Singularity Theory and Geometry
Workshop on Geometry and Complexity
May 5-11, 1997
This workshop, part
of the on-going program on Singularity Theory and Geometry, will be a
synergetic meeting intended to bring together researchers interested in
various algorithmic and constructive aspects of geometry, topology, geometric
group theory and related subjects.
Invited Speakers
- *G. Baumslag, CUNY
- M.-F. Coste-Roy, Université de Rennes I
- D.B.A. Epstein, University of Warwick
- A. Gabrielov, Purdue University
- S. Gersten, University of Utah
- D. Grigoriev, Pennsylvania State University
- M. Gromov, IHES
- W. Haken, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- A. Khovanskii, University of Toronto
- L. Levin, Boston University
- C. Miller, University of Illinois at Chicago
- *N. Mnev, Steklov Mathematical Institute
- A. Nabutovsky, University of Toronto
- E. Rips, The Hebrew University
- J. Rubinstein, University of Melbourne
- Z. Sela, Columbia University
- F. Sergeraert, Université Josef Fourier
- M. Shub, T.J. Watson IBM Research Center
- L. van den Dries, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- N. Vorobjov, Jr., University of Bath
- S. Weinberger, University of Pennsylvania
- D. Welsh, Oxford University
- S. Yakovenko, Weizmann Institute of Science
- Y. Yomdin, Weizmann Institute of Science
- * subject to confirmation
During the workshop, Professor Mikhael Gromov of the Institut des Hautes
Études Scientifiques will deliver three lectures under the Fields Institute
Distinguished Lecture Series.
Organizing Committee
Askold Khovanskii, University of Toronto; Alex Nabutovsky, University
of Toronto