in General Relativity
June 15-18, 2015
Committee |
Week Organizers |
Alexakis, University of Toronto
Mihalis Dafermos, Princeton University
Luis Lehner, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical
Physics and University of Guelph
Harald Pfeiffer, Canadian Institute for Theoretical
Astrophysics (CITA)
Eric Poisson, University of Guelph
Isenberg, University of Oregon
Jonathan Luk, University of Cambridge
Details to come.
as of June 9, 2015
* Indicates
not yet confirmed
Full Name
Spyros Alexakis |
University of Toronto |
Ellery Ames |
Chalmers University |
Xinliang An |
Rutgers University |
Florian Beyer |
University of Otago |
Wilson Brenna |
University of Waterloo |
* |
Vitor Cardoso |
Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa |
João Costa |
University Institute of Lisbon |
Stefan Czimek |
Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions, Universite
Paris 6 |
Mihalis Dafermos |
Princeton University |
Dominic Dold |
Cambridge University |
Grigorios Fournodavlos |
University of Toronto |
Dejan Gajic |
University of Cambridge |
David Garfinkle |
Oakland University |
* |
Gary Gibbons |
University of Cambridge |
Cécile Huneau |
Ecole Normale Superieure |
Jim Isenberg |
University of Oregon |
Orchidea Maria Lecian |
Sapienza University of Rome |
Luis Lehner |
Perimeter Institute |
Adam Lewis |
University of Toronto |
Jonathan Luk |
University of Cambridge |
* |
Brian Markle |
Sung-Jin Oh |
University of California, Berkeley |
* |
Amos Ori |
Technion |
* |
Harvey Reall |
University of Cambridge |
Jan Sbierski |
University of Cambridge |
Volker Schlue |
University of Toronto |
Arick Shao |
Imperial College London |
Yakov Shlapentokh-Rothman |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Matteo Smerlak |
Perimeter Institute |
* |
Jacques Smulevici |
Université Paris-Sud |
* |
Jared Speck |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
* |
Oh Sung-jin |
University of California, Berkeley |
Norihiro Tanahashi |
University of Cambridge |
Martin Taylor |
Cambridge University |
Aaron Zimmerman |
Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics |
June 15 |
Mihalis Dafermos, Princeton University
Jan Sbierski, Magdalene College, Cambridge.
The C^0 inextendibility of the Schwarzschild
Coffee break |
Grigorios Fournodavlos, University
of Toronto
On the backward stability of the Schwarzschild
black hole singularity |
Tuesday, June 16 |
João Costa,
University Institute of Lisbon
On strong cosmic censorship with a cosmological
constant |
Luis Lehner, Perimeter
Black hole instabilities in higher dimensions and naked singularities
Lunch |
Jonathan Luk, University
of Cambridge |
Sung-Jin Oh, University
of California, Berkeley
Linear instability of the Reissner-Nordström Cauchy
horizon under scalar perturbations |
Coffee break |
Discussion of Weak Null
Singularities and Strong Cosmic Censorship |
June 17 |
Yakov Shlapentokh-Rothman,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Stability and Instability of Scalar Fields on Kerr
Spacetimes |
Huan Yang, Perimeter
Holographic Insights into Black Hole Spacetimes |
Lunch break |
Norihiro Tanahashi,
University of Cambridge
Causality, Hyperbolicity and Shock Formation
in Lovelock Theories |
Jacques Smulevici, Université
On the future asymptotics of polarized T2 symmetric spacetime |
June 18 |
Jim Isenberg, University
of Oregon |
Ellery Ames, Chalmers
The Asymptotic Value Problem for the Einstein Field
Equations and AVTD Solutions |
Lunch break |
David Garfinkle,
Oakland University |
Discussion of AVTD, Mixmaster,
and Strong Cosmic Censorship |
Ellery Ames, Chalmers University
The Asymptotic Value Problem for the Einstein Field Equations and AVTD
The notion of an asymptotic value problem can be introduced in cases where
one is interested in solutions to PDE with prescribed asymptotics. The problem
of finding AVTD solutions is naturally formulated as an asymptotic value
problem for the Einstein field equations. In this case the prescribed asymptotics
are obtained from a certain set of equations called the VTD system, which
are in turn derived from the Einstein equations. In this talk I will present
the asymptotic value problem for the vacuum Einstein field equations in
wave gauges. The reason for using wave gauges is to obtain a symmetric hyperbolic
formulation, a structural condition which is key in obtaining non-analytic
solutions. The wave gauge formulation also allows one to consider different
coordinate systems. As an example I will discuss results for AVTD solutions
in spacetimes with Gowdy symmetry. This work provides tools with which to
investigate the coordinate-dependence of the VTD property, as well as establishing
smooth AVTD solutions with U(1)-symmetry.
João Costa, University Institute of Lisbon
On strong cosmic censorship with a cosmological constant
Motivated by the Strong Cosmic Censorship Conjecture (SCCC) we consider
the problem of global uniqueness for the Einstein-Maxwell-scalar field system
with a cosmological constant, for spherically symmetry characteristic initial
data. First we consider the situation where the outgoing data is stationary
(i.e., prescribed by a subextremal Reissner Nordstroem black hole event
horizon) and the remaining data is otherwise free. In that case, one can
find an open set of free data for which it is possible to construct regular
extensions of the maximal (globally hyperbolic) development. This provides
indirect evidence for the failure of the SCCC in the case of a positive
cosmological constant.
To go from indirect evidence to results applying unequivocally to the conjecture
at hand we present some preliminary results concerning the case where the
outgoing data, instead of stationary, satisfies Price's law.
Grigorios Fournodavlos, University of
On the backward stability of the Schwarzschild black hole singularity
We study the backwards-in-time stability of the Schwarzschild singularity
from a dynamical PDE point of view. More precisely, considering a spacelike
hypersurface $\Sigma_0$ in the interior of the black hole region, tangent
to the singular hypersurface $\{r=0\}$ at a single sphere, we study the
problem of perturbing the Schwarzschild data on $\Sigma_0$ and solving the
Einstein vacuum equations backwards in time. We obtain a local well-posedness
result for small perturbations lying in certain weighted Sobolev spaces,
without any symmetry assumptions. The perturbed spacetimes all have a singularity
at a ``collapsed'' sphere on $\Sigma_0$, where the leading asymptotics of
all geometric components match those of their Schwarzschild counterparts
to a suitably high order. This result thus yields a class of non-symmetric
vacuum spacetimes, evolving forwards-in-time from smooth initial data, which
form a Schwarzschild type singularity at a collapsed sphere. We rely on
a precise asymptotic analysis of the Schwarzschild geometry near the singularity
which appears to be just borderline for our method to be applicable.
Sung-Jin Oh, University of California, Berkeley
Linear instability of the Reissner-Nordström Cauchy horizon under
scalar perturbations
Consider the linear scalar wave equation on a fixed subextremal Reissner-Nordström
spacetime with non-vanishing charge. In this talk, I will present a proof
that generic smooth and compactly supported initial data on a Cauchy hypersurface
give rise to solutions with infinite nondegenerate energy near the Cauchy
horizon in the interior of the black hole. This is a joint work with J.
This linear instability of the Cauchy horizon is related to the celebrated
blue shift effect in the interior of the black hole. The problem is motivated
by the strong cosmic censorship conjecture, and it is expected that for
the full nonlinear Einstein-Maxwell system this instability leads to a singular
Cauchy horizon for generic small perturbations of Reissner-Nordström
Jan Sbierski, Magdalene College, Cambridge.
The C^0 inextendibility of the Schwarzschild spacetime
The maximal analytic Schwarzschild spacetime is manifestly inextendible
as a Lorentzian manifold with a C^2 regular metric. In this talk I will
describe how one proves the stronger statement that the maximal analytic
Schwarzschild spacetime is inextendible as a Lorentzian manifold with a
continuous metric. The investigation of low-regularity inextendibility criteria
is motivated by the strong cosmic censorship conjecture.
Yakov Shlapentokh-Rothman, Massachusetts Institute
of Technology
Stability and Instability of Scalar Fields on Kerr Spacetimes
I will discuss some stability and instability results for wave and Klein-Gordon
equations on sub-extremal Kerr exterior backgrounds. More specifcally, for
the wave equation we will see that general finite energy solutions have
a uniformly bounded energy and satisfy an integrated local energy decay
estimate. In contrast, for the Klein-Gordon equation we will see that there
exist finite energy solutions which grow exponentially. We will also discuss
the implications of these results for black hole stability. Some of this
work is joint with Mihalis Dafermos and Igor Rodnianski.
Norohiro Tanahashi, University of Cambridge
Causality, Hyperbolicity and Shock Formation in Lovelock Theories
We study gravitational wave propagation in Lovelock theories, which are
extensions of Einstein's theory by higher-curvature corrections, to examine
if these theories have good properties such as causality and hyperbolicity.
We study the propagation on various background spacetime, and find that
initial value problem may cease to be well-posed in some case. We also show
that the sound speed of gravitational wave depends on the background and
it may cause shock formation in these theories. We discuss implications
of these phenomena.
Huan Yang, Perimeter Institute
Holographic Insights into Black Hole Spacetimes
Motivated by the gravity/fluid correspondence, I will first discuss a new
type of nonlinear instability of rapidly-spinning black holes, which display
a inverse-cascading turbulent-like phenomenon. After that I will generalize
the analysis and introduce a new method to characterizing nonlinear gravitational
interaction. Namely the nonlinear perturbative form of Einstein equation
is mapped to the equation of motion of a collection of nonlinearly-coupled
harmonic oscillators. These oscillators correspond to the quasinormal or
normal modes of the background spacetime. In spacetimes with gravity/fluid
correspondence, such as AdS black branes, this formalism gives equivalent
equations of motion as the Navier-Stokes equation of the boundary fluid.
It is also expected to remain valid in more general spacetimes.
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