Complexity Theory Program
Workshop on Complexity Issues
in Parallel and Distributed Computation
June 1 - 5, 1998
Organizer: Faith Fich, University of Toronto
Program Committee:
Faith Fich
Evangelos Kranakis
Danny Krizanc
Nicholas Pippenger
Nicola Santoro
Distributed and parallel computation are important aspects of modern computing.
However, the complex interactions that may arise make it difficult to obtain
correct and efficient algorithms. This workshop will bring together prominent
researchers who want to develop a deeper understanding of the fundamental
computational problems in these areas and techniques to solve them. Various
theoretical models of parallel and distributed computation, encompassing both
shared memory and communication networks, will be considered. Topics will
include relationships among these models, what problems are solvable in these
models, and how efficiently certain problems can be solved in these models.
Workshop Speakers:
- Michael Ben-Or, Hebrew University
- Gianfranco Bilardi, University of Padova, University of Illinois
- Martin Dietzfelbinger, Technische Universität Illmenau
- Maurice Herlihy, Brown University
- Prasad Jayanti, Dartmouth College
- Evangelos Kranakis, Carleton University
- Mirek Kutylowski, University of Wroclaw
- Nancy Lynch, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Bruce Maggs, Carnegie Mellon University
- Marios Mavronikolas, University of Cyprus
- Shlomo Moran, Technion, University of Arizona
- Michael Paterson, University of Warwick
- Sergio Rajsbaum, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
- Vijaya Ramachandran, University of Texas at Austin
- Rüdiger Reischuk, Medizinische Universität zu Lubeck
- Eric Ruppert, University of Toronto
- Nicola Santoro, Carleton University
- Nir Shavit, Tel-Aviv University
- Ramesh Sitaraman, University of Massachusetts
- Sam Toueg, Cornell University
- Eli Upfal, Brown University
- Rolf Wanka, University of Paderborn