17-18 2015
2nd Workshop on Virus Dynamics
Institute, 222 College St,Toronto
Catherine Beauchemin, Ryerson University
Udo Reichl, Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical
The modelling of infectious disease spread at the multi-host
level (epidemiology) has garnered a lot of attention, and has
attracted a large community of researchers with significant, dedicated
funding programmes. In contrast, the community of researchers
working on models of disease spread at the single cell, cell culture,
organ or single-host level (virology, immunology), an equally
important and complementary aspect of disease control and eradication,
is much smaller, and distributed around the world. Nonetheless,
several of us are working on related problems and have benefited
significantly from the 1st Workshop on Virus Dynamics which was
held in Summer 2013 in Frankfurt, Germany.
The objective of this year's 2-day workshop is to build on the success
of the 1st workshop and to further discuss the present state and future
development in modelling virus dynamics from the single-cell level up to
the level of a single host. Participants will discuss their progress in
developing optimal experimental systems plus mathematical and computational
modelling platforms which, when combined, enable them to extract the key
parameters characterizing viral replication in vitro or in vivo. The topics
covered at this year's workshop will include the comparison of local virus
spread via direct, cell-to-cell transfer versus distal spread by release
and diffusion of free virions, the effect of stochasticity at low virus
concentration during early infection and its possible long-term impact on
progress of infection, the emergence and growth kinetics of defective interfering
particles and the artifacts it could introduce in commonly used experimental
systems, and the role of host and immune factors in controlling or arresting
the infection.
Friday July 17, 2015. |
8:30-8:40 |
8:40-9:20 |
Keynote: Alan S Perelson, Modeling
HIV cure |
9:20-9:45 |
Jessica M. Conway, Residual
viremia in treated HIV+ patients: simple model insights |
9:45-10:05 |
Xiaodan Sun, Personalized
life expectancy and treatment benefit index of antiretroviral therapy |
10:05-10:25 |
Coffee Break
10:25-11:05 |
Keynote: Vitaly V. Ganusov, Insights
from mathematical modeling of wthin-host dynamics and evolution of SIV
and HIV |
11:05-11:30 |
Shinji Nakaoka, Dynamics
of HIV infection in a lymph-node network |
11:30-11:55 |
Frederic Bertels, Parallel
evolution of HIV-1 in a long term experiment |
11:55-12:15 |
Yusuke Kakizoe, A
method to determine the duration of the eclipse phase for SHIV-KS661
virus infection experiment in vitro |
12:15-13:40 |
Lunch Break
13:40-14:20 |
Keynote: Shingo Iwami, Quantifying
combination activity of anti-HCV drugs in vitro |
14:20-14:45 |
Harel Dahari, Individualized
IFN free therapy via real-time mathematical modeling of HCV kinetics |
14:45-15:10 |
Jeremie Guedj, The
paradox of highly effective sofosbuvir-based combination therapy despite
slow viral decline |
15:10-15:30 |
Coffee Break
15:30-15:55 |
Frederik Graw, Quantification
of HCV cell-to-cell spread using a stochastic modelling approach |
15:55-16:15 |
Peter Kumberger, Modes
of viral transmission and their implications - Analyzing the spread
of HCV |
16:15-16:40 |
Kenneth Blahut, Quantifying
the relative contribution of free virus vs. cell-to-cell infection of
hepatitis C virus in vitro |
16:40-17:05 |
Amber M. Smith, In
Vivo Kinetics of Sendai Virus Infection |
Dinner: Via Mercanti (registration required)
Saturday July 18, 2015. |
9:00-9:40 |
Keynote: Thomas Höfer, Propogation
of dengue virus in interferon-competent cells |
9:40-10:05 |
Melanie Rinas, Single-cell
analysis and data-driven modeling identify major determinants attenuating
a vaccine candidate Dengue virus mutant |
10:05-10:25 |
Coffee Break
10:25-11:05 |
Keynote: John Yin, Dual-color
reporting of virus growth and infection spread |
11:05-11:30 |
Anton Zilman, Specificity
and adaptation in Type I interferon signaling |
11:30-11:55 |
Tanja Laske, Analyzing
the dynamics of influenza A virus replication in the presence of defective
interfering RNA |
11:55-12:20 |
Laura Liao, (In)validating
experimentally-acquired knowledge about influenza A defective interfering
particles |
12:20-13:50 |
Lunch Break
13:50-14:10 |
Benjamin Holder, Addressing
an early-time discrepancy between in vitro influenza infections and
model dynamics |
14:10-14:35 |
Laetita Canini, Modelling
respiratory symptoms dynamics of influenza A in humans: Towards a quantitative
undersatnding of infectiousness |
14:35-14:55 |
Chris Hadjichrysanthou, Using
simple mathematical models to understand the within-host dynamics of
influenza A infection: From theory to clinical implications |
14:55-15:15 |
Coffee Break
15:15-15:35 |
Hana Dobrovolny, Comparison
of in vitro influenza and RSV kinetics parameters |
15:35-15:55 |
Elissa J. Schwartz, Identifying
the Conditions under which Antibodies Protect Against Infection by Equine
Infectious Anemia Virus |
15:55-16:15 |
Carmen Lia Murall, Investigating
the evolutionary ecology of Human papillomavirus using within-host models |
16:15 |
Casual Dinner/Drinks
The two-day workshop will tentatively be divided into:
• Five keynote talks, 35 min each + 5 min questions
• 13 talks by participants, 20 min each + 5 min questions
• 7 talks by participants, 15 min each + 5 min questions
which will fall under one or more of the following topics:
Topic 1 - Virus replication in vitro at the intracellular and intercellular
Topic 2 - Viral infection kinetics in vivo
Topic 3 - Host/immune responses, antiviral therapy, and drug resistance
The complete conference programme is currently under construction and will
be provided shortly.
Confirmed keynote speakers
Prof. Vitaly Ganusov (University of Tennessee-Knoxville, USA)
Prof. Thomas Höfer (Universität Heidelberg/German Cancer
Research Center DKFZ, Germany)
Prof. Shingo Iwami (Kyushu University, Japan)
Prof. Alan S. Perelson (Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA)
Prof. John Yin (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA)
Accommodation warning
The workshop will be held at the same time as the following
popular Toronto events
Pan American Games, July 10-26, 2015
Beaches International Jazz Festival, July 17-26, 2015
for this reason, we suggest that you book your accommodation as
early as possible.
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