Maple Training Session
July 4, 2018, The Fields Institute
Sydney Smith Building, Room SSH561 (basement)
100 St. George Street
Toronto, Canada M5S 3G3
Combining an extensive set of algorithms, powerful numerical and symbolic capabilities, and an intuitive authoring environment, Maple is a great tool for conceptual exploration and interactive learning in the classroom and beyond. For the duration of your project, you can have access to the latest version of Maple for use in any of your modelling or exploration problems.
On July 4, in a special workshop day, developers from Maplesoft will discuss the following topics:
- Introduction to Maple - Learn more about how the Maple document interface is used to capture technical information and to assist in exploring technical problems.
- Programming in Maple - Learn more about the fundamentals of the Maple programming language.
- Starting your project work in Maple - The afternoon session will be an open forum where the developers will offer advice on how to get started with your project in Maple.