March 13, 2025




Conference on Mathematics of Medical Imaging,
June 20-24, 2011
hosted by the Fields Institute, held at the Medical Sciences Building , UToronto (map to venue)

Organizing Committee:
Adrian Nachman , University of Toronto
Dhavide Aruliah, University of Ontario Institute of Technology
Hongmei Zhu, York University





This conference aims to set the collaborative tone for a year of activities on Medical Imaging by bringing together mathematicians, researchers in health sciences, and health care manufacturers. A special effort will be made to support the participation by graduate students and postdoctoral fellows, who may then be excited to take part in the numerous educational opportunities planned throughout the year.

The main goals of the conference will be to:

  • Showcase some of the major recent advances in the mathematics of Medical Imaging, and find ways in which these can have significant impact in future clinical applications.
  • Bring to the attention of mathematicians interesting new problems and help define mathematical structures yet to be understood.
  • Establish research and training interconnections with the large Medical Imaging community in Ontario and British Columbia.
  • Establish research relationships with industrial partners interested in the discovery of novel imaging techniques and instrumentation.

The conference will include:

- Distinguished Lectures on Inverse Problems, Medical Image Analysis and Patient Specific Modeling,
- Academia- Industry Connector Event on Mathematical Challenges in Medical Imaging,
- Survey lectures by leading biomedical researchers from Ontario and British Columbia,
- Special Sessions (invited and contributed talks) on recent research advances,
- Postdoctoral Fellow/Graduate Student Research Poster Competition.


There will be 4 (45-minute) plenary talks each morning. Afternoons will be devoted to Special Sessions, the Connector Event and the Postdoctoral Fellow/Graduate Student Research Poster Competition.


Guillaume Bal, Columbia University
Charles Epstein, University of Pennsylvania
Aaron Fenster, Robarts Research Institute
Mathias Fink, Universit Paris 7
Polina Golland, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Ender Konukoglu, Microsoft Research, Cambridge
Jeremy Magland, University of Pennsylvania
Anne Martel, Sunnybrook Health Sciences
Michael I. Miller, Johns Hopkins University
Xavier Pennec, INRIA Sophia Antipolis
Justin Romberg, Georgia Institute of Technology
Yoram Rudy, Washington University, St. Louis
John Schotland, University of Michigan
Samuli Siltanen, University of Helsinki
Allen R Tannenbaum, Georgia Institute of Technology
Gunther Uhlmann, UC Irvine and University of Washington
Lihong V. Wang, Washington University, St. Louis
Graham Wright, Sunnybrook Health Sciences and U. of Toronto.

Registered Participants:

Full Name University/Affiliation
Afshin, Mariam University of Western Ontario
Aguilar, Luis University of Toronto
Akçakaya, Mehmet Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School
Al Balushi, Ibrahim McGill University
Alali, Sanaz University of Toronto
Alastruey, Jordi Imperial College London
Ali, Abdalssamia McMaster University
Ameri, Golafsoun Ryerson University
Amza, Cristiana University of Toronto
Anand, Christopher McMaster University
Anastasio, Mark Washington University in St. Louis
Arridge, Simon University College London
Aruliah, Dhavide University of Ontario Institute of Technology
Athavale, Prashant University of Toronto
Bailey, Richard University of Toronto
Bal, Guillaume Columbia University
Bevan, Peter McMaster University
Boccara, A. Claude ESPCI ParisTech
Bonfert-Taylor, Petra Dartmouth/Wesleyan
Bonnetier, Eric Université Joseph Fourier
Boucharin, Alexis Queen's University
Brock, Kristy Princess Margaret Hospital
Burchard, Almut University of Toronto
Chan, Rachel University of Toronto
Cheng, Hai-Ling The Hospital for Sick Children
Cheyne, Douglas The Hospital for Sick Children
Chinta, Lakshminarayan V. Sunnybrook Research Institute
Chmielewski, Aneta University Health Network
Churchill, Nathan The Rotman Research Institute Baycrest
Cobzas, Dana University of Alberta
Colliander, James University of Toronto
Conroy, Leigh University of Toronto
Crawley, Adrian Toronto Western Hospital
Curtis, Andrew Robarts Research Institute
Cusack, Rhodri University of Western Ontario
de Gournay, Frédéric Université de Versailles, Saint-Quentin-En-Yvelines
Delbary, Fabrice Technical University of Denmark
DeMonte, Tim Field Metrica Inc.
Di Martino, Elena University of Calgary
Dickinson, Andrew Queen's University
Dixon, Ted Huron Technologies International Inc.
Donner, René Medical University Vienna
Dufort, Paul University Health Network
Ebrahimi, Mehran Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
Eilaghi, Armin University of Western Ontario
Elsaid, Nahla University of Toronto
Epstein, Charles University of Pennsylvania
Ettinger, J. Mark UCLA
Faridani, Adel Oregon State University
Fenster, Aaron University of Western Ontario
Finch, David Oregon State University
Fink, Mathias Université Paris VII
Forsyth, Peter University of Waterloo
Frayne, Richard University of Calgary
Gaetz, William Lurie Family Foundation MEG Imaging Center
Gallego, Cristina Sunnybrook Health Science
Gallo, Diego Politecnico di Torino
Garvin, Mona University of Iowa
Ge, Mei Sunnybrook Research Institute
Gerbeau, Jean-Frederic INRIA
Ghanavati, Sahar University of Toronto
Golestani Rad, Laleh University of Toronto
Golland, Polina Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Grady, Cheryl Baycrest Hospital
Grady, Leo Siemens Corporate Research
Grinberg, Leopold Brown University
Guadarrama, Lili Universite Paris-Sud 11
Guevara Vasquez, Fernando University of Utah
Haber, Eldad University of British Columbia
Habets, Damiaan University of Western Ontario
Hajian, Arsen Tornado Medical Systems
Hashemi, Sayed Masoud University of Toronto
Herman, Peter University of Toronto
Hoell, Nicholas Columbia University
Hoi, Yiemeng University of Toronto
Holtzman Gazit, Michal Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Horesh, Lior IBM T J Watson Research Center
Huang, Edward X. Hospital for Sick Children
Hudson, John Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, University of Toronto
Hyvönen, Nuutti Aalto University
Ihsani, Alvin McMaster University
Imani, Farhad Queen's University
Jackson, Ken University of Toronto
Jankowski, Hanna York University
Jin, Bangti Texas A&M University
Jin, Wei Shandong Academy of Chinese Medicine
Johnson, Timothy University of Michigan
Joy, M.L.G. University of Toronto
Katsevich, Alexander University of Central Florida
Kayvanrad, Mohammad Robarts Research Institute
Koff, David McMaster University
Kolehmainen, Ville University of Eastern Finland
Konukoglu, Ender Microsoft Research
Koudstaal, Mark University of Toronto
Lachmann, Frederic Medipattern Corporation
Lashkari, Bahman University of Toronto
Lausch, Anthony University of Toronto
Lebed, Evgeniy Simon Fraser University
Lechleiter, Armin INRIA Saclay / Ecole Polytechnique
Lee, Benjamin Ryerson University
Leonard, Patrick Sunnybrook Research Institute
Lerch, Jason The Hospital for Sick Children
Levi, Ofer University of Toronto
Li, Jiawei York University
Li, Shuo GE and University of Western Ontario
Lim, Mikyoung KAIST
Lindenmaier, Andras University of Toronto
Liu, Cheng York University
Liu, Xiteng The Hospital for Sick Children
Lobo, Gavin UOIT
Lu, YingLi Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
Lynch, Michael MITACS Inc.
Ma, Weijing University of Toronto
Magland, Jeremy University of Pennsylvania
Majid, Shaikh University of Waterloo
Mamonov, Alexander University of Texas at Austin
Mandelis, Andreas University of Toronto
Mansouri, Abdol-Reza Queen's University
Mariaca Hajducek, C. Dagmar University of Waterloo
Martel, Anne University of Toronto
Martinez, Alex University of Toronto
McLaughlin, Joyce Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Mehrabian, Hatef Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
Michailovich, Oleg University of Waterloo
Miller, Michael Johns Hopkins University
Moradifam, Amir University of Toronto
Morales, Dinora Technical University of Madrid
Morbiducci, Umberto Politecnico di Torino
Mosher, John Cleveland Clinic
Mueller, Jennifer Colorado State University
Murray, Raquel UOIT
Murua, Alejandro Université de Montréal
Mynard, Jonathan University of Toronto
Nachman, Adrian University of Toronto
Naser, Mohamed McMaster University
Nasui, Otilia Cristina University of Toronto
Nhan, Tam Sunnybrook Research Institute
Nika, Ilia Centennial College
Nika, Vavara York University
Noble, George Ryerson University
Ola, Petri University of Helsinki
Patch, Sarah University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Pavlin, Jessica McMaster University
Peikari, Hamed Queen's University
Peikari, Mohammad Queen's University
Pennec, Xavier INRIA Sophia-Antipolis Mediterranee
Perez Velazquez, Jose Luis The Hospital for Sick Children
Pop, Mihaela University of Toronto
Portman, Nataliya Montreal Neurological Institute
Poublanc, Julien Toronto Western Hospital
Prakash, Ammu University of Manitoba
Pressman, Irwin Carleton University
Pugh, Mary C. University of Toronto
Raamana, Pradeep Reddy Simon Fraser University
Radau, Perry Sunnybrook Research Institute
Ren, Kui University of Texas at Austin
Rezvani, Nargol University of Toronto
Riba, Luigi University of Turin
Rilling, Gabriel University of Edinburgh
Ritman, Erik Mayo Clinic College of Medicine
Roberts, T.P.L. Lurie Family Foundation MEG Imaging Center
Romberg, Justin Georgia Institute of Technology
Ross, Bernhard Rotman Research Institute, Baycrest
Rudy, Yoram Washington University in St. Louis
Sadjadi, Hossein Queen's University
Sadleir, Rosalind University of Florida
Safri, Murtaza Sunnybrook Hospital
Samsonov, Alexey University of Wisconsin
Satriano, Alessandro University of Calgary
Schotland, John University of Michigan
Schwarzbach, Christoph University of British Columbia
Scott, Greig Stanford University
Seo, Jin Keun Yonsei University
Shadden, Shawn Illinois Institute of Technology
Sharpe, Michael University of Toronto
Sherif, Sherif University of Manitoba
Shojaii, Rushin University of Toronto (Sunnybrook Hospital)
Sidky, Emil University of Chicago
Sigal, Israel Michael University of Toronto
Siltanen, Samuli University of Helsinki
Sivaloganathan, Sivabal University of Waterloo
Sled, John The Hospital for Sick Children
Smith, Michael University of Calgary
Stefanovic, Bojana Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
Steinman, David University of Toronto
Stergiopoulos, Stergios University of Toronto
Strother, Stephen The Rotman Research Institute Baycrest
Stuxidziy, Audrius Tomographix Ltd.
Sulem, Catherine University of Toronto
Sussman, Marshall University Health Network
Sweeney, Frédéric Tornado Medical Systems
Tabatabaei, Nima University of Toronto
Tahmasebi, Amir University of Toronto
Tamminen, Janne University of Helsinki
Taylor, Edward Dartmouth/Wesleyan
Telenkov, Sergey Center for Advanced Diffusion Wave Technologies
Thornton, Wren Indiana University
Tian, Yanhua Ryerson University
Tward, Daniel Johns Hopkins University
Uhlmann, Gunther University of Washington
Velikina, Julia University of Wisconsin-Madison
Veneziani, Alessandro Emory University
Venkateswarao, Yogesh Chinta McMaster University
Verma, Ragini University of Pennsylvania
Vignon-Clementel, Irène INRIA
Vitkin, Alex Ontario Cancer Institute / Princess Margaret Hospital
Vrscay, Edward R. University of Waterloo
Wan, Justin University of Waterloo
Wang, Gary Sunnybrook Research
Wang, Lihong Washington University in St. Louis Home
Wang, Paul Mount Sinai Hospital
Wang, Z. Jane University of British Columbia
Weersink, Robert Princess Margaret Hospital, University Health Network
Wilson, Brian Ontario Cancer Institute / Princess Margaret Hospital
Wood, Michael University of Toronto
Wright, Graham A. Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
Wu, Qiong McMaster University
Xu, Helen Queen's University
Xu, Robert University of Toronto
Xu, Yuan Ryerson University
Yadollahi, Azadeh Toronto Rehabilitation Institute
Ye, Jong Chul Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST)
Zamyadi, Mojdeh Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
Zhang, Xiling Shandong Academy of Chinese Medicine
Zhu, Hongmei York University
Zhuang, Xiahai University College London


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