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March  5, 2025

8th Conference on Theory of Quantum Computation,
Communication and Cryptography

Home page for the Conference
May 21-23, 2013

Organizing Committee
David Kribs (Chair), Guelph
Bei Zeng (co-Chair), Guelph
Jianxin Chen, Guelph
Zhengfeng Ji, Institute for Quantum Computing, Waterloo
On line registration now closed
The registration fee includes the workshop abstract book and a banquet ticket.
•Early Registration before April 30 $150 (Regular), $50 (Student)
•Late Registration after April 30, $200 (Regular), $80 (Student)
•Additional Banquet Ticket $40
Undergraduate students are free (the banquet ticket is not included).
In this case, please present the student ID at the reception.

The Conference on Theory of Quantum Computation, Communication, and Cryptography (TQC) is one of the main international meetings on the theoretical aspects of quantum information processing.

The main goal of TQC is to provide a venue for quick dissemination in the community of the latest results in the theoretical aspects of quantum information processing. Tutorial-type talks have the role to catalyze attention of the participants towards particularly fresh subfields.

Registered Participants as of May 21, 2013
(*awaiting confirmation)

Full Name University/Affiliation
Beigi, Salman Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences
Boisselle, Jason University of Waterloo
Brod, Daniel Universidade Federal Fluminense
Childs, Andrew University of Waterloo
Chiribella, Giulio Tsinghua University
Coles, Patrick National University of Singapore
Cosentino, Alessandro University of Waterloo
Crann, Jason Carleton University
de la Torre, Gonzalo ICFO
Duclos-Cianci, Guillaume Université de Sherbrooke
Enciu, Enciu Ryerson University
Feng, Guan Ru Tsinghua University
Fenner, Stephen University of South Carolina
Gharibi, Mirmojtaba University of Waterloo
Gosset, David University of Waterloo
Gottesman, Daniel Perimeter Institute
Halil Shah, Kerem University of Strathclyde
Han, Minyang University of Waterloo
Hidayat, Soleh* PT. SIMBIKA
Howard, Mark NUI Maynooth
Kerenidis, Iordanis CNRS - Univ Paris Diderot
Klassen, Joel The University of Guelph
Kothari, Robin University of Waterloo
Kuperberg, Greg University of California at Davis
Landon-Cardinal, Olivier Universite de Sherbrooke
Lercher, Daniel TU München
Levick, Jeremy University of Guelph
Li, Chi-Kwong College of William and Mary
Mancinska, Laura University of Waterloo
Marin, Anne Telecom-paristech
Miller, Carl University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Mittal, Rajat Institute for Quantum Computing
Mosca, Michele University of Waterloo
Nakano, Takafumi IQC
Nayak, Ashwin University of Waterloo
Nugroho, Cahyo* PT. SIMBIKA
Ozols, Maris University of Waterloo
Parker, Matthew University of Bergen
Pereira, Rajesh J. University of Guelph
Pham, Nathan University of Waterloo
Poon, Yiu Iowa State University
Ptinis, Ashley University of Toronto
Reeb, David Technical University of Munich
Ried, Katja Perimeter Institute
Rosenbaum, David University of Washington
Ruskai, Mary Beth University of Waterloo
SaiToh, Akira Kinki University
Smotrovs, Juris University of Latvia
Tajima, Hiroyasu University of Tokyo
Wang, Chunhao University of Waterloo
Yang, Yuxiang Tsinghua University
Yuwono, Lulus* PT. SIMBIKA
Zatloukal, Kevin University of Washington

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