March  5, 2025
June 7, 2013
Guelph Biomathematics and Biostatistics Symposium

Adaptive Strategies in Epidemiology, Ecology, and Engineering
Arboretum Auditorium

Daniel Ashlock, University of Guelph(Co-Chair, Mathematics)
Ayesha Ali, University of Guelph (Co-Chair, Statistics)


This year's annual Guelph Biomathematics and Biostatistics Symposium is planned for Friday, June 7, 2013 in the Arboretum Auditorium, set in the heart of the Arboretum here at the University of Guelph. The principal objective of the symposium is to facilitate collaborations between mathematicians, statisticians and bioscience researchers. This year's theme is on modelling adaptivity in epidemiology, ecology, and engineering. The symposium includes the Gordon C. Ashton Memorial Biometrics Lecture, and will have sessions for contributed talks. There will also be a poster session for graduate and undergraduate students, with a prize awarded for the best poster. This year's symposium is intended to provide exposure to various mathematical and statistical techniques that incorporate adaptivity into modelling (e.g. optimal treatment regimes in epidemiology) or employ adaptive mechanisms (e.g. agent based models in ecology or

The modeling and employment of adaptivity is a cutting edge topic in modern biology that encompasses diverse domains, ranging from epidemiological phenomena such as antibiotic resistance to drug therapies and disease management via ring vaccinations, to ecological phenomena such as ecosystem resilience to invasive species. The modelling of adaptive strategies, such as the ability of natural systems to adapt or for drug therapies to be dynamically patient-tailored, can allow researchers to better anticipate the actions and reactions of agents to diverse interventions. The first keynote speaker, Susan Murphy (University of Michigan), is well-recognized for developing statistical methods and experimental designs that can be used in formulating dynamic treatment regimes, and will be giving this year's Ashton Lecture. This talk will be complemented by regional speakers and by speakers from as far as
Pittsburgh, PA and Montreal, QC.

Students are encouraged to submit poster presentations and travel grants can be provided to defray associated travel costs. There will be a prize awarded to the best poster. Participation by women and aboriginal groups is also encouraged.

The maximum size for the posters will be 46 inches high and 56 inches across



June 7, 2013
  Session 1:
Gordon C. Ashton Memorial Lecture
(1st keynote speaker)
9:00-10:00 Susan Murphy, Departments of Statistics and Psychiatry, University of Michigan
A Clinical Trial Design for Constructing and Evaluating Individualized Real-Time Treatment Policies
10:00-10:30 Coffee and Pastries/Student Poster Session
  Session 2: Invited Session
10:30-11:00 Abdus S. Wahed, Department of Biostatistics, University of Pittsburgh
Statistical methods for comparing adaptive treatment strategies in SMART designs with time-to-event endpoints
11:00-11:30 Cecilia Cotton, Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science, University of Waterloo
Evaluating Epoetin dosing strategies using observational longitudinal data
11:30-1:00 Lunch Break/Student Poster Session
  Session 3: 2nd keynote speaker
1:00-2:00 David J. Howden, School of Information Technology, York University
Swarm intelligence for unmanned aerial vehicles
2:00-2:15 Refreshments and Student Poster Session
  Session 4: Invited Session
2:15-2:45 Taras Kowaliw, Institut des Systèmes Complexes, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
Bio-inspired complex systems engineering
2:45-3:15 Ben Rich, Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health, McGill University
Generating candidate adaptive dosing strategies through simulation and g-estimation
3:15-3:30 Refreshments
  Session 5: Invited Session
3:30-4:00 Daniel Ashlock, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Guelph
Adaptive Representations for Parameter Optimization
4:00 Student Awards

Participants as of May 31, 2013
(*awaiting confirmation)

Full Name University/Affiliation
Adebayo, Olasehinde* Federal University of Technology Akure
Ali, Ayesha University of Guelph
Areibi, Shawki University of Guelph
Ashlock, Daniel University of Guelph
Braschel, Melissa University of Guelph
Clarke, Geoff University of Toronto
Darlington, Gerarda University of Guelph
Feng, Zeny University of Guelph
Murphy, Susan University of Michigan
Qiao, Wendy University of Toronto
Rahman, Kazi University of Guelph
Rich, Benjamin The Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre
Sharma, Cartik* STM Holography
Wahed, Abdus University of Pittsburgh



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