March 11, 2025

Mathematics Education Online Case

On-Line Learning Web Page Information
Intermediate Level Case
Lakehead Public Schools 7 - 10 Technology/Math Project

Presented by: Ann Kajander (Classroom teacher and mathematics educator)

The Project
The goals of the Math and Technology Project for grades 7 - 10 at the Lakehead Board are to improve resources for teachers through the use of technology, to enhance student learning in mathematics and improve performance on the eqao assessment. A committee of teachers, a teacher educator, and a resource teacher spent several days investigating and trying various products. Training was offered to all teachers of up to four half days once the software was chosen.

The Software
The math/technology committee was directed initially to recommend two pieces of software for 7 - 10 math, with the strong recommendation that one piece would be Geometer's Sketchpad. The other piece was to be chosen by the committee. After trying many types of software, the Committee finally settled on Destination Math from Riverdeep Inc.

Goals of the Software
The teachers who made up the committee had many different goals in mind for the software. It is impossible to characterize all of the different wishes, but to use very broad categories, the elementary teachers were keenly interested in a tracking system that recorded and reported on student progress - so much so in fact that one piece of software with a good tracking system was considered even though the mathematics material in it was highly traditional and in some places misleading. Many secondary teachers were still struggling with how to use four computers effectively in their classroom, and saw the potential of such software as mainly remedial, and hence they were more interested in software for learning technical skills and numeracy rather than for problem solving. The resource teacher and teacher educator were interested in the quality of the mathematical content in the software, as well as the potential for enhancing different types of learning including problem solving.

The final choice of product was Destination Math from Riverdeep. There were a number of factors that influenced this decision:
-Destination Math is web-based. This allows access from home, and allows parents to see what students are doing.
-The instructional component of Destination Math incorporates realistic mathematical models to illustrate concepts. The committee felt the concrete modeling would be of great support to teachers. As well, the auditory component should be of benefit to those students whose reading level might otherwise impair their mathematical work.
-The learning Management system allows teachers to build tests, lesson plans, and assignments, as well as providing formative assessment for data driven instruction.
-Ease of use and increased student motivation were also taken into consideration in the selection of Destination Math

Initial Responses of Teachers
During the training an attempt was made to model how stations of four computers in the classroom could be used. While this was not new to most elementary teachers, the concept of using rotating groups was not comfortable for the secondary level teachers, and many felt that this type of classroom organization would not work for them.
An informal observation of this training was that a significant number of the teachers (including the secondary level teachers) were unfamiliar with Sketchpad and were not yet using it at all in their classroom. There were however a few teachers who were highly familiar with it.
Once the Destination Math product was introduced, surveys from the training indicated that most teachers liked the product. Secondary teachers still had concerns about access to computers, as well as how to use four computers in their classrooms in an integrated way. Many teachers also felt they needed more time to learn to use the learning management system effectively.
The original plan for the Destination Math training included modeling sessions, in which teachers would go into classrooms and teach a class with the regular teacher present, to model how a class might be run utilizing four computers in the room. The secondary teachers were not receptive to this idea, and the plan was not used.

Research and Implementation
The Board is now in the final stages of training. Both pieces of software are now available for use. No research on the effectiveness of the project in the classroom is available as of yet.
For comparative data on another schools board's implementation of Destination Math, see link 1

Possible Discussion Questions
-What balance between numeracy practice and open-ended problem solving is most appropriate for on-line learning?
-How can teacher needs such as support with learning management and assessment be balanced with student learning needs which include more than right-answer style assessment?
-Who should make the decision about such priorities?
-What might help teachers become more open to a classroom organized in groups or centers to facilitate use of technology?

Try Destination Math

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Go to Destination Math link
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