December 21, 2024

Causal Interpretation and Identification of Conditional Independence Structures

Seminar 4 on
September 27 - October 15, 1999

Organizing Committee:

Milan Studený, Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic
Frantisek Matús, Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic

Details concerning the starting workshop Conditional Independence Structures and Graphical Models


The precise description of conditional independence structures and the one-to-one correspondence of these structures with their visual or algebraic representation is fundamental to the development and implementation of algorithms for estimation, testing, etc. This description can be done using different types of graphs but also using non-graphical tools based on information theory such as imsets or matroids. The concept of conditional independence often occurs also in miscellaneous non-probabilistic calculi for dealing with uncertainty in artificial intelligence. The purpose of the seminar is to first recall the relatively simple mathematical tools needed for the axiomatic or graphical characterization of conditional independence structures (during the starting week's workshop). Then, researchers will focus on the open problems in this area mentioned in the original proposal of the seminar or raised by other participants of the workshop. This type of research can be viewed as the research for the precise mathematical description of all conditional independence structures, using both graphs and non-graphical methods.


D. R. Cox Nuffield College, Oxford
J. A. T. Koster Erasmus University, Rotterdam
M. D. Perlman University of Washington, Seattle
P. P. Shenoy Kansas University, Lawrence
R. W. Yeung Chinese University of Hong Kong
A. P. Dawid University College, London
A. Paz Technion, Haifa
G. Shafer Rutgers University, New jersey
N. Wermuth ZUMA Center for Survey Research, Mannheim
Z. Zhang University of Southern California, Los Angeles


S. A. Andersson
Indiana University
Y. Sun
National University of Singapore
R. Bouckaert
Crystal Mountain Information Technology
T. Rudas
Central European University
G. Coletti
University of Perugia
R. Scozzafava Universita' "La Sapienza"
D. Cox Nuffield College P. Shenoy Kansas University Business School
F. Cozman
Escola Politecnia, University of Sao Paulo
J. Simonis
Delft University of Technology
E. Fabre
J. Q. Smith
University of Warwick
P. Giudici
University of Pavia
J. Vejnarova
University of Economics, Prague
R. Jirousek
University of Economics, Prague
N. Wermuth
ZUMA - Center for Survey Research, Mannheim
J. Koster
Erasmus University
M. D. Perlman
University of Washington, Seattle
F. Malvestuto
"La Sapienza" University of Rome
S. K. M. Wong
University of Regina
C. Meek
Microsoft Research
R. Yeung
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
A. Paz
The Australian National University
Z. Zhang
University of Southern California