March  5, 2025


Canadian Annual Symposium on Operator Algebras and their Applications (COSy)

May 27-31, 2013

Location: Bahen Building, 40 St. George St. Room 1180

Map to Bahen Building
Man-Duen Choi (Toronto), George Elliott (Toronto),
Ilijas Farah (York), Thierry Giordano (Ottawa)
Registration on site
Fees: $300, Postdocs $100, Students $50
Fees include Symposium materials, coffee breaks and refreshments and the Symposium Dinner on May 29
in Toronto
Summer Housing

The theory of operator algebras and operator theory has held a significant place in the Canadian mathematical community for many years. One of the centrepieces of the field in Canada has been the Canadian Operator Symposium (COSy). Founded by Israel Halperin in the early 1970’s, the meeting will be held for the 41st time in Toronto.
The overall goals of the meeting are:

  • to bring in international leaders in the field to explain the most topical recent developments to the Canadian community,
  • to highlight the current research activities of the leaders within Canada and,
  • to provide a resource for young researchers - graduate students, post-doctoral fellows and young faculty.

Confirmed Speakers:

Berndt Brenken, University of Calgary
Dietmar Bisch, Vanderbilt University
Nathanial P. Brown, Penn State University
Marius Dadarlat, Purdue University
Soren Eilers, University of Copenhagen
David Evans, Cardiff University
Farzad Fathizadeh
, University of Western Ontario
David Handelman
, University of Ottawa
Bradd Hart
, McMaster University
Matt Kennedy, Carleton University
David Kribs, University of Guelph
Marcelo Laca, University of Victoria
Jamie Mingo, Queen's University
Zhuang Niu, University of Wyoming, Memorial University of Newfoundland (on leave)
Ping Wong Ng, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Dave Penneys, University of Toronto
Mikael Pichot, McGill University
Sarah Reznikoff, Kansas State University
Leonel Robert, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Zhong-Jin Ruan, UIUC
Luis Santiago, University of Oregon
Aaron Tikuisis, University of Aberdeen
Andrew Toms, Purdue University
Dilian Yang, University of Windsor


May 27, 2013
BA 1180
Map to Bahen Building
9:30-10:15 David Evans
The search for the exotic - subfactors and conformal field theories
10:15-10:45 Coffee
10:45-11:30 Zhong-Jin Ruan
Multipliers of Locally Compact Quantum Groups
11:45-12:30 David Handelman
Realizing dimension groups, good measures, and Toeplitz actions
12:30-2:00 Lunch
  BA 1180
Map to Bahen Building
2:00-2:45 Sarah Reznikoff
A new uniqueness theorem for k-graphs
2:45-3:15 Coffee
  BA 1180
Map to Bahen Building
BA 1170
Map to Bahen Building
3:15-3:45 Luis Santiago Moreno
The Equivariant Cuntz Semigroup
4:00-4:30 Dave Penneys
Subfactors at index 3+ √  5 
4:45-5:05 Evgenios Kakariadis
Isomorphism Invariants for Multivariable C*- dynamics
Rasmus Bentmann
Kirchberg X-algebras with real rank zero and intermediate cancellation
5:15-5:35 Paul Skoufranis
Closed Unitary and Similarity Orbits of Normal Operators in Purely Infinite C*-Algebras
Rory Lucyshyn-Wright
Riesz-Schwartz distributions and vector integration in closed categories
May 28, 2013
BA 1180
9:30-10:15 Nathanial Brown
The structure of simple operator algebras
10:15-10:45 Coffee
10:45-11:30 Dietmar Bisch
Subfactors with infinite representation theory
11:45-12:30 Matthew Kennedy
The Choquet boundary of an operator system
12:30-2:00 Lunch
2:00-2:45 Marcelo Laca
Equilibrium states and self similar actions
2:50-3:10 Michael Whittaker
KMS states for self-similar group actions
3:10-3:30 Coffee

Fields Institute, Room 230

Fields Affiliated Activity
Distinguished Lecture Series Jean Pierre Serre

The Use of Algebraic Groups in Algebra and Number Theory
Wednesday May 29, 2013 BA 1180
9:30-10:15 Marius Dadarlat
Group C*-algebras, quasidiagonality and almost at bundles
10:15-10:45 Coffee
10:45-11:30 Leonel Robert
C*-algebras of finite nuclear dimension
11:45-12:30 Zhuang Niu
A classifcation of approximate subhomogeneous C*-algebras
12:30-evening Lunch and free afternoon
Fields Institute, Room 230
Fields Affiliated Activity
Distinguished Lecture Series Jean Pierre Serre

The Use of Algebraic Groups in Algebra and Number Theory


Reception and Dinner at the Faculty Club. (Cash bar from 6:00 p.m. on patio; Dinner in Main Dining Room at 7:00 p.m.)

May 30, 2013
BA 1180
9:30-10:15 Andrew Toms
Regularity properties for nuclear C*-algebras
10:15-10:45 Coffee
10:45-11:30 Bradd Hart
The model theory of R
11:45-12:30 Mikael Pichot
Sofic invariants of orbit equivalence
12:30-2:00 Lunch
2:00-2:45 Aaron Tikuisis
Dimension and tensorial absorption in C*-algebras
2:45-3:15 Coffee  
  BA 1180 BA 1190
3:15-4:00 Ping Wong Ng
The corona algebra of the stabilized Jiang-Su algebra
4:15-4:45 Farzad Fathizadeh
Curved Noncommutative Four-Tori And Extremums Of The Einstein-Hilbert Action
5:00-5:20 Franciszek Hugon Szafraniec
Looking for the target space of a would-be Hankel operator
Adam Fuller
Non-self-adjoint 2-graph algebras
5:30-5:50 Emily Redelmeier
Quaternionic Second-Order Freeness
Cristian Ivanescu
A Krein-Milman type theorem for non-unital dimension drop C*-algebras
May 31, 2013
BA 1180
9:30-10:15 Soren Eilers
Geometric classi cation of graph C*-algebras
10:15-10:45 Coffee
10:45-11:30 Berndt Brenken
C*-algebras of *-semigroups and the C*-algebra of a partial isometry
11:45-12:30 Man-Duen Choi
The Taming of the Shrew -- Who's afraid of Quantum Entanglements
12:30-2:00 Lunch
2:00-2:45 David Kribs
Quantum information via subsystems
2:45-3:15 Coffee
  BA 1180 BA 1170
3:15-4:00 Dilian Yang
The Hopf structure of some dual operator algebras
4:15-4:35 Haoxin Wang
The Russo-Dye Theorem in Nest Subalgebras of Factors
Raphaël Clouâtre
On the unilateral shift as a Hilbert module over the disc algebra
4:45-5:05 Sara Arklint
Closure properties for the class of Cuntz- Krieger algebras
Adam Sorensen
Almost commuting unitary matrices
5:15-5:35 Zhiqiang Li
A remark on the lifting problem for KK-elements between dimension drop algebras

Jamie Gabe
Classification of C*-algebras with primitive ideal space Ñ

    Koushik Ghosh
Corona theorem and its ramifications


Full Name University/Affiliation
Arklint, Sara University of Copenhagen
Barmherzig, David University of Toronto
Bentmann, Rasmus University of Copenhagen
Bice, Tristan York University
Bisch, Dietmar Vanderbilt University
Brenken, Berndt University of Calgary
Brown, Nathanial Pennsylvania State University
Choi, Man-Duen University of Toronto
Clouatre, Raphael Indiana University
Dadarlat, Marius Purdue University
Davidson, Kenneth University of Waterloo
Eilers, Søren University of Copenhagen
Elliott, George University of Toronto
Evans, David E. Cardiff University
Farah, Ilijas York University
Fathizadeh, Farzad University of Western Ontario
Fuller, Adam University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Gabe, James University of Copenhagen
Ghasemi, Saeed York University
Giordano, Thierry University of Ottawa
Gu, Yinzheng Queen's University
Handelman, David University of Ottawa
Hart, Bradd McMaster University
Hartz, Michael University of Waterloo
Hutchinson, George University of Waterloo
Ivanescu, Cristian MacEwan University
Kakariadis, Evgenios University of Waterloo
Kennedy, Matthew Carleton University
Kribs, David University of Guelph
Laca, Marcelo University of Victoria
Li, Boyu University of Waterloo
Li, Zhiqiang University of Toronto
Luchshyn-Wright, Rory York University
Lupini, Martino York University
Lutley, James University of Toronto
Marcoux, Laurent University of Waterloo
Mingo, James A. Queen's University
Ng, Ping Wong University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Niu, Zhuang University of Wyoming
Penneys, David University of Toronto
Pichot, Mikael McGill University
Rainone, Timothy Texas A&M University
Redelmeier, Emily Université Paris-Sud XI
Reznikoff, Sarah Kansas State University
Robert, Leonel University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Ruan, Zhong-Jin University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Santiago, Luis University of Oregon
Skoufranis, Paul University of California, Los Angeles
Sørensen, Adam University of Wollongong
Szafraniec, Franciszek Hugon Uniwersytet Jagiellonski
Tikuisis, Aaron University of Aberdeen
Toms, Andrew Purdue University
Vignati, Alessandro York University
Viola, Maria Grazia Lakehead University-Orillia
Wang, Haoxin Nanjing University of Science and Technology
Watson, Nicola University of Toronto
Whittaker, Michael University of Wollongong
Yang, Dilian University of Windsor

