March  1, 2025


Summer Workshop on Big Data for Health
July 03-04, 2014

Fields Institute
222 College St. Toronto

Oranizing Committee:
Dr. Shelley Bull, Mount Sinai Hospital
Dr. David Henry (Co Chair)Dniversity of Toronto
Dr. France Gagnon (Co Chair)University of Toronto


The Aims of the Workshop are to provide an opportunity for scientists in diverse fields concerned with analysis of broad and deep data to learn about the work being conducted by colleagues in other disciplines, to learn about new techniques and the availability of large linked data-sets that offer opportunities for deeper cross-disciplinary collaboration.

Internationally, routinely collected data - from health administration, electronic medical records, laboratories (clinical and public health), imaging services, and disease registries are being used to measure clinical care, trial outcomes, health system performance, trends in and determinants of the public health. In parallel, 'omics' scientists have developed computational techniques to analyse deep biological data-sets and computer scientists have developed artificial intelligence that can identify patters in 'big data' that are not constrained by our sometimes limited understanding of epidemiological associations.


Time Thursday, July 3rd
5:40 pm - 7:20 pm

Keynote Speakers

Peter C. Goodhand - The Global Alliance for Genomics and Health (slides)

Thomas J. Hudson - Research platforms that link "-omics" to biobank data: Opportunities in Ontario (slides)

Rick Glazier - The Potential for Reseach using Electronic Medical Records in Ontario (slides)

Astrid Guttmann - Exciting Research Opportunities using Administrative Data (slides)

7:20 pm - 7:30 pm Discussion
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm Buffet Dinner & Cash Bar
  Friday, July 4th
8:00 am - 9:00 am Breakfast
9:00 am - 10:20 am

Session 1

Prabhat Jha - Welcome and Introduction (slides)

Geoffrey Liu - Cancer Pharmacogenetics (slides)

Ron Ammar - Software for Clinical Implementation of Pharmacogenetic Testing (slides)

Frank Sullivan - UTOPIAN (slides)

Michelle Greiver - The Canadian Primary Care Sentinel Surveillance Network (slides)

Michael Brudno - Capturing Well-Structered Patient Data in 5 Minutes (slides)

Eileen Rakovitch - Ontario DCIS Cohort (slides)

Marc Flume - Medsavant: Database and Search Engine for Genetic Variants

10:10 am - 10:40 am Break & Networking
10:40 am - 12:10 am

Session 2

Don Willison - Public Perceptions on Secondary Use of Health Information and Biological Samles for Research (slides)

Laura Rosella - A Tale of Two Linkages (slides)

Laurent Briollais - Modelling Health Trajectories and Impact on Prevention Programs (slides)

Jennifer Gommerman - The Connaught Global Challenge Opportunity: The GEMINI project

Greg Evans - Exposome: Looking at the Air Pollutions (slides)

Patrick Brown - Disease Mapping with Messy Data (slides)

John McLaughlin - Big Data for Public Health: Prospects for Ontario (slides)

Natasha Crowcroft - Big Data at PHO: Infectious Diseases (slides)

Peter Miasnikof - Classification of Algorithims in Global Mortality (slides)

12:10 pm - 1:30 pm Lunch & Networking
1:30 pm - 3:00 pm

Session 3

Peter Austin - Causal Inference and Observational Studies (slides)

Karen Tu - Using Primary Care EMR Data for Secondary Purposes (slides)

Lincoln Stein - The Cancer Genome Collaboratory (slides)

Igor Jurisica - Visual Data Mining in Integrative Cancer Informatics (slides)

Paul Buotros - Benchmarking & Cancer (slides)

Michael Hoffman - One Genome, Many Epigenomes, Machine Learning (slides)

Michael Wilson -Understandin Human Gene Regulation and Disease with Comparative Genomics (slides)

Quaid Morris - Machine Learning for Biological and Clinical Data (slides)

Jo Knight - Integration of Functional Data with Genetic Association Data (slides)

James Kennedy - The CAMH Pharmacogenetics Research Project (slides)

3:00 pm - 3:30 pm Discussion & Closing Remarks
3:30 Adjournment







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