Workshop Microlocal Analysis and Mathematical Physics
List of Participants
- Bach, Volker, TU Berlin
- Bagirov, Lev, Institute for Problems in Mechanics (Moscow)
- Birman, Mikhail, St-Petrsburg State University
- Bourget, Alain, McGill (Montreal)
- Burq, Nicolas, Ecole Polytechnique (Palaiseau)
- Buslaev, Vladimir, St-Petrsburg State University
- Buzano, Ernesto, Universita' di Torino
- Chappa, Eduardo, University of Washington
- Comech, Andrew, Columbia University
- Dimassi, Mouez, Universite Paris-Nord
- Doolittle, Ed, University of Toronto
- Dynin, Alexander, Ohio State University
- Edward, Julian, Florida International University
- Eskin, Gregory, UCLA
- Fedotov, Alexandre, St.Petersburg State University / Universite Paris
- Francsics, Gabor, Columbia University
- Friedlander, Leonid, University of Arizona
- Froese, Richard, University of British Columbia
- Fujiie, Setsuro, Tohoku University
- Geller, Daryl, SUNY at Stony Brook
- Graf, Gian Michele, ETH Zurich
- Graffi, Sandro, Universita' di Bologna
- Greenleaf, Allan, University of Rochester
- Greiner, Peter, University of Toronto
- Grieser, Daniel, Humboldt Universitaet Berlin
- Grigis, Alain, Universite Paris 13
- Guan, Pengfei, Mcmaster Univ.
- Guillot, Jean-Claude, Institut Galilee Universite Paris-Nord
- Gustafson, Stephen, University of Toronto
- Helffer, Bernard, Paris-sud
- Hislop, Peter , University of Kentucky
- Horn, Mary Ann, Vanderbilt University
- Ivrii, Victor, University of Toronto
- Jaksic, Vojkan, University of Ottawa
- Joshi, Mark, Cambridge University
- Judge, Chris, indiana university
- Kannai, Yakar, Weizmann Institute of Science
- Kerdelhue, Philippe, Orsay University
- Klopp, Frederic, Universite Paris-Nord
- Komech, Alexandre, Moscow State University
- Korpas, Levente, University of Michigan
- Kuchment, Peter, Wichita State University
- Laptev, Ari, KTH
- Lin, Chi-Kun, National Cheng-Kung University
- Lindblad, Hans, UCSD
- Mazzeo, Rafe, Stanford University
- McDowall, Stephen R., University of Washington
- Melin, Anders, Department of Mathematics
- Mooers, Edith, University of California at Los Angeles
- Nedelec, Laurence, ensae insee
- Nier, Francis, Ecole Polytechnique
- Okikiolu, Kate, University of California, San Diego
- Paneah, Boris, Technion
- Parisse, Bernard, CNRS UMR 5582
- Paul, Thierry, CNRS
- Perelman, Galina, Ecole Polytechnique
- Petkov, Vesselin, University of Bordeaux I
- Pettersson, Pelle, Lund Institute of technology
- Pravica, David, East Carolina University
- Pyke, Randall, Courant Institute
- Ralston, James, UCLA
- Ramond, Thierry, Universite Paris 13
- Robert, Didier, university of Nantes
- Ruskai, Mary Beth, Univ Mass Lowell
- Sa Barreto, Antonio, Purdue University
- Seco, Luis, University of Toronto
- Semenov, Yuly, University of Toronto
- Siedentop, Heinz, Universitaet Regensburg
- Sigal, Israel Michael, University of Toronto
- Sjoestrand, Johannes, Ecole Polytechnique
- Sobolev, Alexander, University of Sussex
- Soffer, Avraham, Rutgers University
- Solomyak, Michael, The Weizmann Institute
- Spagnolo, Sergio, University of Pisa
- Stefanov, Plamen, University of Washington
- Tang, Siu-hung, Purdue University
- Tataru, Daniel, Northwestern University
- Tie, Jingzhi, University of Maryland
- Uhlmann, Gunther, University of Washington
- Uribe, Alejandro, University of Michigan
- Vainberg, Boris, UNC at Charlotte
- Vodev, Georgi, Universite de Nantes
- Wang, Jenn-Nan, University of Washington, Box 354350
- Wang, Wei-Min, Universite Paris-Sud
- Wang, Xue Ping, Universite de Nantes
- Williams, Mark, UNC Chapel Hill
- Wunsch, Jared, Harvard University
- Zelditch, Steve, Johns Hopkins
- Zhislin, Gregory, Radio-physics research institut
- Zworski, Maciej, University of Toronto