Program on Statistical Inference,
Learning, and Models for Big Data
January to June, 2015 |
Committee |
Reid (Toronto)
Yoshua Bengio (Montréal)
Hugh Chipman (Acadia)
Sallie Keller (Virginia Tech)
Lix (Manitoba)
Richard Lockhart (Simon Fraser)
Ruslan Salakhutdinov (Toronto)
Advisory Committee |
Gatsonis (Brown)
Susan Holmes (Stanford)
Snehelata Huzurbazar (Wyoming)
Nicolai Meinshausen (ETH Zurich)
Schuurmans (Alberta)
Robert Tibshirani (Stanford)
Bin Yu (UC Berkeley) |
This thematic program emphasizes both applied and theoretical aspects of
statistical inference, learning and models in big data. The opening conference
will serve as an introduction to the program, concentrating on overview lectures
and background preparation. Workshops throughout the year will emphasize deep
learning, statistical learning, visualization, networks, health and social
policy, and physical sciences. A number of allied activities at PIMS, CRM
and AARMS are also planned, and listed at the bottom of this page. This thematic
program is taking place with the cooperation of the new Canadian Statistical
Sciences Institute (CANSSI).
It is expected that all activities will be webcast using the FieldsLive system
to permit wide participation.
Conferences and Workshops
- January 12 – 23, 2015
Opening Conference and
Boot Camp
Organizing committee: Nancy Reid (Chair), Sallie Keller, Lisa Lix, Bin Yu
- January 26 – 30, 2015
Workshop on Big Data and Statistical Machine Learning
Organizing committee: Ruslan Salakhutdinov (Chair), Dale Schuurmans, Yoshua
Bengio, Hugh Chipman, Bin Yu
- February 9 – 11 , 2015
Workshop on Optimization and Matrix Methods in Big
Organizing Committee: Stephen Vavasis Chair; Anima Anandkumar, Petros Drineas,
Michael Friedlander, Nancy Reid, Martin Wainwright.
- February 23 – 27, 2015
Workshop on Visualization for Big Data: Strategies
and Principles
Organizing Committee: Nancy Reid (Chair), Susan Holmes, Snehelata Huzurbazar,
Hadley Wickham, Leland Wilkinson
- March 23-27, 2015
Workshop on Big Data in Health Policy
Organizing Committee: Lisa Lix (Chair), Constantine Gatsonis, Sharon-Lise
Normand, Therese Stukel
- April 13 – 16, 2015
Workshop on Big Data for Social Policy
Organizing Committee: Sallie Keller (chair), Robert Groves, Mary Thompson
- June 12– 13, 2015
Closing Conference
Organizing Committee: Nancy Reid (Chair), Sallie Keller, Lisa Lix, Hugh
Chipman, Rus Salakhutdinov, Yoshua Bengio, Richard Lockhart
to be held at AARMS of Dalhousie University,
Held in conjunction with the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Statistical
Sciences Institute, in the two days preceding the Annual Meeting of the
Statistical Society of Canada. Overview lectures by members of the organizing
committee will highlight the research generated by the thematic program.
Graduate Course on Large Scale Machine Learning
Monday, 11 a.m. -2 p.m, January 5 to March 30 ( no classes Feb 16-20), Stewart
Library, Fields Institute
Instructor: Russ Salakhutdinov, Departments of Computer Science and Statistical
Sciences, University of Toronto
Description: Statistical machine learning is a very dynamic field that
lies at the intersection of statistics and computational sciences. The
goal of statistical machine learning is to develop algorithms that can
"learn" from data using statistical and computational methods. Over the
last decade, driven by rapid advances in numerous fields, such as computational
biology, neuroscience, data mining, signal processing, and finance, applications
that involve large amounts of high-dimensional data are not that uncommon.
The goal of this course is to introduce core concepts of large-scale machine
learning and discuss scalable techniques for analyzing large amounts of
data. Both theoretical and practical aspects will be discussed.
Graduate Course on Topics in Inference for Big Data
For more detail see http://fields2015bigdata2inference.weebly.com/
Friday, 1 p.m. -4 p.m, January 9 to March 27 ( no classes Feb 16-20), Stewart
Library, Fields Institute
Instructors: Nancy Reid, Department of Statistical Sciences, University
of Toronto; Mu Zhu, Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science, University
of Waterloo
Description: This course will introduce students to the topics under
discussion during the thematic program on Statistical Inference in Big
Data, with a mix of background lectures and guest lectures. The goal is
to prepare students, postdoctoral fellows, and other interested participants
to benefit from upcoming workshops in the thematic program, and to provide
a venue for further discussion of keynote presentations after the workshops.
Short Course on Latent Tree graphical models
April 27, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
April 28, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
April 29, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Stewart Library, The Fields Institute
Instructor: Piotr Zwiernik, University of Genoa
1. Trees, tree metrics and the space of trees.
I will introduce basic graph-theoretic tree concepts, tree metrics
andother tree spaces that arise naturally in the study of latent treegraphical
2. Latent tree graphical models.
I will define the model and discuss the basic links to Bayesian
networks and undirected graphical models on trees. I will present somebasic
results concerning identifiability and moment structure.
3. Inference.
In many application the main interest is in learning the underlying
tree. I will give an overview of some methods of learning the tree and
show how the idea of tree metrics provides a natural estimator.
4. Parameter estimation.
I will introduce the structural EM algorithm for the MLE estimation
and discuss some other approximate methods.
5. Special submodels: Hidden Markov model, symmetric models and
used in phylogenetics.
Many popular models arise as special cases of latent tree Graphicalmodels.
In this lecture I discuss these examples.
Postdoctoral Fellows and Program Visitors
The Thematic Program on Statistical Inference, Learning, and Models for
Big Data is pleased to welcome the following
Postdoctoral Fellows to the Program
Postdoctoral Fellows
Fuqi Chen
PhD, University of Windsor
Armin Hatefi
PhD, University of Manitoba
Postdoctoral Fellow
Einat Gil
PhD, University of Haifa
Roger Grosse
PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Alexander Schwing
PhD, ETH Zurich
Cathal Smyth
PhD, University of Toronto
Allied Activity
January - April, 2015
Big Data Program-Statistics Department Colloquia
July 21 – August 15, 2014
Summer School: Statistical
Learning in Big Data
Instructors: Hugh Chipman, Acadia; Sunny Wang, St. Francis Xavier
held at AARMS
April 7-9, 2015
Lecture Series
Michael Jordan (University of California, Berkeley)
Room 230, Fields Institute
April 9-10, 2015
Lecture Series in Statistical Science
Terry Speed (Walter and Eliza Hall Institute for Medical Research,
Room 230, Fields Institute
April 20– 24, 2015
Statistical Inference for Large Scale Data
with Richard Lockhart (Chair), Nicolai Meinshausen
held at PIMS, Simon Fraser
April 23-24, 2015
Lecture Series in Statistical Science
Bin Yu, University of California, Berkeley
Room 230, Fields Institute
April 21-24, 2015
Workshop on Complex spatio-temporal data structures:
Methods and applications
held at the Fields Institutue
April 29-30, 2015
Data in Commercial and Retail Banking
with Mark Reesor, (Western); Matt Davison, (Western); Adam Metzler,
(Wilfrid Laurier )
held at the Fields Institutue
May 4 – 8, 2015
and Short Course on Statistical and computational challenges in networks,
web mining and cybersecurity:
with Hugh Chipman (Chair), François Théberge (U Ottawa)
held at CRM, Montreal
May 11–15, 2015
on Big Data in Environmental Science
with Richard Lockhart (Chair), James Zidek (UBC)
held at PIMS, University of British Columbia
July 31- August 9, 2015
Learning Summer School
Organizing Committee: Yoshua Bengio, Chair
held at CRM, Montreal
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