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March 14, 2025


July-December 2012 Thematic Program on Forcing and its Applications

November 12-16, 2012
Workshop on Iterated Forcing and Large Cardinals

Organizing Committee:
Michal Hrusak, Paul Larson, Saharon Shelah, W. Hugh Woodin

Mailing List : To receive updates on the program please subscribe to our mailing list at www.fields.utoronto.ca/maillist


This workshop will focus on preservation theorems for iterated forcing constructions. The goal is to better understand when iterated forcing constructions preserve the Continuum Hypothesis and its strengthenings and also certain inequalities of cardinal invariants of the continuum. An additional focus will be to attempt to better understand the relationship between Woodin's Pmax-machinery and more conventional iterated forcing constructions. Work of Shelah and Woodin already hints that large cardinals will likely play a role in studying when reals are added in iterated forcing constructions.


Monday November 12

Tadatoshi Miyamoto (Nanzan University)
A study of iterating semiproper forcing

10:00-10:50 David Aspero (Technische Universitaet Wien)
10:50-11:10 Coffee Break
11:10-12:00 Ralf Schindler (WWU Münster)
An axiom
Matteo Viale (University of Torino)
Absoluteness of theory of $MM^{++}$
John Krueger (University of North Texas)
Forcing with Models as Side Conditions
Tuesday November 13
Tadatoshi Miyamoto (Nanzan University)
A study of iterating semiproper forcing
Itay Neeman (University of California, Los Angeles)
Higher analogs of the proper forcing axiom
10:50-11:10 Coffee Break
11:20-12:10 Moti Gitik (Tel-Aviv University)
A weak generalization of SPFA to higher cardinals.
Heike Mildenberger (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg)
Forcings with block sequences
16:10-17:00 Martin Goldstern (Technische Universität Wien)
Cichon's diagram and large continuum
Wednesday November 14
Tadatoshi Miyamoto (Nanzan University)
A study of iterating semiproper forcing
Itay Neeman (University of California, Los Angeles)
Higher analogs of the proper forcing axiom
10:50-11:10 Coffee Break
Joerg Brendle (Kobe University)
Methods in iterated forcing
Thursday November 15
Xianghui Shi (Beijing Normal University) (Slides of talk)
Some consequences of I0 in Higher Degree Theory
Itay Neeman (University of California, Los Angeles)
Higher analogs of the proper forcing axiom
10:50-11:10 Coffee Break
Joerg Brendle (Kobe University)
Methods in iterated forcing
Todd Eisworth (Ohio University)
Dima Sinapova (University of Illinois at Chicago)
Friday November 16
Jindrich Zapletal (University of Florida)
Half Cohen
Grigor Sargsyan (Rutgers University)
10:50-11:10 Coffee Break
Joerg Brendle (Kobe University)
Methods in iterated forcing

Confirmed participants as of November 3, 2012

Full Name University/Affiliation
Asperó i Herrando, David Technische Universitaet Wien
Audrito, Giorgio Università degli Studi di Torino
Bartosova, Dana University of Toronto
Bice, Tristan The Fields Institute
Blackmon, Michael University of North Carolina Charlotte
Blass, Andreas University of Michigan
Brech, Christina University of São Paulo
Brendle, Joerg Kobe University
Brenken, Berndt University of Calgary
Brodsky, Ari University of Toronto
Brooke-Taylor, Andrew Kobe University
Cancino-Manríquez, Jonathan UNAM-UMSNH
Chodounsky, David The Fields Institute
Cody, Brent The Fields Institute
Cox, Sean The Fields Institute
Di Prisco, Carlos Instituto Venezoland de Investigaciones Cientifigas
Dobrinen, Natasha University of Denver
Dow, Alan UNC Charlotte
Drucker, Ohad The Hebrew University
Eagle, Christopher University of Toronto
Eisworth, Todd Ohio University
Eskew, Monroe UC Irvine
Feng, Qi National University of Singapore
Fernández Bretón, David York University
Garcia Balan, Sergio Atayan FCFM - BUAP
García, Luz María University of Barcelona
Gaspar Arreola, Miguel Angel UNAM-UMSNH
Ghasemi, Saeed York University
Ghasemloo, Kaveh University of Toronto
Gitik, Moti Tel-Aviv University
Goldstern, Martin Technische Universität Wien
Guzman, Osvaldo Centro de Ciencias Matemáticas
Hathaway, Daniel University of Michigan
Hrusak, Michael Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Kada, Masaru Osaka Prefecture University
Khomskii, Yurii University of Vienna
Kibedi, Francisco York University
Krueger, John University of North Texas
Lambie-Hanson, Christopher Carnegie Mellon University
Larson, Paul Miami University
Li, Zhiqiang Fields Institute
López-Abad, Jorge Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC)
Lupini, Martino York University
Magidor, Menachem Hebrew University of Jerusalem
May, Natasha York University
May, Natasha York University
McKenney, Paul Carnegie Mellon University
Mejia, Diego Kobe University
Mildenberger, Heike Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Miller, Arnold W. University of Wisconsin-Madison
Mitchell, William University of Florida
Miyamoto, Tadatoshi Nanzan University
Moore, Justin Tatch Cornell University
Mota, Miguel Ángel The Fields Institute
Nashaat, Sherif McGill University
Neeman, Itay University of California, Los Angeles
Neeman, Itay University of California, Los Angeles
Ojeda Aristizabal, Diana Cristina Cornell University
Pachl, Jan Fields Institute
Pawlikowski, Janusz University of Wroclaw
Peng, Yinhe National University of Singapore
Raghavan, Dilip National University of Singapore
Rinot, Assaf The Fields Institute
Rodríguez Vanegas, Daniel Carnegie Mellon University
Sabok, Marcin Polish Academy of Sciences
Sargsyan, Grigor Rutgers University
Schindler, Ralf WWU Münster
Shani, Assaf Hebrew University
Shi, Xianghui Beijing Normal University
Sinapova, Dima University of Illinois at Chicago
Soukup, Dániel Tamás University of Toronto
Stadnicki, Wojciech Univeristy of Wroclaw
Steprans, Juris York University
Tall, Franklin University of Toronto
Todorcevic, Stevo University of Toronto and C.N.R.S., Paris
Usuba, Toshimichi Nagoya University
Venturi, Giorgio Université Paris Diderot
Viale, Matteo University of Torino
Vignati, Alessandro York University
Weiss, Christoph University of California, Irvine
Weiss, William University of Toronto
Wilson, Trevor The Fields Institute
Yorioka, Teruyuki Shizuoka University
Zapletal, Jindrich University of Florida

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