January  6, 2025
Program Chairs:
Gonzalo Navarro (Universidad de Chile) and
Vladimir Pestov (University of Ottawa)
Local organizer: Vladimir Pestov (University of Ottawa)
Registration Fees
Registration fees include: the proceedings, coffee breaks, lunch and dinner on Thursday and the excursion to Niagara Falls on Friday, August 10.
Before July 8 regular fee: $350, student fee $250
After July 8 regular fee: $ 450, student fee $350

Proceeding pages: Payment for extra pages, either 1 or 2, upon preliminary approval of Program Chairs: $ 50 per page

Extra tickets: Dinner - extra dinner ticket $ 75, Excursion - extra ticket to Niagara $ 130

Application for travel support for students, deadline to apply June 30.

Conference Background:

The International Conference on Similarity Search and Applications (SISAP) is an annual conference devoted to similarity searching, with an emphasis on metric space searching. It aims to fill in the gap left by the various scientific venues devoted to similarity searching in spaces with coordinates, by providing a common forum for theoreticians and practitioners around the problem of similarity searching in general spaces (metric and non-metric) or using distance-based (as opposed to coordinate-based) techniques in general. SISAP aims to become an ideal forum to exchange real-world, challenging and exciting examples of applications, new indexing techniques, common test beds and benchmarks, source code, and up-to-date literature through a web page serving the similarity searching community. Authors are expected to use the test beds and code from the SISAP web site for comparing new applications, databases, indexes and algorithms.

The Fifth SISAP conference will be hosted by the Fields Institute in Toronto, Ontario, Canada on August 9-10, 2012. The proceedings of SISAP 2012 will be published in Springer's Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. A small selection of best papers will be recommended for inclusion in a special issue of Information Systems journal (Elsevier) dedicated to this conference.

The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Range search
knn search
Limited-range knn search
Reverse knn search
New complex similarity query types
Similarity joins
Clustering (applied to indexing)
Indexing based on hashing
Parallelism & distributed algorithms
Approximate searching
Computation of intrinsic dimension
Cost models
Languages for similarity databases

Conference structure:

Contributions to the conference fall into three categories: full papers, posters, and demos. All submissions are subjected to rigorous refereeing process and papers are published in a volume of proceedings made available to participants at the start of the conference. SISAP 2008 and 2009 were organized in cooperation with IEEE, while SISAP 2010 was organized in cooperation with the ACM Special Interest Group on Spatial Information (SIGSPATIAL) and the papers were indexed in the ACM Digital Library. Space Library.html


Wednesday August 8th, 2012
4:30 p.m. Welcome Reception at the Fields Institute
Thursday August 9th, 2012
8:30 a.m. On-site registration and materials pick-up
9:15 a.m. Welcome
9:30 a.m. Keynote talk: Pavel Zezula, "Future Trends in Similarity Searching"
10:30 a.m. Coffee
10:50 a.m. Session 1: New Scenarios and Approaches

Snake Table: A Dynamic Pivot Table for Streams of k-NN Searches (slides)
Juan Manuel Barrios, Benjamin Bustos and Tomas Skopal

Algorithmic Exploration of Axiom Spaces for Efficient Similarity Search at Large Scale (slides)
Tomas Skopal and Tomas Bartos

Polyphasic Metric Index: Reaching the Practical Limits of Proximity Searching
Eric Sadit Tellez, Edgar Chavez and Karina Figueroa
12:05 p.m. Lunch provided
1:35 p.m. Session 2: Improving Metric Data Structures

Efficient Similarity Search in Metric Spaces with Cluster Reduction
Luis G. Ares, Nieves R. Brisaboa, Alberto Ordonez Pereira and Oscar Pedreira

Cut-region: A Compact Building Block for Hierarchical Metric Indexing

Jakub Lokoc, Premysl Cech, Jiri Novak and Tomas Skopal

Static-to-dynamic Transformation for Metric Indexing Structures
Bilegsaikhan Naidan and Magnus Lie Hetland
2:40 p.m. Coffee
3:10 p.m. Session 3: New Similarity Spaces

Revisiting Techniques for Lowerbounding the Dynamic Time Warping Distance

Tomas Bartos and Tomas Skopal

A Multivariate Correlation Distance for Vector Spaces
Richard Connor and Robert Moss

Fast Similarity Computation in Factorized Tensors
Michael E. Houle, Hisashi Kashima and Michael Nett
4:30 p.m. Demo Session (Stewart Library, Fields Institute 3rd floor)

SIR: The Smart Image Retrieval Engine
Jakub Lokoc, Tomas Grosup and Tomas Skopal

SimTandem: Similarity Search in Tandem Mass Spectra
Jiri Novak, Jakub Galgonek, David Hoksza and Tomas Skopal
6:00 p.m Drinks and Conference Dinner (L’Espresso by Bar Mercurio)
Friday August 10, 2012
8:30 a.m. Morning Coffee
9:00 a.m Keynote talk: Santosh Vempala, "Effective Principal Component Analysis"
10:00 a.m. Session 4: Searching in Specific Spaces

Super-linear Indices for Approximate Dictionary Searching
Leonid Boytsov

Visual Image Search: Feature Signatures or/and Global Descriptors
Jakub Lokoc, David Novak, Michal Batko and Tomas Skopal
10:50 Coffee
11:10 Session 5: Facing Scalability Issues

DSACL+-tree: A Dynamic Data Structure for Similarity Search in Secondary Memory

Luis Britos, A. Marcela Printista and Nora Reyes

Scalable Distributed Algorithm for Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search Problem in High Dimensional General Metric Spaces
Yury Malkov, Alexander Ponomarenko, Andrey Logvinov and Vladimir Krylov

Parallel Approaches to Permutation-Based Indexing using Inverted Files
Hisham Mohamed and Stephane Marchand-Maillet
Niagara Excursion
12:30 p.m Pick up bagged lunch
12:45 p.m Bus departs from the Fields Institute
2:45 p.m. Peninsula Ridge Estates Winery (wine tour and tasting)
4:00 p.m. Arrive at Niagara Falls
6:30 p.m. Dinner at Skylon Tower
8:15 p.m. Bus departs for the Fields Institute

Workshop Participants

Full Name University/Affiliation
Bartos, Tomas Charles University in Prague
Boytsov, Leonid  
Bustos, Benjamin University of Chile
Cech, Premysl Charles University
Chávez, Edgar University of Michoacan
Connor, Richard University of Strathclyde
Figueroa, Karina Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo
Houle, Michael National Institute of Informatics
Lokoc, Jakub Charles University in Prague
Mohamed, Hisham University of Geneva
Moss, Robert University of Strathclyde
Naidan, Bilegsaikhan Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Navarro, Gonzalo University of Chile
Nett, Michael University of Tokyo
Novak, Jiri Charles University in Prague
Pedreira, Oscar Universidade da Coruńa
Pestov, Vladimir University of Ottawa
Ponomarenko, Alexander MeraLabs
Skopal, Tomas Charles University in Prague
Stojmirovic, Aleksandar NIH
Tellez, Eric Sadit Universidad Michoacana
Vempala, Santosh Georgia Institute of Technology
Yang, Lu University of New Brunswick
Zezula, Pavel Masaryk University


Previous SISAPs:

2008, Cancun, Mexico (ICDE+IEEE, J. of Discrete Algorithms)
2009, Prague, Czech Republic (IEEE+ACM, Information Systems)
2010, Istanbul, Turkey (ACM, J. of Discrete Algorithms)
2011, Lipari, Italy (ACM, Information Systems)