7- August 1, 2014 Focus
Program on
Solving Workshop on Neurovascular Coupling and Developing
July 21-25, 2014
Organizers: Martin Frasch (Obstetrics & Gynaecology,
U de Montreal)
Huaxiong Huang and Qiming Wang (Math. & Stats.,
York U)
Brain injury acquired antenatally remains a major cause of postnatal
long-term neurodevelopmental sequelae. There is evidence for a
combined role of fetal infection and inflammation and hypoxic-acidemia.
Concomitant hypoxia and acidemia (umbilical cord blood pH <
7.00) during labour increase the risk for neonatal adverse outcomes
and longer-term sequelae including cerebral palsy. The main manifestation
of pathologic inflammation in the feto-placental unit, chorioamnionitis,
affects 20% of term pregnancies and up to 60% of preterm pregnancies
and is often asymptomatic.
The format of the event will be that of a problem-solving workshop,
also called a Study Group (SG). The workshop will provide an informal
setting for researchers from life sciences and mathematical sciences
to identify key research questions related to perinatal brain
development from neurovascular coupling viewpoint. On the first
day of this week long workshop, specific problems will be presented
to the workshop participants. It will be followed by brainstorm
sessions in subsequent days and a summary session on the last
day of the workshop.
Draft Program
Welcome |
Problem presentation |
Group discussion |
Group discussion |
Group discussion |
Presentation |
Coffee break
Group discussion |
Group discussion |
Group discussion |
Group discussion |
Summary |
Lunch break
Group discussion |
Group discussion |
Group discussion |
Group discussion |
Tea Break
Summary |
Summary |
Summary |
Summary |
Electrical and mechanical restriction on the localization of cerebral
blood flow.
Proposer: Patrick Drew (Engineering Science & Department
of Neurosurgery, Penn State)
The arteries that supply the brain with oxygenated blood form
a branching network on the surface of the brain, with the smallest
branches, known as penetrating arterioles, entering into the brain
at right angles, and connecting with the capillary network. The
local control of blood flow is mediated through relaxation of
the smooth muscles that surround arteries, which dilate the vessel
and decrease resistance. The endothelial and smooth muscle cells
that make up the vessel are electrically coupled and can propogate
the electrical signals that mediate dilation over several hundred
microns or more. It has long been assumed that the penetrating
arterioles, which are thought to be bottlenecks in the system,
would control local blood flow. Surprisingly, measurements in
awake, behaving mice has shown that the surface vessel dilate
significantly more than the penetrating arterioles they feed,
only tens of microns away. This results in a less localized spread
of blood flow than would be expected from the penetrating vessels
dilating alone. What mechanism could underly this difference between
the vessels, and what physiological role might it play? Two possible
mechanisms for consideration are that the mechanical properties
of the brain tissue restrict the dilation of the penetrating arteriole
more than the surface arteries, which are surrounded by cerebral
spinal fluid, or that non-linear excitation-contraction coupling
could generate this stark change in behavior.
Modelling fetal electrocorticogram and heart rate during labour
and inflammation (.pdf format)
Martin G. Frasch, MD, PhD Assistant Research Professor, Department
of Obstetrics-Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine
Université de Montréal, CHU Sainte-Justine Research
In late gestation, especially during labour, fetal well-being
is typically monitored by measuring fetal heart rate (FHR). FHR
monitoring, however, has low positive predictive value for detecting
acidemia. As for early detection of fetal inflammation, no reliable
noninvasive methods exist. Both conditions (fetal acidemia and
inflammation) are associated with increased risk for brain injury
at birth with lasting neurological deficits that often can only
be diagnosed years after birth. We have showed that fetal electroencephalogram
(EEG) is feasible during labour and would enhance the ability
to detect early onset of acidemia. In addition, heart rate variability
dynamics reflects temporal profile of fetal inflammatory response.
In order to develop more robust techniques for online detection
of fetal inflammation during late gestation and acidemia/inflammation
during labour, it will be desirable to have a physiology-based
mathematical model for fetal electrocorticogram and heart rate
under “stress”, e.g., when the supply of fetal oxygen
is reduced because of a variety of causes and inflammatory response
is ongoing due to infection or worsening acidemia (i.e., septic
or aseptic).
During the workshop, data from animal experiments will be provided
for the participants. The primary goal is to develop a quantitative
neuronal/cardiovascular model capable of generating electrocorticogram
and heart rate signals that mimic the observed patterns from animal
experiments. A secondary objective is to find a robust approach
that can be used to fit model parameters using the experimental
Background literature
1. Radunskaya AE, Najera A, Durosier D, Louzoun Y, Peercy B, Ross
MG, Richardson BS, Frasch MG. A mathematical model of nutrient
delivery during labour: predicting fetal distress due to severe
acidemia. Experimental Biology Meeting: April 20-24, 2013, Boston,
Massachusetts. The FASEB Journal. 2013;27:1217.16.
2. Frasch MG, Keen AE, Gagnon R, Ross MG, Richardson BS (2011).
Monitoring Fetal Electrocortical Activity during Labour for Predicting
Worsening Acidemia: A Prospective Study in the Ovine Fetus Near
Term. PLOS ONE 6(7):e22100. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0022100.
3. Zandt BJ, ten Haken B, van Dijk JG, van Putten MJ. Neural dynamics
during anoxia and the "wave of death". PLOS ONE 2011;6:e22127.
4. Frasch MG, Keen A, Matushewski B, Richardson BS. Comparability
of electroenkephalogram (EEG) versus electrocorticogram (ECOG)
in the ovine fetus near term. 57th Annual Scientific Meeting of
the Society for Gynecologic Investigation Orlando, Florida: Reproductive
Sciences, 2010 (vol 17).
5. Durosier LD, Cao M, Herry C, Batkin I, Seely AJE, Burns P,
Fecteau G, Desrochers A, Frasch MG. A signature of fetal systemic
inflammatory response in the pattern of heart rate variability
measures matrix: a prospective study in fetal sheep model of lipopolysaccharide
(LPS)-induced sepsis. Experimental Biology Meeting: April 20-24,
2013, Boston, Massachusetts. The FASEB Journal. 2013;27:926.8
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