March 26, 2025

October 31 to November 2, 2013
Mathematics for New Economic Thinking
An INET Workshop at the Fields Institute

Matheus Grasselli (Fields), Marshall Auerback (INET)


This workshop has the dual aim to expose mathematicians to new research problems in economics and economists to new techniques and developments in mathematics. Since its creation in 2009, the Institute for New Economic Thinking has been extremely successful in identifying pervasive flaws in the existing paradigms in economics and promoting exciting new avenues for research, including agent-based models, radical uncertainty, the role of banking and finance, and effective policy responses. Many of these topics pose new and challenging mathematical problems, far beyond the scope of tools used in traditional subjects such as general equilibrium theory and efficient market hypothesis.
On the other hand, the Fields Institute, as one of the leading international research centers in mathematics, is a focal point for developments in dynamical systems, nonlinearity, network science, complexity theory, game theory, and other mathematical techniques that also extend far beyond the domain of traditional tools used in economics.
The objective of this workshop is to combine the strengths of both institutes and provide the basis for fruitful collaborations towards equipping new economic thinking with modern and illuminating mathematical tools, which go beyond the traditional approaches championed in neo-classical economics.


This will be a 3-day workshop with each day comprising of 5 to 6 invited talks followed by round table discussions on an emerging area in new economic thinking.

Topics include: financial instability, default contagion in the banking system, the role of shadow banking, macro-prudential regulation, credit and leverage cycles, liquidity, fiscal sustainability, debt and deficits, monetary policy implementation, central banks as lenders of last resort, sovereign default contagion, stock-flow consistent models, dynamical systems models in macroeconomics, agent-based economics, gauge theory and preferences, the consequences of the SMD theorems, money in modern economies, radical uncertainty, long-term growth and sustainability

This Workshop will immediately follow the Quantitative Finance Retrospective Workshop taking place at Fields on October 27-30, 2013, where prominent participants of the 6-month Thematic Program on Quantitative Finance, which took place at Fields in 2010, are invited back to reflect on the impact of the program and to present on recent developments.


Rene Carmona, Princeton University
Youngna Choi, Montclair State University
Michael Dempster, University of Cambridge
Corrado Di Guilmi, University of Technology Sydney
Raphael Douady, Riskdata
Hans Follmer, Humboldt University
Jean-Pierre Fouque, University of California, Santa Barbara
Lane Hughston, University College London
Paul Jenkins, Carleton University and CIGI
Stephanie Kelton, University of Missouri at Kansas City
Alan Kirman, Aix Marseille University
Marc Lavoie, University of Ottawa
Blake LeBaron, Brandeis University
Oliver Linton, University of Cambridge
Andrew Lo, MIT
Dilip Madan, University of Maryland
Pia Malaney, INET
Perry Mehrling, Barnard College
Mario Seccarecia, University of Ottawa
Peter Skott, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Didier Sornette, ETH Zurich
Leigh Tesfatsion, Iowa State University
Eric Tymoigne, Lewis and Clark College
Roberto Veneziani, Queen Mary, University of London
Eric Weinstein, University of Oxford and Natron Group
Randall Wray, University of Missouri at Kansas City


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