2016-2017 MathEd Forum
July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2017
The Fields Institute Mathematics Education Forum promotes discussion of issues in mathematics education at all levels, with special emphasis on education in the Province of Ontario. The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences serves as the host of the Forum, but does not determine the agenda or the conclusions of the Forum. It is the goal of the Forum to consider objectively new ideas and diverse views in mathematics education, to facilitate consensus and to promote the enhancement of mathematics education in Ontario and Canada.
The Forum's mandate is to foster the development of new ideas, methodologies and materials with respect to possible changes that could improve education in mathematics, and to work for the implementation of such changes. For questions and further inquiries, please email cme@fields.utoronto.ca
. Please join the email list of the MathEd Forum here.
- Ami Mamolo, Ontario Tech University
- Miroslav Lovric, McMaster University
Organizing Committee
- Paul Alves - Ontario Association for Mathematics Education
- Charles Anifowose - Vretta Inc.
- Michael Frankfort - York Region District School Board
- Steven Khan - Brock University
- Andy Lucacescu - Havergal College
- Dragana Martinovic - University of Windsor
- Frosina Stojanovska-Pocuca - Mohawk College
- Peter Taylor - Queen's University
- Zack Wolske - Ontario Tech University
- Kitty Yan - OISE/UT
Parent Programs
Workshops and Conferences
MathEd Forum: September 24, 2016
September 24, 2016
MathEd Forum: October 29, 2016
October 29, 2016
MathEd Forum: November 26, 2016
November 26, 2016
MathEd Forum: January 28, 2017
January 28, 2017
MathEd Forum: February 25, 2017
February 25, 2017
MathEd Forum: March 25, 2017
March 25, 2017
MathEd Forum: April 29, 2017
April 29, 2017