To view the entire program, please click here.
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Online registration can be done by clicking on the registration hyperlink near the top right portion of this webpage just under the poster thumbnail.
Theme 1. Challenges in Modelling and Numerical Simulation of Complex Biofluid Systems.
Organizer: John Stockie (Simon Fraser University)
Theme 2. Multiscale Modelling and Computation of Porous Media Flows.
Organizer: Peter D. Minev (University of Alberta)
Theme 3. New Progresses of Numerical Methods for PDEs and Applications.
Organizers: Dong Liang (York University) and Huaxiong Huang (York University).
Theme 4. Recent Advances in Algorithms for Scattering and Inverse Problems.
Organizers: Michael Haslam (York University) and Peter Gibson (York University).
Theme 5. Scientific and High-Performance Computing.
Organizers: Huaxiong Huang (York University) and Dong Liang (York University).
Theme 6. Uncertainty Qualification and Big Data.
Organizer: Yau Shu Wong (University of Alberta).
Plenary Speakers
Susanne C. Brenner (Louisiana State University, USA) (Theme 3)
Oscar P. Bruno (Caltech, USA) (Theme 4)
Bjorn Engquist (University of Texas at Austin, USA) (Theme 2)
Tao Tang (South University of Science and Technology, China) (Theme 6)
Jane Z. Wang (Cornell, USA) (Theme 1)
Pingwen Zhang (Peking University, China) (Theme 5)
Invited Speakers
David Ambrose (Drexel University, USA)
Cristina Anton (MacEwan University, Canada)
Blanca Ayuso de Dios (Hamburg University of Technology, Germany)
Weizhu Bao (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
Chris J. Budd (University of Bath, UK)
Victor M. Calo (Curtin University, Perth, Australia)
Liqun Cao (The Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
Yanping Chen (South China Normal University, China)
Zhangxing (John) Chen (University of Calgary, Canada)
Jin Cheng (Fudan University, China)
Christina C. Christara (University of Toronto, Canada)
Erick T. Chung (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
Rob Corless (University of Western Ontarion, Canada)
Yalchin Efendiev (Texas A&M University, USA)
Gwynn Elfring (University of British Columbia, Canada)
Graeme Fairweather (American Mathematical Society, USA)
David Gao (Federation University, Australia)
Juan Galvis (National University of Colombia, Colombia)
Victor E. Ginting (University of Wyoming, USA)
Boyce E. Griffith (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA)
Ronald D. Haynes (Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada)
Jialin Hong (CAS, China)
Kenneth R. Jackson (University of Toronto, Canada)
Eric Keaveny (Imperial College, UK)
William Ko (Cincinnati, USA)
Michael Lamoureux (PIMS & University of Calgary, Canada)
Jichun Li (University of Nevada at Las Vegas, USA)
Yanping Lin (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong)
Chi-Tien Lin (Providence University, Taiwan)
Chun Liu (The Penn State University, USA)
Zhen Mei (Manifold Data Mining Inc, Canada)
Hoang-Ngan Nguyen (University of California Merced, USA)
Nilima Nigma (Simon Fraser University, Canada)
Yufeng Nie (Northwestern Polytechnical University, China)
Eun-Jae Park (Yonsei University, Korea)
Bartek Protas (McMaster University, Canada)
Jianxian Qiu (Xiamen University, China)
Nancy Reid (University of Toronto, Canada)
Jie Shen (Purdue University, USA)
Dongwoo Sheen (Seoul National University, Korea)
Stephan Shipman (Louisiana State University, USA)
Michael Siegel (New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA)
Raymond J. Spiteri (University of Saskarchewan, Canada)
Weiwei Sun (City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
Li-Yeng Sung (Louisiana State University, USA)
Huazhong Tang (Peking University, China)
Yu-Hau Tseng (National University of Kaohsiung, Taiwan)
Catalin Turc (New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA)
Justin W.L. Wan (University of Waterloo, Canada)
Li-Lian Wang (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
Xiaoming Wang (Florida State University, USA)
Aaron Welters (Florida Institute of Technology, USA)
Brian Wetton (University of British Columbia, Canada)
Yaushu Wong (University of Alberta, Canada)
Hau-tieng Wu (University of Toronto, Canada)
Shusen Xie (Ocean University of China, China)
Yuan N. Young (New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA)
Bo Zhang (The Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
Zhiwen Zhang (University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
Shan Zhao (University of Alabama, USA)
Tao Zhou (The Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
Ludmil Zikatanov (The Penn State University, USA)
To view all abstracts, please click here.
Theme information
For theme speakers, please submit its abstract by February 1, 2016..
If you wish to organize a mini-symposium in this conference, please email its proposal consisting of a title, a description, and a list of speakers and titles of their presentations to
Huaxiong Huang -
or Dong Liang -
by February 1, 2016 and the speakers submit their abstracts online by February 1, 2016 as well.
Contributed Talks, Student Session, Abstract Submission
The deadline was in February.
Important Dates
February 1, 2016: Mini-symposium proposal
February 1, 2016: Abstracts for all talks
February 8, 2016: Notice of acceptance for all talks
February 29, 2016: Early registration
Earlier April, 2016: Program available online
Cancellation notice:
There is a $15 administrative charge for Conference registration cancellations. No refunds will be made for registration cancellation requests received after May 30, 2016. No refunds will be made for banquet ticket cancellation requests received after May 19, 2016.
Cancellation requests should be sent by e-mail to
Please provide:
1. Registrant’s complete name
2. Event name and dates
3. Reason(s) for cancellation
4. Copy/record of registration confirmation or receipt, if paid for online at time of registration