January 18, 2025

Singularity Theory and Geometry

Poincaré Lecture Series (January - May, 1997)

  • Viatcheslav Kharlamov
    Introduction to Topology of Real Algebraic Surfaces: from General Properties to some Special Classes of Surfaces
    -- January 14-15, 1997
  • Kryzysztof Kurdyka
    Lojasiewicz Inequality and Trajectories of Gradient, General Case
    and On the Thom's Gradient Conjecture and Alalytic Case -- January 21-22, 1997
  • Selman Akbulut
    Exotic Structures on 4-manifolds and Adjunction Inequality
    and Applications on Contact Structures and Knots -- January 28-29, 1997
  • Yulij Ilyashenko
    Nonlocal Bifucations, Minimal and Maximal Attractors -- February 4-5, 1997
  • Dan Abramovich
    Resolution of Singularities and Semistable Reduction in Characteristic 0
    -- February 11-12, 1997
  • Boris Khesin
    Constructions of Infinite-dimensional Lie Algebras and Groups
    and Hamiltonian Dynamics on Pseudo-Differential Symbols -- March 4-5, 1997
  • Raghavan Narasimhan
    Bernstein-type Inequalities for Familites of Analytic Functions -- March 25-26, 1997
  • John Millson
    Configuration Spaces of Planar Linkages and Arrangements of Lines
    , April 1-2, 1997
  • Bernard Teissier
    Integral Dependence on Ideals; Application in Geometry and Analysis
    and The Reduced Bautin Index of an Ao-series -- April 15-16, 1997
  • David Mond
    Vanishing Cohomology of Singularities of Mappings and Free Divisors and their Families -- April 22-23, 1997
  • James Arthur
    Automorphic Forms: an Introduction for Non-specialists -- April 29-30, 1997
  • Shmuel Weinberger
    The Search for the Missing Manifolds and Topological Flexibility and Degenerations in Gromov-Hausdorff Space -- May 13-14, 1997
  • Sabir Gusein-Zade
    Verlinde Algebras and Dynkin Diagrams of Isolated Singularities -- May 20-21, 1997