - 4:15 Coffee Break
4:15 - 4:40 Roman Taranets, University of Nottingham
Nonnegative weak solutions for a degenerate system modelling the spreading of surfactant on thin films
6:30 - 9:00
Meet at Pub for Dinner
Friday February 24
8:30 - 9:00 Coffee
9:00 - 9:50 Omar Matar, Imperial College London
Spreading, retraction, and sustained oscillations of surfactant-laden lenses
9:55 - 10:20 Almut Burchard, University of Toronto
Convergence to equilibrium for a thin-film equation on a horizontal cylinder
10:20 - 11:00 Coffee Break
11:00 - 11:25 Dan Ginsberg, University of Toronto
Analytical and Numerical Results on the Positivity of Steady State Solutions of a Thin Film Equation
11:30 - 11:55 Lorenzo Giacomelli, Sapienza Universita di Roma
Droplets spreading under contact-line friction
12:00 - 2:00 Lunch Break
2:00 - 2:25 Mary Pugh, University of Toronto
Coating flows on slowly rotating cylinders
2:30 - 2:55 Linda Smolka, Bucknell University
Fingering instability down the outside of a vertical cylinder
3:00 - 3:25 Michael Shearer, North Carolina State University,
Two-phase flow in porous media: sharp fronts and stability
3:25 - 3:30 Concluding Remarks

Participants that attended: updated February 27, 2012

Full Name University/Affiliation
Acosta, E.J. University of Toronto
Benilov, Eugene University of Limerick
Bohun, C. Sean University of Ontario Institute of Technology
Bostwick, Josh North Carolina State University
Braun, Richard University of Delaware
Burchard, Almut University of Toronto
Challal, Samia York University, Glendon College
Chugunov, Grigory Princess Margaret Hospital
Chugunova, Marina University of Toronto
Dijksman, Joshua Duke University
El Smaily, Mohammad University of Toronto
Galvão-Sousa, Bernardo University of Toronto
Giacomelli, Lorenzo Sapienza Università di Roma
Ginsberg, Dan University of Toronto
Grotberg, James University of Michigan
He, Dongdong York University
Huang, Huaxiong York University
Hurst, Gareth University of Leeds
Khatri, Shilpa University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
King-Smith, Ewen Ohio State University
Kitavtsev, Georgy Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences
Levy, Rachel Harvey Mudd College
Lewis, Jim Lawson Health Research Institute
Maki, Kara Rochester Institute of Technology
Matar, Omar Imperial College London
Mavromoustaki, Aliki University of California, Los Angeles
Motagamwala, Ali Hussain University of Toronto
Novruzi, Arian University of Ottawa
Palaniyar, Nades The Hospital for Sick Children
Peterson, Ellen Carnegie Mellon University
Pugh, Mary C. University of Toronto
Ramchandran, Arun University of Toronto
Seis, Christian University of Toronto
Shearer, Michael North Carolina State University
Smolka, Linda Bucknell University
Taranets, Roman University of Nottingham
Tseng, Yu-Hau The Fields Institute
Witelski, Thomas P. Duke University




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