March 13, 2025


May 19-27, 2013
Summer School on Mathematics of Infectious Disease
Organizing Committee
Jane Heffernan, Neal Madras, Seyed Moghadas, Jianhong Wu (contact person) , Huaiping Zhu
Mprime Centre for Disease Modelling at York
The classes will all be held at the Keele campus (4700 Keele St.), Building #39 on all days except Thursday, May 23rd which will be held at the Fields Institute, 222 College St. (Map)

Summer School Schedule

Campus Map

Other inquires should be sent to cdmdesk<at>

Participants Getting to York University Accommodation at York University
Registration to the School closed Feb. 15, 2013. No fee refunds after Feb. 15.
All students admitted to the Summer School should have received the letter of admission by Jan 15, 2013.
These students must have registered before Feb. 15, 2013


The summer school school will include lectures on mathematical epidemiology, and one of the most important aspects will be projects for groups of 4–6 students, mixing scientific backgrounds and levels of experience, and focusing on real-world problems around which students develop and analyze models. It will also incorporate several lectures on public-health topics with focus on those relevant to other events of MPE2013 such as global spread, Indigenous populations health, vector-borne diseases and integration of surveillance, statistical data analysis and dynamical modelling and simulations.

The goals of the Summer School are to encourage more developing scientists to become interested in this field and to encourage communication between mathematical modellers and public health scientists and epidemiologists who have been historically unaware of the uses of mathematical modeling.

Lecture notes of the summer school will be available to those admitted and confirmed students before the School. A set of notes, prepared by Professor Fred Brauer, is posted on line at the Centre for Disease Modelling (CDM) webpage These notes by Professor Brauer are intended for students or workers in biological sciences, epidemiology or public health who may have learned elementary calculus and differential equations, possibly in the distant past and possibly in a form that did not convince them that mathematics could be useful in their chosen field. We have tried to present some basic mathematics to make it possible for "calculus victims" to become " calculus users" in biology and epidemiology. Professor Brauer will be available to provide tutorial on May 18th, 2013.

Accomodation at York University

Students will be accommodated at York's student residences during their stay and more information will follow. Students can also choose to stay at the Executive Learning Centre, see

The School is designed for students coming from mixed backgrounds. We anticipate graduate students in epidemiology and public health, medical residents and graduate students in interdisciplinary sciences programs, in addition to graduate students in computational, mathematical and statistical sciences.

Course instructors and public lecture speakers include:

Linda J. S. Allen (Texas Tech)
Julien Arino (Manitoba)
Fred Brauer (British Columbia)
Carlos Castillo-Chavez (Arizona State)
Odo Diekmann (Utrecht)
David Fisman (Toronto)
Jane Heffernan (York)
Ying-Hen Hsieh (China Medical University)
Mirjam Kretzschmar (University Medical Centre Utrechtl)
Neal Madras (York Univeristy)
Eduardo Massad (University of Sao Paulo)
Seyed M. Moghadas (York),
Beate Sander (Public Health Ontario)
Pauline van den Driessche (Victoria)
James Watmough (New Brunswick)
Ping Yan (Public Health Agency of Canada)
Huaiping Zhu (York)

Public Lectures

May 19, 2013
Eduardo Massad

Professor of Medical Informatics, University of Sao Paulo
The Analytic Philosophy of Mathematical Epidemiology

3:30 – 4:30 pm, Room 0006
TEL Building, York University
May 23, 2013
Mirjam Kretzschmar

Chief Science Officer, RVIM and Professor, Julius Centre for Health Sciences and Primary Care, University Medical Centre Utrecht
Modelling STI and HIV transmission using pair formation models

9:00 – 10:00 am, Room BA 1190 Bahen Centre (map to Bahen)
The Fields Institute (222 College St., Toronto)
May 26, 2013
Carlos Castillo-Chavez
Regents Professor and Joaquin Bustoz Jr. Professor, Arizona State University
Public Security Infectious Diseases and Public Health: Challenges in Emergent and Re-Emergent Diseases

10:00 – 11:30 am, Room 0006 TEL Building

Fees: Faculty/Researcher: $600, Students $100.

Outline of the draft program

The program consists of:

1. coordinated sequences of lectures to cover the basic concepts and techniques in disease modelling;

2. public lectures for detailed case studies of specific diseases and public health issues. These lectures are indeed for the general public, specially for those not necessarily specialized in the field, so students of the summer school can learn how to communicate mathematical results effectively with the public;

3. pre-assigned student group projects, identified in advance with partner organizations;

4. student presentations.

Tentative Schedule (check with for updated information)

May 19: Introduction to the school; Basic epidemiology; Basic deterministic SIR and SIS models; Simple case study.
Reception, plus each student gives a short presentation of their research work and interests.

May 20: Stochastic models; Calculation of the basic reproduction number. Presentation of projects, Tour of labs and software.

May 21: Metapopulation models; Network models.
Form groups and discuss projects.

May 22: Parameter estimation; Statistics and public health data.
Group projects.

May 23: Public lectures; Structured population models for infectious diseases.
Tour of the Fields Institute.

May 24: Case study: agent-based simulation and influenza;
Case-study: disease spread and global travel.
Group project preliminary presentation, group discussions.

May 25: Cost-effectiveness analysis;
Public lecture;
Group discussions.

May 26: Case-study: Vector-borne disease modeling;
Introduction to in-host modeling;
Public lecture

May 27: Group presentations.

Participants as of May 10, 2013

  Full Name University/Affiliation
  Adebayo, Olasehinde Federal University of Technology Akure
  Almocera, Alexis Erich University of the Philippines
  Althubyani, Mohammed College of Physical and Engineering Science, University of Guelph
  Arruda, Andreia University of Guelph
  Asaduzzaman, S M University of Victoria
  Atique, Suleman COMSATS Institute of Information Technology,Islamabad
  Awad, Enas  
  Balendran, Prathayana York University
  Bittles, Tara  
  Champredon, David McMaster University
  Chen, Longbin York University
  Cheuk, Eve National Collaborating Centre for Infectious Diseases
  Clamer, Valentina University of Trento
  de Graaf, Willem Frederik Utrecht University
  DePiero, Regene University of Wyoming
  Donato, Lorrianne York University
  Dorratoltaj, Narges Virginia Tech
  Dutta, Tripti York University
  Fagerstrom, Emily State University of New York at Buffalo
  Falzon, Laura Ontario Veterinary College
  Fang, Jian York University
  Farris, Rachel University of Wyoming
  Fortin, Marie-Josée University of Toronto
  Haroon, Humaira York University
  Harpur, Brock York University
  Hirji, Mustafa University of Toronto
  Huang, Longhua York University
  Hughes, Josie University of Toronto
  Jaberi-Douraki, Majid McGill University
  Jelveh, Nazli Simon Fraser University
  Kamran Habibkhani, Hootan University of Toronto
  Keegan, Lindsay McMaster University
  Khajanchi, Subhas  
  Khan, Maryam Northeastern Illinois University
  Khan, Maryam University of Szeged
  Konini, Angjelina York University
  Konini, Silva York University
  Kuhajda, David University of Akron
  Lachowsky, Nathan University of Guelph
  Lemos-Costa, Paula Bioscience Institute - University of Sao Paulo
  Leung, KaYin Utrecht University
  Li, Xuan  
  Liao, Laura University of British Columbia
  Limbu, Chandra York University
  Magpantay, Felicia Maria G.
York University
  Marinelli, Alessio University of Trento
  Meadows, Shannon University of Guelph
  Moschini, Pamela University of Trento
  Munganga, Justin MW University of South Africa
  Munther, Daniel York University
  Murthy, Srinivas Hospital for Sick Children
  Nah, Kyeongah Bolyai Institute
  Niyukuri, Fidele Université de Montréal
  Norton, Jacob North Carolina State University
  Numfor, Eric University of Tennessee, Knoxville
  Pal, Samares University of Kalyani
  Pieper, Laura University of Guelph
  Plazzotta, Giacomo Imperial College London
  Pritsker, Asya Pennsylvania State University
  Rahman, Ashrafur University of Western Ontario
  Rilkoff, Heather  
  Rudnick, Wallis University of Toronto
  Saksida, Sonja BC Centre for Aquatic Health Sciences
  Samarasinghe, Chathuri Oakland University
  Schultz, Lance University of Guelph
  Schwandt, Michael University of Toronto
  Sharmin, Sifat Australian National University
  Shu, Hongying University of New Brunswick
  Sigdel, Ram Wilfrid Laurier University
  Singh Kohli, Ikjyot  
  Sriskandarajah, Sujanthan  
  Teslya, Alexandra McMaster University
  Thi Tu, Hong Anh University of Toronto
  Tupper-Ring, Laura Simon Fraser University
  van den Hoogen, Josée St. Francis Xavier University
  Varughese, Betsy University of Alberta
  Watts, Alexander University of Toronto
  Westers, Trisha University of Guelph, Ontario Veterinary College
  Wong, Kester Nanyang Technological University/ National Institute of Education
  Wu, Xiaotian Western University
  Xiao, Yanyu York University
  Yu, Don York University