March  9, 2025

The Nathan and Beatrice Keyfitz Lectures in Mathematics and the Social Sciences -- A Public Lecture Series

Tuesday, March 31, 2009-- 6:00 p.m.

Maya Bar-Hillel
, Center for the Study of Rationality, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

The Bible Code: Riddle and Solution

In 1993, Statistical Science published a paper purporting to show that a code exists in Genesis, foretelling the future. The paper had been refereed by many distinguished scientists, among them Nobelists, the world's most renowned statisticians, and others, who could not find the flaw in the paper. A team of skeptics set out, as sleuths, to find out who really put the code in the Bible.

The Fields Institute is pleased to host a series of public lectures on the topic of "mathematics and the social sciences". These lectures will be of interest to the university community as well as to individuals involved in public administration, economics, health policy, social and political science. The purpose of the series is both to inform the public of some of the ways quantitative methods are being used to design solutions to societal problems, and to encourage dialogue between mathematical and social scientists. The lecture series will be held annually. Lecturers are selected by a distinguished international committee consisting of both mathematicians and social scientisits. All lectures are open to the public and everyone is welcome.

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