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All scientific events are open to the mathematical sciences community. Visitors who are interested in office space or funding are requested to apply by filling out the application form (available in 2008). Additional support is available (pending NSF funding) to support junior US visitors to this program. Fields scientific programs are devoted to research in the mathematical sciences, and enhanced graduate and post-doctoral training opportunities. Part of the mandate of the Institute is to broaden and enlarge the community, and to encourage the participation of women and members of visible minority groups in our scientific programs. To be informed of when the application for support will be open please subscribe to the Fields maillist For additional information contact
Winter School in o-minimal Geometry
The structure of this workshop, modeled on the very successful annual Arizona Winter School in Number Theory (, is the following: between three and five leading researchers give intensive tutorials (roughly five lectures per speaker) on the focus areas discussed during the semester, including posing problems. In small groups, graduate students work on these problems during the workshop. The meeting culminates with presentations by the students on their solutions. In order to give students the possibility to prepare adequately, the lecturers are asked to provide, a few weeks ahead of the workshop, a preliminary version of their lecture notes, or at least a list of suitable references and statements of the problems to be discussed. The final version of the lectures notes will be published later as part of the proceedings of the program.
This format provides an intensive introduction to the topics and open problems related to the proposed program, and is designed to ensure significant interaction among all participants, especially between the students and the senior lecturers. The topics to be covered were selected to prepare the participants for the semester- long graduate courses, to commence after the introductory workshop. Our current plan is to have lectures in the following areas:
1. Model Theory (Deirdre Haskell)
2. o-minimality (Sergei Starchenko)
3. Real Analytic Geometry (K. Kurdyka) Manuscripta Mathematica
4. Planar Real Analytic Vector Fields (S. Yakovenko) - lectures are the relevant sections from the book Ilyashenko & Yakovenko, Lectures on analytic differential equations, AMS, 2007, Grad. Studies in Math vol. 86.
08:45 to 09:00 |
Welcome and Introductions
09:00 to 10:00 |
Deirdre Haskell, McMaster University |
10:00 to 11:00 |
Krzysztof Kurdyka, Université de Savoie |
11:00 to 11:30 |
Coffee Break
11:30 to 12:30 |
Deirdre Haskell, McMaster University |
12:30 to 14:00 |
14:00 to 15:00 |
Sergei Yakovenko, Weizmann Institute of Science |
15:00 to 15:30 |
Tea Break
15:30 to 16:30 |
Starchenko Sergei, University of Notre Dame |
16:30 to 17:30 |
09:00 to 10:00 |
Deirdre Haskell, McMaster University |
10:00 to 11:00 |
Starchenko Sergei, University of Notre Dame |
11:00 to 11:30 |
Coffee Break
11:30 to 12:30 |
Krzysztof Kurdyka, Université de Savoie |
12:30 to 14:00 |
14:00 to 15:00 |
Sergei Yakovenko, Weizmann Institute of Science |
15:00 to 15:30 |
Tea Break
15:30 to 16:30 |
Starchenko Sergei, University of Notre Dame |
16:30 to 17:30 |
Sergei Yakovenko, Weizmann Institute of Science |
09:00 to 10:00 |
Krzysztof Kurdyka, Université de Savoie |
10:00 to 11:00 |
Starchenko Sergei, University of Notre Dame |
11:00 to 11:30 |
Coffee Break
11:30 to 12:30 |
Deirdre Haskell, McMaster University |
12:30 to 14:00 |
14:00 to 15:00 |
Sergei Yakovenko, Weizmann Institute of Science |
15:00 to 15:30 |
Tea Break
15:30 to 16:30 |
Krzysztof Kurdyka, Université de Savoie |
09:00 to 10:00 |
Krzysztof Kurdyka, Université de Savoie |
10:00 to 11:00 |
Starchenko Sergei, University of Notre Dame |
11:00 to 11:30 |
Coffee Break
11:30 to 12:30 |
Deirdre Haskell, McMaster University |
09:00 to 10:00 |
Sergei Yakovenko, Weizmann Institute of Science |
10:00 to 11:00 |
Haskell Students
11:00 to 11:30 |
Coffee Break
11:30 to 12:30 |
Starchenko Students
12:30 to 14:00 |
14:00 to 15:00 |
Yakovenko Students
15:00 to 15:30 |
Tea Break
15:30 to 16:30 |
Kurdyka Students