January  2, 2025

Frontiers of Quantum Decoherence
  An International Workshop

Centre for Quantum Information and Quantum Control (CQIQC)

August 12-14, 2006

Fields Institute & Bahen Center, University of Toronto, Canada

Decoherence is a fundamental physical phenomenon which occurs in a variety of quantum systems.  It has recently emerged as a priority research topic in many fields of science and technology.  This Workshop is intended to bring together international experts from various disciplines, to discuss foundational issues and to explore new research horizons.  Our focus will be on decoherence mechanisms in solid-state, atom/molecular and photonic systems, and on quantum algorithms for mitigating decoherence effects in quantum information processing.

Invited Speakers

David Awschalom* (UCSB)
Chris Bauerle (Grenoble)
Aashish Clerk (McGill)
Ivan Deutsch (UNM)
Fabrice Gerbier ( ENS Paris)
Shohini Ghose (Wilfrid Laurier)
Salman Habib (LANL)

Brian King (McMaster)
Alexei Kitaev* (Caltech/Microsoft)
Roger Koch (IBM Watson)
Gershon Kurizki (Weizmann)
Jan Kycia (Waterloo)
Daniel Lidar (USC)
Daniel Loss (Basel)

Pritiraj Mohanty (Boston)
Juan Pablo Paz (Buenos Aires)
Lorenza Viola (Dartmouth)
Andrew White (Queensland)
Frank Wilhelm (Waterloo)
Howard Wiseman (Brisbane)
Andrei Zaikin (Karlsruhe)

*to be confirmed


*Registration and banquet are free for invited speakers.*
Registration fee is $100 for faculty, postdocs and others, $50 for students. The banquet tickets cost $50 each (as well as for any additional tickets required).

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