March 13, 2025




Conference on Mathematics
of Medical Imaging,
June 20-24, 2011
hosted by the Fields Institute, held at the University of Toronto

Organizing Committee:
Adrian Nachman , University of Toronto
Dhavide Aruliah, University of Ontario Institute of Technology
Hongmei Zhu, York University



There will be 4 (45-minute) plenary talks each morning. Afternoons will be devoted to Special Sessions, the Connector Event and the Postdoctoral Fellow/Graduate Student Research Poster Competition.

Special Session schedules available here.

Morning Coffee and Registration MedSci Auditorium MS 2158 lobby
MS 2158
Welcome & Introduction
8:45-9:30 MS 2158
Plenary Talk
Lihong V. Wang, Washington University, St. Louis
Photoacoustic Tomography: Ultrasonically Breaking through the Optical Diffusion Limit
9:35-10:20 MS 2158
Plenary Talk
Guillaume Bal, Columbia University
Hybrid Inverse Problems and Internal Functionals
Coffee Break
10:50-11:35 MS 2158
Plenary Talk
Michael I. Miller, Johns Hopkins University
Diffeomorpic Shape Momentum in Computational Anatomy and Neuroinformatics
11:40-12:25 MS 2158
Plenary Talk
Anne Martel, Sunnybrook Health Sciences
Assessing response of cancer to therapy using MRI
Lunch Break
Special Sessions

S1 New Hybrid Modalities in Medical Imaging

S2 Computational Hemodynamic Imaging

S3Advances on Numerical Methods for Electrical Impedance Tomography

S4 Dynamic Image Analysis

SC Contributed Talks

Coffee Break

S1 New Hybrid Modalities in Medical Imaging

S2 Computational Hemodynamic Imaging

S3Advances on Numerical Methods for Electrical Impedance Tomography

S4 Dynamic Image Analysis

S14 Brain Imaging

SCContributed Talks


Welcome Reception (Cash Bar)
MS 2322 (Medical Sciences Cafeteria)

Morning Coffee
8:45-9:30 MS 2158
Plenary Talk
Gunther Uhlmann, UC Irvine and University of Washington
Thermoacoustic tomography with a variable sound speed
9:35-10:20 MS 2158
Plenary Talk
Yoram Rudy, Washington University, St. Louis
Noninvasive Electrocardiographic Imaging (ECGI) of Cardiac Electrophysiology and Arrhythmia
Coffee Break
10:50-11:35 MS 2158
Plenary Talk
Graham Wright, Sunnybrook Health Sciences and U. of Toronto.
MRI for Management of Ventricular Arrhythmias
11:40-12:25 MS 2158
Plenary Talk
Justin Romberg, Georgia Institute of Technology
A Survey of Compressed Sensing and Applications to Medical Imaging
Lunch Break
Special Sessions
Morning Coffee
8:45-9:30 MS 2158
Plenary Talk
Charles Epstein, University of Pennsylvania
New approaches to the numerical solution of Maxwell's Equations
9:35-10:20 MS 2158
Plenary Talk
Samuli Siltanen, University of Helsinki
Low-dose three-dimensional X-ray imaging
Coffee Break
10:50-11:35 MS 2158
Plenary Talk
Xavier Pennec, INRIA Sophia Antipolis
Statistical Analysis on Manifolds in Medical Image Analysis
11:40-12:25 MS 2158
Plenary Talk
Mathias Fink, Universite Paris 7
Multiwave Imaging and Elastography

Mitacs Industry-Academia Connector Event and Lunch (Stone Lobby MS 2171)
Stone Lobby
Lunch: Introductions to MITACS programs,
the Focus Period and the Participating Companies.
1:40-2:00 Stone Lobby Discussion: success stories, from the PDF and Industrial Perspectives
2:10-3:00 MS 2158
Special Plenary Talk

David Jaffray
Fidani Chair and Head, Radiation Therapy Physics
Princess Margaret Hospital
Vice Chair and Professor, Department of Radiation Oncology Professor, Department of Medical Biophysics and IBBME University of Toronto
Leveraging Industry-Academia Collaborations for Advances in Image-guided Therapy

3:00-5:40 Stone Lobby Coffee, Networking, Discussion & Poster Session (accepted posters )
Morning Coffee
8:45-9:30 MS 2158
Plenary Talk
Polina Golland, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Non-parametric Atlas-Based Segmentation of Highly Variable Anatomy
9:35-10:20 MS 2158
Plenary Talk
John Schotland, University of Michigan
Physical Aspects of Hybrid Inverse Problems
Coffee Break
10:50-11:35 MS 2158
Plenary Talk
David Isaacson, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (audio given on behalf of D. Isaacson)
Problems in Electrical Impedance Imaging
11:40-12:25 MS 2158
Plenary Talk
Jeremy Magland, University of Pennsylvania
Processing strategies for real-time neurofeedback using fMRI
Lunch Break
Special Sessions

S.9 Imaging Electric Properties of Tissues

S.11 Mathematical Methods in Biophotonics: Charting a Course for New Opportunities

S.12 Statistical Methods in Medical Imaging

Morning Coffee
8:45-9:30 MS 2158
Plenary Talk
Emil Sidky, University of Chicago
What does compressive sensing mean for X-ray CT and comparisons with its MRI application
9:35-10:20 MS 2158
Plenary Talk
Ender Konukoglu, Microsoft Research, Cambridge
Personalizing Mathematical Models with Sparse Medical Data: Applications to Tumor Growth and Electrocardiophysiology
Coffee Break
10:50-11:35 MS 2158
Plenary Talk
Aaron Fenster, Robarts Research Institute
Use of 3D Ultrasound Imaging in Diagnosis, Treatment and Research
11:40-12:25 MS 2158
Lunch Break
Special Sessions

S5 Medical Imaging: Mathematical Methods and Industrial Applications

S.9 Imaging Electric Properties of Tissues

S.10 Compressed Sensing in Medical Imaging

S.13 Graph-Based Methods in Medical Imaging

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