March 12, 2025
August 12-16, 2013
Location: Bahen Centre, Room 1170 (map)
Organizing Committee:
Amr S. Helmy
, Director, CQIQC, Toronto,
David G. Cory, Waterloo
Paul Brumer, Toronto
Aephraim Steinberg, Toronto
Li Qian, Toronto


U of T Awards Prestigious Quantum Mechanics Prize to Pioneering Physicists

U of T's Centre for Quantum Information and Quantum Control (CQIQC) has announced Michel Devoret and Robert Schoelkopf, both of Yale University, as winners of the prestigious John Stewart Bell Prize for their enormous contributions to the field of quantum mechanics.
More info


CQIQC-V will be the fifth in the series of biennial conferences jointly organized by the Toronto Centre for Quantum Information & Quantum Control and the Fields Institute, which aim to bring together researchers from a broad set of areas ranging from quantum cryptography and computation to quantum control to quantum foundations to device fabrication, in a setting which encourages discussion and can help stimulate new collaborations and interactions. The 2013 meeting will also be a celebration of the upcoming quinquagenary of Bell’s Inequalities, slightly violating the inequality atop this flyer. There will be roughly 24 invited talks and 24 contributed talks, as well as a poster session. The meeting will also be the occasion of the awarding of the 3rd biennial
John Stewart Bell Prize for Research on Fundamental Issues in Quantum
Mechanics and Their Applications, see

Conference Program Committee


Andreas Buchleitner (U Freiburg)
Norbert Lükenhaus (IQC, Waterloo),
Robin Williams (NRC, Canada)
Robert Boyd (UOttawa)
Luca Turin (MIT)
Colin Mckinstrie - (Bell Labs)
Vladimir Korepin (SUNY)
Israel Michael Sigal (UToronto)

Mark Hillery (Hunter College)
Dave Feder (UCalgary)
Ignacio Franco (FHI Berlin)
Ronnie Kosloff (Hebrew University)
Jiangbin Gong (National University Singapore)
Paul Barclay- (U Calgary)
Wolfgang Tittel - (U Calgary)
Thomas Jennewein - (IQC Waterloo)

Keynote Speakers:
John F. Clauser and H. Jeff Kimble

Invited Speakers

Scott Aaronson
Robert Alicki
Mohamed Amin
Alan Aspuru-Guzik
Andrew Cross
Joseph Emerson
Philippe Grangier
Patrick Hayden
Andrew Jordan
Misha Lukin
Shunlong Luo
Marco Merkli

Chris Monroe
Bill Munro
Sae Woo Nam
Kenji Ohmori
Martin Plenio
Eugene Polzik
Michael Raymer
Terry Rudolph
Moshe Shapiro
Yaron Silberberg
Kartik Srinivasan
Ian Walmsley
Gregor Weihs

Poster Session

There will also be at least one poster session, during which we expect to give an opportunity to more young researchers to present work that did not fit into the main schedule, as well as several sessions devoted to focused discussion on a number of topics raised during the meeting. The meeting will involve researchers at all stages of their careers, including participation by graduate students. Accepted posters.

Previous Meetings

Conference on Quantum Information & Quantum Control IV
Aug. 08-12,2011
Fields Institute, Toronto, Canada

Conference on Quantum Information & Quantum Control III
Aug. 24 -27, 2009
Fields Institute, Toronto, Canada

Conference on Quantum Information & Quantum Control, Frontiers of Quantum Decoherence
Aug 07-11, 2006
Fields Institute, Toronto, Canada

Frontiers in Open Quantum Systems and Quantum Control Theory
Aug 01-14, 2010
Harvard, USA

ICAP 2010 - 22nd International Conference on Atomic Physics
Jul 2530, 2010
Cairns, Tropical North Queensland, Australia

Workshop on Quantum Algorithms, Computational Models, and Foundations of Quantum Mechanics
Jul 23-25, 2010
Vancouver, Canada

The Seventh Annual Canadian Quantum Information Students' Conference 2010 (CQISC'10)
Jul 12-16, 2010
University of Calgary

Fees: $500, Students: $200, waived for invited speakers (fees include Conference materials, coffee breaks, and banquet)

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