Carleton Finite Fields Workshop
Location: HP 4351 (Herzberg Laboratories, 4th floor, room 4351), Carleton University
The aim of this workshop is to bring together leading researchers in both the theory and application of finite fields. In particular, this meeting will allow researchers to discuss various aspects of polynomials over finite fields in a workshop setting that emphasizes collaboration between participants. We intend to focus on several research areas associated with local researchers who are actively working on topics such as permutation polynomials, characterization of special types of irreducible and primitive polynomials, improvements on finite fields arithmetic, applications to coding theory, cryptography and sequence designs, and connections to combinatorics and finite geometry.

Invited Speakers
Name | Affiliation |
Tim Alderson | University of New Brunswick Saint John |
Daniele Bartoli | University of Perugia |
Guang Gong | University of Waterloo |
Amela Muratović-Ribić | University of Sarajevo |
Luciane Quoos | Federal University of Rio de Janeiro |
Ivelisse Rubio | University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras |
Alfred Wassermann | University of Bayreuth |
Arne Winterhof | Austrian Academy of Sciences |
Registered Participants
Name | Affiliation |
Tim Alderson | University of New Brunswick Saint John |
Farzane Amirzade | Shahrood University of Technology |
Tushar Bag | Indian Institute of Technology Patna |
Gregory Bard | University of Wisconsin---Stout |
Thais Bardini Idalino | University of Ottawa |
Daniele Bartoli | University of Perugia |
André Castoldi | Federal University of Technology - Paraná |
Nicole Cuillerier | Carleton University |
Lucas da Silva Reis | Universidade De Sao Paulo - Campus Sao Carlos |
Leandro de Lima | UFMS |
John-Marc Desmarais | Carleton University |
Mario Enrique Duarte González | Antonio Nariño University |
Jinnan Fan | University of Ottawa |
Gustavo Felisberto Valente | University of Ottawa |
Jason Gao | Carleton University |
Guang Gong | University of Waterloo |
Mokshi Goyal | Panjab University |
Rohit Gupta | Harish Chandra Research Insitute |
Svenja Huntemann | Carleton University |
Daniel Johnson | Carleton University |
Lord Kavi | University of Ottawa |
Joseph Lentini | Carleton University |
LISHA LI | Hubei University |
Oscar Lopez | Florida Atlantic University |
Brendan Maher | Carleton University |
Jessica Malek | Carleton University |
David Marquis | |
Umberto Martinez-Penas | University of Toronto |
Ariane Masuda | New York City College of Technology, CUNY |
Erin McAfee | |
Goldwyn Millar | Carleton University |
Lucia Moura | University of Ottawa |
GARY MULLEN | The Pennsylvania State University |
Natalie Mullin | |
Amela Muratović-Ribić | University of Sarajevo |
Ellen Murdock | |
Kirsten Nelson | Carleton University |
Mike Newman | University of Ottawa |
Daniel Panario | Carleton University |
Mackenzie Powers | Carleton University |
Luciane Quoos | Federal University of Rio de Janeiro |
Claudio Qureshi | Universidad de la República |
Madhu Raka | Panjab University |
Erik Antonio Rojas Mendoza | Federal Univerversity of Rio de Janeiro |
Ivelisse Rubio | University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras |
Mark Saaltink | |
John Schmitt | Middlebury College |
Carlos Seda | University of Puerto Rico at Río Piedras |
Mohd. Shadab | Glocal Institute |
Amit Sharma | University of Ottawa |
Abdolreza Shirvani | Accedian Networks |
Brett Stevens | Carleton University |
Hossein Teimoori Faal | Allameh Tabtaba'i University of Tehran |
Trevor Flash Thompson | Carleton University |
David Thomson | Carleton University |
Aleksandr Tuxanidy Torres | Carleton University |
Qiang Wang | Carleton University |
Yanping Wang | Xidian University and Carleton University |
Alfred Wassermann | University of Bayreuth |
Daniel Wevrick | |
Arne Winterhof | Austrian Academy of Sciences |
Ge Yao | University of Melbourne |
nusa zidaric | University of Waterloo |