March  5, 2025


August 12-25, 2012
Summer School for Women in Math
at the

The aim of this program is to target top female undergraduate students in mathematics from across the country, and bring them together to study topics in mathematics in an intense two week immersion. The hope is to encourage these gifted young women to continue on to graduate work in mathematics. The program will provide both enrichment
of the undergraduate curriculum and a research component, in a collaborative environment.

Courses: There will be two mini-courses, running through the two weeks, taught by female instructors on the topic of their choice. One course will meet in the mornings, the other in the afternoons. The students will do group projects with presentations the last day for each course. Each course will also have a graduate student TA/mentor.

Guest Speakers: There will be four female guest speakers invited, who will give a presentation related to their work and will talk about their life/work experiences. One of these speakers will be invited to give a distinguished lecture open to the public.

Field Trips: One day each week will be for field trips to businesses employing mathematicians, ideally one day the first week in Waterloo, one day the second week in Toronto. Places we might visit include RIM, Maplesoft, Manulife, Sunlife, BMO, Fields Institute, IBM. We also plan an excursion to Niagara Falls on the Saturday.
