December 21, 2024

Program in Probability and Its Applications

Workshop on Analysis and Simulation of Communication Networks

Monday November 9, 1998 -- Friday November 13, 1998

Organizing Committee

P. Glynn (Stanford University)
D. McDonald (University of Ottawa)


The emphasis of this workshop is the application of probability to the telecommunications industry. One theme is the notion of "effective bandwidths" for pricing network services and "admission control". A second theme revolves around the questions of "traffic shaping" and "traffic characterization". Workshop speakers will present recent work showing strong statistical evidence of possible long-range dependence in the types of traffic typical of such networks. The above themes are intimately related to questions of large deviations and this in turn is related to importance sampling methods for simulating rare events.

A satellite lecture, "Rate Control in Communications" was given by Frank P. Kelly at NORTEL in Ottawa on November 6, 1998.

Schedule of Workshop

Speakers invited to date include:

  • R. Atar (York University/Fields Institute)
  • D. Daley (Australian National University)
  • S. Foss (Institute of Mathematics, Novosibirsk)
  • P. Glynn (Stanford University)
  • C. Graham (CNRS)
  • S. Grishechken (Carleton University)
  • A. Karasaridis (University of Toronto)
  • F. Kelly (University of Cambridge)
  • G. Kesidis (University of Waterloo)
  • T. Kurtz (University of Wisconsin)
  • W. Massey (Bell Labs of Lucent Technologies)
  • D. McDonald (University of Ottawa)
  • B. Prabhakar(Stanford University)
  • M. Reiman(Bell Labs of Lucent Technologies)
  • R. Srinivasan (University of Saskatchewan)
  • D. Stanford (Univerisity of Western Ontario)
  • Y.-C. Teh (Oxford University)
  • S. Turner (Cambridge University)
  • W. Whitt (AT&T Labs Research)
  • R. Williams (University of California, San Diego)