MathEd Forum: October 26, 2024
This workshop is organized by the Cognitive Science Network and the Math Ed Forum of the Fields Institute. It provides an overview of what has been achieved so far in cognitive mathematics, from three perspectives: (1) the kinds of theoretical models that cognitive mathematics has been refining within the field of mathematics cognition study, based primarily on the work in blending theory; (2) the implications for research in mathematics education generally; and (3) the insights it can provide in the use of AI both as to how mathematics is learned and by extension what it implies for mathematics education today. The workshop ends with brief presentations by two editors at Springer, which now published a new “Briefs” series of books in cognitive mathematics.
Please find the agenda here:
Welcome and Announcements
A Word from Springer
Click on any talk below to see the recording
Please register here: here and indicate if you will attend in person at Fields, or online.
10:00 to 10:05 |
Welcome to the Forum
10:05 to 10:35 |
Boris Steipe (University of Toronto) |
10:35 to 11:05 |
Moriah Sokolowski (Toronto Metropolitan University) |
11:05 to 11:35 |
Dan Vilenchik (Ben-Gurion University) |
11:35 to 12:00 |
Marcel Danesi, Stacy Costa, and Dragana Martinovic |
12:00 to 13:00 |
Lunch break
13:00 to 13:40 |
Keith Devlin (Stanford University) |
13:40 to 14:00 |
General Discussion that also involves Springer Representatives: Elizabeth Loew and Nicholas Di Benedetto