3-4, 2013
Canadian Symposium on Abstract Harmonic Analysis
at Lakehead University,
Thunder Bay
Monica Ilie and Tianxuan Miao (Lakehead)
on-site May 3
Submission for Contributed Talks now closed
This conference will be the 17th annual meeting since the first
meeting held in the Spring of 1997 in honor of Professor E. E. Granirer.
The Symposium has been held in many places such as UBC, Waterloo,
Saskatchewan, Windsor, Alberta, Western, Manitoba, Carleton and
Thunder Bay. To continue the tradition, we plan to hold the 17th
Symposium in Thunder Bay again, the second time since 1997.
This regular conference acts as a focal point for the activities
of the Canadian Abstract Harmonic Analysis community. The Symposium
began with a core group of about a dozen people from Canadian
universities who have attended almost every year. The two days
Symposium usually has about 25 participants including graduate
students and post-docs. At most Symposia there have been a number
of additional individuals who have been invited as guest speakers
with the goal of broadening both the level and the scope of interaction
that our group has with mathematicians outside of Canada and in
other areas relating to Abstract Harmonic Analysis.
This year's main speakers are Professor Zhong-Jin Ruan
from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, who has over
a long career made fundamental contributions to a number of areas
of operator spaces and abstract harmonic analysis, and Professor
Adam Skalski from Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy
of Sciences and University of Warsaw, a noted young mathematician
who specializes in the theory of quantum groups.
Zhong-Jin Ruan (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Approximation Properties of Groups and Group C*-algebras
In this talk, I will discussed various approximation properties
related to discrete groups and group C*-algebras. I am particularly
interested in the weak amenability, Haagerup property, exactness
and coarse embeddability.
Adam Skalski, Polish Academy of Sciences and University
of Warsaw
Idempotent measures for classical and quantum groups
Idempotent probability measures on locally compact groups
arise naturally as limit distributions of random walks. Thus
they have been for a long time an object of interest for probabilists
and in 1940 Kawada and Ito showed they all arise as Haar measures
on compact subgroups. In later years a quest for characterisation
of general idempotent measures was taken by harmonic analysts,
with the most general result obtained by Cohen for abelian
groups. At the same time the Fourier approach suggested looking
for idempotent functions in the Fourier-Stieltjes algebra.
It turns out that both of these topics of study can be unified
and extended in the investigation of idempotent functionals
on the algebras of functions on (locally) compact quantum
groups. The arising problems lie at the intersection of abstract
harmonic analysis, Hopf algebras, operator algebras and noncommutative
probability. In this talk we will describe some of the historical
motivations and then introduce the developments in the area
within the last 5 years. We will focus on one hand on the
similarities/differences between the classical and quantum
context, and on the other on connections or applications of
the study of idempotent functionals to other quantum group
(Based on joint work with Teodor Banica, Uwe Franz, Matthias
Neufang, Pekka Salmi, Nico Spronk and Reiji Tomatsu)
Participants (as of April 18, 2013)
Full Name |
University/Affiliation |
Brannan, Michael |
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Cao, Peng |
Beijing Institute of Technology |
Choi, Yemon |
University of Saskatchewan |
Forrest, Brian |
University of Waterloo |
Govindan Kutty Menon, Sajith |
S S College |
Ilie, Monica |
Lakehead University |
Mazowita, Matthew |
University of Alberta |
Ruan, Zhong-Jin |
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Sangani Monfared, Mehdi |
University of Windsor |
Spronk, Nicolaas |
University of Waterloo |
Tahmasebi, Nazanin |
university of alberta |
Viselter, Ami |
University of Alberta |
Wiersma, Matthew |
University of Waterloo |