March 13, 2025

Statistics Graduate Student Research Day
Statistics in Networks
April 18, 2013

Fields Institute, Rm 230

Organizing Committee
Cody Severinski , Jinyoung Yang
Tadeu Ferreira, Avideh Sabeti
Andriy Derkach, Edwin Lei
James Stafford, Fang Yao

Department of Statistics,
University of Toronto


Statistics Graduate Student Research Day is an annual student initiative supported by the Department of Statistics, University of Toronto, the Statistics Graduate Student Union and the Fields Institute.

The theme this year is "Statistics in Networks". Statistical methods are regularly used to analyze network arising in computer science (ex: social networks), biology (ex: disease spread), and other fields. In addition, it is hoped that this theme will attract a wide audience from several disciplines and the community at large, supporting the goals of the International Year of Statistics.

Keynote Speakers

Yannet Interian (Google)
Ji Zhu (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor)
David Hunter (Pennsylvania State University)


8:30 a.m. On-site Registration and morning coffee
9:00 a.m. Welcome Address
Dr. James Stafford (Professor & Statistics Chair)
Jinyoung Yang (Ph.D. Candidate & Co-chair of Research Day)
Cody Severinski (Ph.D. Candidate & Co-chair of Research Day)
9:15 a.m. Keynote Speaker:
David Hunter (Professor and Head, Department of Statistics, Pennsylvania State University)
Statistical models for large, time-varying networks
(Joint work with Duy Vu, Arthur Asuncion, and Padhraic Smyth)
10:15 a.m. Student Speaker:
Raoul Normand (Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Mathemtics, University of Toronto)
Migration under constraints
10:35 a.m. Coffee Break & Poster Presentations
11:00 a.m. Keynote Speaker:
Ji Zhu (Professor of Statistics and Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor)
On consistency of community detection in networks
(Joint work with Yunpeng Zhao and Elizaveta Levina)
12:00 p.m. Student Speaker:
Alex Shestopaloff (PhD Candidate, Department of Statistics, University of Toronto)
Inference for non-linear, non-Gaussian state space models with ensemble MCMC methods
12:20 p.m. Lunch (provided) at Fields
1:20 p.m. Student Speaker:
Shivon Sue-Chee (PhD Candidate, Department of Statistics, University of Toronto)
Semiparametric Functional Quantile Regression with High-dimensional covariates
1:40 p.m.

Keynote Speaker:
Yannet Interian (Quantitative Analyst, Google Plus)
Practical open problems on large scale social networks

2:40 p.m. Coffee Break & Poster Presentations
3:00 p.m. Panel Discussion:
Drs. David Hunter, Ji Zhu, Yannet Interian, Radu Craiu, and Radford Neal
4:00 p.m. Closing Remarks
Dr. James Stafford (Professor & Statistics Chair)
Jinyoung Yang (Ph.D. Candidate & Co-chair of Research Day)
Cody Severinski (Ph.D. Candidate & Co-chair of Research Day)



Full Name University/Affiliation
Anton, Cristina University of Toronto
Ashta, Shiva University of Toronto
Aslemand, Asal University of Toronto
Aslemand, Asal University of Toronto
Bonner, Anthony J. University of Toronto
Budhu, Shalini University of Toronto
Chang, Billy University of Toronto
Craiu, Radu University of Toronto
Derkach, Andriy University of Toronto
Dupriez, Guillaume  
Duquette, Laurel University of Toronto
Ferreira, Tadeu University of Toronto
Feuerverger, Andrey University of Toronto
Gibbs, Alison University of Toronto
Hunter, David Pennsylvania State University
Interian, Yannet Google
Jaimungal, Sebastian University of Toronto
Khan, Sheeza University of Toronto
Lei, Edwin University of Toronto
Lin, Sheldon University of Toronto
Lin, Wei University of Toronto
Lyubchich, Slava University of Waterloo
Medabalimi, Venkatesh University of Toronto
Moshonov, Hadas University of Toronto
Neal, Radford University of Toronto
Normand, Raoul University of Toronto
Rosenthal, Jeffrey University of Toronto
Sabeti, Avideh University of Toronto
Salakhutdinov, Ruslan University of Toronto
Severinski, Cody University of Toronto
Shestopaloff, Alexander University of Toronto
Stafford, James University of Toronto
Sue-Chee, Shivon University of Toronto
Sun, Eiffel University of Toronto
Tang, Janice University of Toronto
Thinniyam, Ramya University of Toronto
Wu, Panpan University of Toronto
Wu, Weichi University of Toronto
Xin, Lu University of Waterloo
Xu, Jieni University of Toronto
Yakubovich, Alexander York University
Yang, Jinyoung University of Toronto
Yao, Fang University of Toronto
Yucel, Yeni University of Toronto
Zhen, Xingli University of Toronto
Zhou, Zhou University of Toronto
Zhu, Ji University of Michigan
Zou, Jialin University of Toronto
