March 10, 2025

May 9-10, 2013
Ottawa-Carleton Discrete Mathematics Days

to be held at the University of Ottawa (map)

Jason Z. Gao, Carleton University
Mateja Šajna, University of Ottawa

Registration on site
Fee $50 for researchers with grants,
Waived for invited speakers, students and faculty without grants
Confirmed Participants Program of Talks
Getting to UOttawa Accommodation Resources


Discrete mathematics is a broad research area involving the study of properties, algorithms, and applications of mathematical structures built on discrete objects. The objective of this workshop is to gather researchers, postdoctoral fellows, and graduate students from the Ontario/Quebec area and beyond working in various fields of discrete mathematics in order to stimulate research collaboration in this vibrant interdisciplinary area.

The 2013 Ottawa-Carleton Discrete Mathematics Days will be a two-day event consisting of 6 invited talks and several sessions of contributed talks, while leaving time for informal discussion. A talk by Professor Ivic Weiss, whose research connects combinatorics, geometry, and algebra, will be featured as a Joint Colloquium in the Ottawa-Carleton Institute of Mathematics and Statistics.

The proposed invited speakers are distinguished for excellence in research in combinatorial designs, graph theory, extremal combinatorics, discrete geometry, coding theory, quantum computing, and combinatorial optimization. They have been involved in theoretical, applied, and algorithmic aspects of discrete mathematics.

FORMAT: 6 invited talks and several sessions of contributed talks (2 full days). Students and postdoctoral fellows are particularly encouraged to present.

INVITED SPEAKERS: Speakers Abstracts

Andrea Burgess
Asia Ivic Weiss
Karen Meagher
Bruce Reed
Wenan Zang
Bei Zeng


Thursday, May 9, 2013 (FTX 147B) (speaker abstracts)
08:30-9:00 Registration and Welcome
09:00-10:00 Bruce Reed
How Long Does It Take to Catch a Drunk Miscreant?
10:00-10:15 Refreshment Break
10:15-11:15 Wenan Zang
When is the Matching Polytope Box-Totally Dual Integral?
11:15-11:30 Refreshment Break
11:30-11:55 Deepak Bal
The 2-Tone Chromatic number of Random Graphs
11:55-12:20 Babak Moazzezl
Sensitivity Analysis in Mixed Integer Programming:
From Branch and Bound to Cutting Plane Algorithm
12:20-12:45 Rohan Kapadia
Modularity and Matroid Representation
12:45-14:00 Lunch (KED 104)
14:00-15:00 Andrea Burgess
Generalized Designs, Packings, and Coverings
15:00-15:25 Behrooz Bagheri Ghavam Abadi
On the Oriented Perfect Path Double Cover Conjecture
15:25-15:50 Nevena Francetic
Group Divisible Packing Designs with Block Size 3:
Relationship to Coverings
15:50-16:05 Refreshment Break
16:05-16:30 Annela Kelly
Optimal Distribution of Alliances for Misère Nim
16:30-16:55 Amin Bahmanian
Embedding Factorizations in Hypergraphs
16:55-17:20 Andrew Wagner
Finding a Second Hamilton Cycle: The Missing Link
17:20-17:45 Victoria E. Horan
Overlap Cycles
18:00-20:00 Informal Reception (KED 104)
Friday, May 10, 2013 (FTX 147B) (speaker abstracts)
09:00-10:00 Karen Meagher
Erdös-Ko-Rado Theorem for Permutations
10:00-10:15 Refreshment Break
10:15-11:15 Bei Zeng
Symmetries of Codeword Stabilized Quantum Codes
11:15-11:30 Refreshment Break
11:30-11:55 Mohammad Bardestani
Product-Free Sets
11:55-12:20 Nathaniel Johnston
Non-Uniqueness of Minimal Superpermutations
12:20-12:45 Christino Tamon
Which Exterior Powers are Balanced ?
12:45-14:00 Lunch (KED 104)
14:00-14:25 Nishad Kothari
Characterizing Prism-Free Planar Bricks
14:25-14:50 Robert Bailey
Metric dimension of Imprimitive Distance-Regular Graphs
14:50-15:30 Refreshment Break
15:30-16:30 Asia Ivic Weiss
Combinatorial Structure of Chiral Polyhedra
16:30-16:55 Timothy R. Walsh
Generating Nonisomorphic Maps and Hypermaps Without Storing Them
16:55-17:20 Jing He
The LinearComplexity Profile and Correlation Measure of Order k of a
Family of Interleaved Sequences

CONTRIBUTED TALKS: Deadline to submit was April 8, 2013.


Full Name University/Affiliation
Albashabsheh, Ali University of Ottawa
Alkalay-Houlihan, Colleen McGill University
Bagheri Ghavam Abadi, Behrooz Universite de Montreal
Bahmanian, Amin University of Ottawa
Bailey, Robert Ryerson University
Bal, Deepak Carnegie Mellon Univ.
Bardestani, Mohammad Université de Montréal
Burgess, Andrea Ryerson University
De Carufel, Jean-Lou Carleton University
Ferreri, Susanna Brock University
Francetic, Nevena Carleton University
Gao, Zhicheng Carleton University
Haidar, Ali Carleton University
He, Jing Carleton University
Horan, Victoria Air Force Research Laboratory
Huggan, Melissa Carleton University
Javed, Muhammad Ryerson University
Ji, Zhengfeng University of Waterloo
Johnston, Nathaniel University of Waterloo
Kapadia, Rohan University of Waterloo
Kelly, Annela Bridgewater State University
Kothari, Nishad University of Waterloo
Lam, Clement Concordia
MacFie, Andrew Carleton University
Maltais, Elizabeth University of Ottawa
Mashhadi Avaz Tehrani, Hediyeh Brock University
Meagher, Karen University of Regina
Moazzez, Babak Carleton University
Niesink, Patrick  
Pigeon, Joshua University of Ottawa
Poirier, Antoine University of Ottawa
Rababah, Abedallah Jordan University of Science and Technology
Rashtchi, Marjan UQAM
Reed, Bruce McGill University
Roy, Dom Carleton University
Sajna, Mateja University of Ottawa
Seamone, Ben Universite de Montreal
Song, Haifeng Memorial University of Newfoundland
Tamon, Christino Clarkson University
van Renssen, André Carleton University
Wagner, Andrew University of Ottawa
Walsh, Timothy UQAM
Wang, Qiang Carleton University
Weiss, Asia Ivic York University
Zang, Wenan The University of Hong Kong
Zare, Ebrahim Universite Laval
Zeng, Bei University of Guelph
Zhuang, Andrew University of Ottawa

The Ottawa-Carleton Discrete Mathematics Days are the of fspring of the Carleton Discrete Mathematics Days, which began in 1978. Since 2002, the Ottawa - Carleton Discrete Mathematics Days have been held annually in the spring, alternating its location between Carleton University and the University of Ottawa, and have been (usually) supported by the Fields Institute. For more information on recent Discrete Mathematics Days please visit:





