2012 Thematic Program on Forcing and its Applications
October 22-26, 2012
Workshop on Forcing Axioms and their Applications
Organizing Committee:
Jordi Lopez Abad, Justin Tatch Moore, Stevo Todorcevic
Mailing List : To receive
updates on the program please subscribe to our mailing list at www.fields.utoronto.ca/maillist
This workshop will bring together researchers working on combinatorial
analysis of Banach spaces and those specializing in forcing axioms.
Central to the discussion will be combinatorial consequences of
Martin's Maximum which are driven by applications and which are
readily accessible to those working in analysis and other fields.
The driving goal will be to progress our understanding in well known
open problems in the the theory of Banach space such as the metrization
problem for compact convex sets, the smooth bump problem, and the
separable quotient problem.
Daniel Soukup has compiled all the open problems raised in the
workshop: http://settheory.mathtalks.org/?p=681
Monday, October 22 |
9:30 |
Justin Tatch Moore, Cornell University
Martin's Maximum, a tutorial 1
The purpose of these talks will be to survey the consequences
of Martin's Maximum. This will be done by isolating consequences
of MM -- specifically the P-ideal Dichotomy, the Open Coloring
Axiom, and the Strong Reflection Principle -- which have
proved useful in applications. A focus will be placed on
showing how these consequences can be applied in practice.
If time permits, we will also examine how to build the forcing
notions needed to show that these consequences follow from
Coffee break |
11:00 |
Alan Dow, UNC Charlotte
Martin's Axiom and initially W1-compact spaces
(slides) |
12:00-2:00 |
Lunch Break |
2:00 |
Michael Hrusak, Universidad Nacional Autónoma
de México
Malykhin's problem
Answering a 1978 problem of Malykhin we show that it is
relatively consistent with ZFC that every separable Frechet-Urysohn
topological group is metrizable. (Joint work with Ulises
Ariet Ramos Garcia)
Tea Break |
3:30 |
to Fields Colloquium,
Valentin Ferenczi, Universidade de São Paulo and
l'Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6
On Gowers' classification program in Banach space theory
Christian Rosendal, University of Illinois at Chicago,
On bounded representations and maximal (slides)
symmetry |
Reception cash bar |
Tuesday, October 23 |
9:30 |
Justin Tatch Moore, Cornell
Martin's Maximum, a tutorial 2 |
Coffee break |
11:00 |
Richard Haydon, Mathematical Institute,
Oxford |
Lunch Break |
2:00 |
Problems |
Tea Break |
3:30 |
Paul Larson, Miami University
Models of size in abstract elementary classes
We will present some applications of iterated generic ultrapowers
to the study of models of cardinality \aleph_1 in various
abstract elementary classes. The impetus for this work was
the still-open question of absoluteness of \aleph_1-categoricity
for the class of models of a fixed sentence of L_{\omega_1,\omega}.
Most of our result apply to the class of analytically presented
AEC's,those whose restrictions to countable models are analytic.
This is joint work with Baldwin and Shelah.
4:40 |
Stevo Todorcevic, University of Toronto
and C.N.R.S., Paris
Wednesday, October 24 |
9:30 |
Juris Steprans,
York University
Non-trivial automorphisms from variants of small d (slides) |
Coffee break |
11:00 |
Matteo Viale, University of Torino
Forcing with forcings
Let A be a class of partial orders and B be a class
of complete embeddings between elements of A closed under
composition.Then (A,B) is a category whose objects are
elements of A and whose arrows are elements of B. Moreover
(A\cap V_\delta, B\cap V_\delta) is a partial order. Depending
on the nature of A and B this can be an interesting
or trivial partial order. If A is the class of all posets
and B is the class of all complete embeddings and \delta
is limit (A\cap V_\delta, B\cap V_\delta) is a trivial
partial order since all elements of this partial order are
We shall study the case in which A is the class of stationary
set preserving (semiproper, proper) posets, and B is the
class of complete embeddings between elements of A with
a stationary set preserving (semiproper, proper) quotient.
We show that if \delta has some degree of largeness which
depends on the choice of the category (A,B), (A\cap V_\delta,
B\cap V_\delta) is a STATIONARY SET PRESERVING partial
order which collapses \delta to become \aleph_2 but
it should NEVER be a proper one and can be a semiproper
one only if MM^{++} holds in the ground model.
Finally we briefly outline how these partial orders can
be of use to study absoluteness results for the theory of
the Chang model for sets of size \aleph_1. However this
will be the subject of a future talk.
Lunch Break |
2:00 |
Hiroshi Sakai, Kobe University
Consequences of Martin's Maximum and Weak Square (slides)
Tea Break |
3:30 |
Antonio Aviles, University of Murcia
A weak* separable C(K)* space whose ball is not weak* separable
We provide a ZFC example of a compact space K such that
C(K)* is w*-separable but its closed unit ball is not w*-separable.
All previous examples of such kind had been constructed
under CH. We also discuss the measurability of the supremum
norm on that C(K) equipped with its weak Baire sigma-algebra.
(Joint work with Grzegorz Plebanek and Jose Rodriguez)
4:40 |
Stevo Todorcevic, University of Toronto
and C.N.R.S., Paris |
Thursday, October 25 |
9:30 |
David Asperó i Herrando, Technische
Universitaet Wien
Iterated forcing with side conditions
I will present a technique for building finite support
forcing iterations with certain symmetric systems of structures
as side conditions. I will also give some applications of
the technique to the construction of models of versions
of Martin's Axiom for certain classes of \aleph_2-c.c.
partial orders, and will say something about extensions
of these methods. Most of this is joint work with M.A. Mota.
Coffee break |
11:00 |
Jordi Lopez
Abad, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC)
Geometry and operators of some generic Banach spaces
We will present some properties, with hints of the proofs,
of our recent examples of generic Banach spaces. In particular,
we will talk about operators on such spaces. This is a joint
work with S. Todorcevic.
Lunch Break |
2:00 |
Problems |
Tea Break |
3:30 |
Piotr Koszmider, Polish Academy of Sciences
Universality in classes of Banach spaces and compact spaces (slides)
In the context of classical associations between classes
of Banach spaces and classes of compact Hausdorff spaces
we survey known results and open questions concerning the
existence and nonexistence of universal Banach spaces and
of universal compact spaces in various classes. This gives
quite a complex network of interrelations which often can
only be decided using additional set-theoretic assumptions
or forcing arguments.
4:40 |
Carlos Martinez-Ranero,
Invariance properties of almost disjoint families
(Well quasi-ordering Aronszajn lines) (slides)
We will consider two kinds of closely related mathematical
structures almost disjoint families and cofinitary groups.
We shall present some constructions of cofinitary groups
with some special topological properties and we will combine
these techniques to construct a MAD family which is maximal
in the Katetov ordering.
Friday, October 26 |
9:30 |
Wieslaw Kubis, Academy of
Sciences of the Czech Republic
A strong Gurarii space of density aleph one
A strong Gurarii space is a Banach space containing isometric
copies of all finite-dimensional spaces which is additionally
homogeneous with respect to finite-dimensional subspaces.
The latter means that every linear isometry between its
finite-dimensional subspaces extends to a bijective isometry
of the entire space. It is well-known (already noticed by
Gurarii) that no separable Banach space can be a strong
Gurarii space. On the other hand, there exist strong Gurarii
spaces of density at least the continuum. This leads to
a natural set-theoretic question whether consistently one
can have a strong Gurarii space of a smaller density. We
show that a strong Gurarii space of density aleph actually
exists in ZFC .
This is a joint work with Antonio Aviles.
Coffee break |
11:00 |
Itay Neeman, University of California, Los Angeles
Higher analogs of the proper forcing axiom
We will present a higher analogue of the proper forcing
axiom, and discuss some of its applications. The higher
analogue we present is an axiom that allows meeting collections
of \aleph_2 maximal antichains, in specific classes of
posets that preserve both \aleph_1 and \aleph_2.
Lunch Break |
2:00 |
Christina Brech,
University of São Paulo
Biorthogonal systems and the cardinal b under the PID
We show that under the assumptions of the P-ideal dichotomy
and that the bounding number b is larger than \omega_1,
every Banach space of density \omega_1 with weak* sequentially
compact dual ball has a quotient of density \omega_1 with
a Schauder basis. Together with an example of Todorcevic,
it follows that under the PID, b=\omega_1 is equivalent
to the existence of a nonseparable Asplund space with no
uncountable biorthogonal systems.
This is a joint work with S. Todorcevic.
Tea Break |
3:30 |
Maryanthe Malliaris, University of Chicago
Cofinality spectrum problems in model theory, set theory
and general topology
Recent work of Malliaris and Shelah on model-theoretic
questions around saturation of regular ultrapowers has led
also to theorems in set theory and general topology, notably
the result that p = t. The talk will outline our general
program and some features of this recent proof.
Participants as of October 17
Full Name |
University/Affiliation |
Asperó i Herrando, David |
Technische Universitaet Wien |
Audrito, Giorgio |
Università degli Studi di Torino |
Avilés, Antonio |
University of Murcia |
Bartosova, Dana |
University of Toronto |
Bice, Tristan |
The Fields Institute |
Blackmon, Michael |
University of North Carolina Charlotte |
Blass, Andreas |
University of Michigan |
Borodulin-Nadzieja, Piotr |
University of Wroclaw |
Brech, Christina |
University of São Paulo |
Brendle, Joerg |
Kobe University |
Brenken, Berndt |
University of Calgary |
Brodsky, Ari |
University of Toronto |
Cancino-Manríquez, Jonathan |
Chodounsky, David |
The Fields Institute |
Cody, Brent |
The Fields Institute |
Cox, Sean |
The Fields Institute |
Di Prisco, Carlos |
Instituto Venezoland de Investigaciones Cientifigas |
Dobrinen, Natasha |
University of Denver |
Dow, Alan |
UNC Charlotte |
Drucker, Ohad |
The Hebrew University |
Eagle, Christopher |
University of Toronto |
Eskew, Monroe |
UC Irvine |
Ferenczi, Valentin |
Universidade de São Paulo |
Fernández Bretón, David |
York University |
Garcia Balan, Sergio Atayan |
Gaspar Arreola, Miguel Angel |
Ghasemi, Saeed |
York University |
Ghasemloo, Kaveh |
University of Toronto |
Guzman, Osvaldo |
Centro de Ciencias Matemáticas |
Hathaway, Daniel |
University of Michigan |
Haydon, Richard |
Brasenose College, Brasenose College |
Hrusak, Michael |
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México |
Juhász, István |
Hungarian Academy of Sciences |
Kibedi, Francisco |
York University |
Koszmider, Piotr |
Polish Academy of Sciences |
Kubis, Wieslaw |
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic |
Laflamme, Claude |
University of Calgary |
Larson, Paul |
Miami University |
Li, Zhiqiang |
Fields Institute |
López-Abad, Jorge |
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC) |
Lupini, Martino |
York University |
Magidor, Menachem |
Hebrew University of Jerusalem |
Malliaris, Maryanthe |
University of Chicago |
Martínez-Ranero, Carlos |
Mathias, A. R. D. |
University of La Réunion |
May, Natasha |
York University |
McKenney, Paul |
Carnegie Mellon University |
Mejia, Diego |
Kobe University |
Miller, Arnold W. |
University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Mitchell, William |
University of Florida |
Moore, Justin Tatch |
Cornell University |
Mota, Miguel Ángel |
The Fields Institute |
Nashaat, Sherif |
McGill University |
Neeman, Itay |
University of California, Los Angeles |
Ojeda Aristizabal, Diana Cristina |
Cornell University |
Pachl, Jan |
Fields Institute |
Pawlikowski, Janusz |
University of Wroclaw |
Peng, Yinhe |
National University of Singapore |
Raghavan, Dilip |
National University of Singapore |
Rinot, Assaf |
The Fields Institute |
Rosendal, Christian |
University of Illinois at Chicago |
Sabok, Marcin |
Polish Academy of Sciences |
Sakai, Hiroshi |
Kobe University |
Shani, Assaf |
Hebrew University |
Shi, Xianghui |
Beijing Normal University |
Soukup, Dániel Tamás |
University of Toronto |
Steprans, Juris |
York University |
Tall, Franklin |
University of Toronto |
Todorcevic, Stevo |
University of Toronto and C.N.R.S., Paris |
Trujillo, Timothy |
University of Denver |
Unger, Spencer |
Carnegie Mellon University |
Venturi, Giorgio |
Université Paris Diderot |
Viale, Matteo |
University of Torino |
Vignati, Alessandro |
York University |
Weiss, William |
University of Toronto |
Wilson, Trevor |
The Fields Institute |
Yorioka, Teruyuki |
Shizuoka University |
Zapletal, Jindrich |
University of Florida |
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