Monday, Sept. 8 |
09.00-09.05 |
D.Dawson Director's Address
Chair: J.Sj\"ostrand |
09.05-09.55 |
I.M.Sigal The Ginzburg-Landau equation (joint work
with Stephen Gustafson) |
09.55-10.20 |
Coffee Break |
10.20-11.10 |
S.Zelditch Level spacings and eigenvalue correlations |
11.20-12.10 |
G.M.Graf Stability of non-relativistic matter and
ultraviolet cutoff QED Chair: B.Helffer |
14.00-14.50 |
F.Nier The dynamics of some quantum open systems with
short range non linearities |
15.00-15.50 |
A.Fedotov Almost periodic Schr\"odinger equations.
Adiabatic case. II |
16.00-16.50 |
A.Sobolev Absolute continuity of the periodic magnetic
Schr\"odinger operator Chair: I.M.Sigal |
14.00-14.50 |
M.B.Ruskai A bound on the maximum negative ionization
of one-dimensional models for many-electron atoms in extremely strong
magnetic fields |
15.00-15.50 |
R.Pyke Positive commutator methods for nonlinear wave
equations: minimal periods and exponential decay of time-periodic
solutions |
16.00-16.50 |
A.M.Horn Microlocal methods in control and stabilization
of elastic systems |
17.00-??? |