The one-week, in-person Women in Commutative Algebra workshop will bring together a community of women and non-binary researchers who work in Commutative Algebra and adjacent areas to inspire and initiate fruitful conversation and future collaborations. Three experts will each give an invited address that introduces an active area within commutative algebra, and its relations with other fields. The program will also include a diverse series of research talks and a poster session presenting recent advances in commutative algebra; applicants are encouraged to submit a title and abstract if they are interested in giving a talk or presenting a poster. Time is also scheduled for mathematical discussions and research collaborations spurred by the talks and posters.
Research talks and posters: To apply to give a research talk or present a poster, complete the application form by October 15, 2024.
Travel funds: To apply for travel funds, complete the application form by October 15, 2024.
All participants (regardless of whether or not they have filled out the application form) should register online, preferably by February 15, 2025.
Decisions: Selected applicants were contacted on December 10, 2024.