March  6, 2025

The Legacy of John Charles Fields

Symposium Report

View photographs from the symposium
Lectures and Panel Discussion

The International Mathematical Union declared the year 2000 to be World Mathematical Year and in response, the Fields Institute organized a symposium, "The Legacy of John Charles Fields" - a three-day meeting, June 7 - 9, featuring nine lectures by Fields medallists, two historical lectures, a panel discussion on the future of mathematics and a well-attended banquet. As well as a tribute to J. C. Fields, the symposium was part of a larger celebration of Canadian mathematics, preceded by the first MITACS Annual General Meeting and followed by Math 2000 at McMaster University.

Sir Michael Atiyah gave the opening lecture of the symposium to a packed auditorium with over 400 people on the campus of the University of Toronto. His talk, entitled "Mathematics in the 20th Century" proved to be quite provocative and the topic of much debate throughout the three days. On the evening of the 7th, a panel discussion on the future of mathematics was moderated by Richard Kane and consisted of Jim Arthur, Michael Atiyah, Alan Baker, Richard Borcherds, Tim Gowers, Lisa Jeffrey, Cathleen Morawetz, Stephen Smale and Efim Zelmanov. The discussion was lively and topics ranged from the amount to which physics would continue to inform mathematics to the degree to which computers will one day be able to "do" mathematics.

On the 8th and 9th, the symposium moved to the Royal Ontario Museum and nearly 300 people were in attendance. Here is a list of the talks that were given:

Tom Archibald (Acadia) J.C. Fields: the research ideal in mathematics and in the organization of science
Alan Baker (Cambridge) Diophantine Analysis and Transcendence Theory: the way forward
Richard Borcherds (Berkeley) Automorphic Forms
Alain Connes (IHES) Renormalization and the Riemann-Hilbert Problem
Timothy Gowers (Cambridge) Combinatorics in the Service of Mathematics
Vaughan Jones (Berkeley) Planar Algebras: between dimensions two, three and infinity
Maxim Kontsevich, (IHES) Limits of Complex Structures
John Milnor (Stony Brook) Complex Systems: the role of mathematics
Michael Monastyrsky Trends in Modern Mathematics and the Fields Medals
Stephen Smale (Hong Kong) The Mathematics of Theories of Learning and Intelligence

On the evening of the 8th, a banquet was held at Hart House. Sir Michael Atiyah spoke on "Mathematics as Architecture". The banquet was sponsored by the Bank of Montreal, the Bank of Nova Scotia,, the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Centre de recherches mathématiques, McMaster University, Nortel Networks, the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences, the Royal Bank, Toronto-Dominion Bank, the University of Toronto and the University of Waterloo. The meeting was also sponsored by the Canadian Mathematical Society, the Canadian Applied and Industrial Mathematics Society, the Connaught Foundation, MITACS and the Royal Society of Canada.

The symposium was organized by J. Arthur, (Toronto), J. Chadam, (Pittsburgh), D. Dawson, (Fields), George Elliott, Chair (Toronto), P. Fillmore (Dalhousie), N. Ghoussoub, (UBC), B. Hart, (McMaster) B. Hodgson, (Laval), J. Hurtubise, (McGill), J. Marsden, (Caltech), C. Morawetz, (Courant), C. Riehm, (McMaster), L. Vinet, (McGill)

All 11 lectures and the panel discussion were filmed and may be purchased by contacting inquiries<at>