Proposals for Thematic and Focus Programs
Guidelines for preparation and submission of proposals for thematic and focus programs at the Fields Institute.
Deadlines for submission of proposals or letters of intent for thematic and focus program are March 15 and September 15 of each year, to allow for external reviews before consideration by our Scientific Advisory Panel, which meets in May and November. A lead time of at least two years is recommended. Decisions are normally announced by early December or June of each year. A complete proposal or letter of intent should be emailed here.
Proposals for Major Thematic Programs
Major thematic programs are the Institute's flagship activities. Organizers of major thematic programs are advised that a substantial lead time is recommended, and are encouraged to submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) of 3 to 5 pages in length prior to preparing a complete proposal. The purpose of an LOI is to allow the Fields Institute to provide feedback before organizers do the considerable work needed to prepare a detailed proposal. A LOI should include:
- program title
- names of organizers, including contact information
- description of the topic and key activities
- proposed participant list
- justification for the program
- preferred dates
- some suggestions of reviewers
Complete proposals for major thematic programs are typically 15-20 pages in length and should address the following items:
Major thematic programs normally have a duration of six months. Winter programs run from January to June and Fall programs from July to December. July and August are ideal for summer schools and seminars for postdoctoral fellows, whose term typically starts in July. Organizers who may be aware of plans for international conferences to take place concurrently in the general area of a program might look into arranging to hold them at Fields. The proposal should indicate preferred dates, but also possible alternate dates.
Organizing committees should include Canadian and international members. We encourage the inclusion of members from our Principal Sponsoring Universities. The proposal should contain the names and affiliations of the organizing committee members with full contact information. The curriculum vitae for each organizing committee member should be provided as appendices. If a program is approved, the program committee (with the assistance of the Institute's Directorate) will carry out the primary responsibilities of the operation of the program.
A description of the proposed program, presented in lay terms, including an overview of the subject, recent achievements, future directions, and expected impact of the program. This should be followed by a more detailed description of the topic, aimed at experts, including the scientific background/history of the subject, major developments, and relevance to mathematical sciences. Proposals should also contain a justification for the intended program, including, whenever possible, comparisons with similar programs held at Fields or elsewhere.
A typical major thematic program includes at least three week-long workshops, but variations are common. We encourage weekly seminars, mini-courses, and mini-symposia. Graduate courses taught by inspiring instructors form an integral part of the program. There are typically three graduate courses offered during the university teaching term, available for university credit to participating students. Program organizers are strongly encouraged to hold an introductory summer or winter school to help bring graduate students to a level where they can participate fully in program activities. The proposal should provide details of all intended program activities, including workshop themes and organizers, graduate course titles and potential instructors, lengths and topics of proposed schools, and any available information on affiliated activities, such as major international conferences in the subject of the program that could be integrated to its activities.
Organizers should ensure a healthy level of activity in periods between workshops, through a balance between long- and short-term, as well as junior and senior participants, and students. Names and affiliations of proposed short- and long-term participants (including tentative agreement to participate, if available) should be provided in the proposal.
Participation of young researchers is a crucial component of any program. For the 2017 programs, each Fields Institute Postdoctoral Fellow (FPDF) is awarded $25,000 for the six-month term (as part of the program budget). Organizers are encouraged to try to find positions for these FPDF's at a university during the semester complementary to the program in a given academic year. Fields advertises for and solicits postdoctoral applicants 12-18 months in advance of the program, with a December 15 application deadline. Organizers are asked to review the applications and recommend candidates to the Fields Director.
One FPDF is designated as a Marsden Postdoctoral Fellow (MPDF) on the organizers recommendation, and is awarded $30,000 (from the program budget). In addition, we typically award one Fields-Ontario Postdoctoral Fellowships (FOPDF) associated to a program. These are two-year fellowships worth $50,000 per year (funded separately from the program budget). The successful candidates are chosen by the Fields Directorate. They are expected to spend the program semester at the Institute and the remaining time, before or after the program, at one of our Principal Sponsoring Universities. The proposal should indicate the expected number of postdoctoral fellows and their role in the program, for example by running weekly seminars.
Coxeter and/or Distinguished Lecture Series are usually organized in concert with a major thematic program, which normally has one Coxeter Lecture Series and/or Distinguished Lecture Series (CLS/DLS). An additional CLS/DLS can be considered by our Scientific Advisory Panel if the proposed lecturers are of a very high scientific level, excellent speakers, and contribute to the Institute's goal of diversity (for example, gender, ethnic, geographic, or the crossing of discipline boundaries). The budget for any approved CLS/DLS is in addition to the program budget. Organizers should provide a diverse list of suggested speakers with names, affiliations and brief biographies.
The base budget for a six month major thematic program is currently $350,000 depending on the level of scientific activity. In addition, organizers can apply for up to $50,000 in National Science Foundation (NSF) funds to support the participation of U.S.-based participants through a supplementary application submitted directly to the Fields Institute (see details below). Base budgets are generally divided as follows: 30% for postdoctoral fellowships and graduate student support, 30% for long- and short-term participants, 40% for workshops, seminars, and other program participant costs. Registration fees are collected to offset the cost of coffee breaks, and optional receptions and dinners. Typical participant costs are a maximum of $65 per diem, plus a maximum of $250/day up to $3,750/month for accommodation. All amounts are in Canadian Dollars. Estimates of travel costs should be based on economy travel. The proposal should specify the overall amounts allocated to each activity and category above.
Part of the mandate of the Institute is to broaden and enlarge the mathematical sciences community. We particularly encourage the participation of women and members of underrepresented groups. Proposals should include details of their involvement as speakers, participants and organizers.
Provide names, affiliation and email addresses of five or more suggested reviewers. The reviewers should be at arm's length from members of the organizing committee, but can include potential program participants.
Sample proposals and consultations are available to assist in preparing proposals. Contact the Institute's Directorate for assistance.
Organizers of major thematic programs will be asked to hold a one-week retrospective workshop at Fields about two years after the conclusion of their program to highlight progress in the field since then. Retrospective workshops should include an overview session to help organizers produce a report on advances, collaborations and career developments that can be attributed to the program's activities. Fields staff take minutes and help with other clerical tasks associated with producing reports. These play a crucial part in documenting the Institute's impact on research to our sponsors. Funding for the retrospective workshop should be applied for through our General Scientific Activity Program.
Proposals for Short Thematic or Focus Programs
Short thematic or focus programs provide a flexible and relatively rapid way to organize activities in areas of current research interest in the mathematical sciences. The Fields Institute particularly encourages two-month summer programs of an interdisciplinary nature. Organizers of short thematic and focus programs are advised that a lead time of at least 18 months is recommended. An LOI is not normally needed, but can be considered prior to submission of a complete proposal.
Complete proposals for short thematic or focus programs are typically 10-15 pages in length and should address the following items:
Short thematic or focus programs can run at any time for one to two months, concurrently with our major thematic programs. May to August are very busy periods at the Institute and organizers should consider the advantages and disadvantages of holding short programs during other periods. The proposal should indicate preferred dates, but also possible alternates.
Organizing committees should include Canadian and international members. We encourage the inclusion of members from any of the Fields Institute Principal Sponsoring or Affiliate Universities. If a program is approved, the program committee (with the assistance of the Institute's Directorate) will carry out the primary responsibilities of the operation of the program. The proposal should contain the names and affiliations of the organizing committee members with full contact information. The curriculum vitae for each organizing committee member should be provided as appendices.
A description of the proposed program, presented in lay terms, including an overview of the subject, recent achievements, future directions, and expected impact of the program. This should be followed by a more detailed description of the topic, aimed at experts, including the scientific background/history of the subject, major developments, and relevance to mathematical sciences. Proposals should also contain a justification for the intended program, including, whenever possible, comparisons with similar programs held at Fields or elsewhere.
Short thematic or focus programs vary greatly in structure, with no typical format. At least one week-long workshop and some accompanying activities (for example a summer school or a major international conference) should be proposed. We encourage weekly seminars, mini-courses, and mini-symposia. The duration of the program can make it difficult to offer full graduate courses, but this is also possible. The proposal should provide details of all intended program activities, including workshop themes and organizers, course titles and potential instructors, lengths and topics of proposed schools, and any available information on affiliated activities, such as major international conferences in the subject of the program that could be integrated to its activities.
Organizers should ensure a healthy level of activity throughout the short program, through a balance between long- and short-term, as well as junior and senior participants, and students. Names and affiliations of proposed short- and long-term participants (including tentative agreement to participate, if available) should be provided in the proposal.
Coxeter and/or Distinguished Lecture Series are usually organized in concert with a major thematic program only, but organizers of short or focus thematic programs may also proposed CLS/DLS for consideration by our Scientific Advisory Panel. The budget for any approved CLS/DLS is in addition to the program budget. If interested in holding these series during a short thematic or focus program, organizers should provide a diverse list of suggested speakers with names, affiliations and brief biographies.
The base budget for a short thematic or focus program is currently $75,000 per month, depending on the amount of scientific activity. In addition, organizers can apply for up to $25,000 (CAD) per month in National Science Foundation (NSF) funds to support the participation of U.S.-based participants through a supplementary application submitted directly to the Fields Institute (see details below). Base budgets are generally divided as follows: 40% for long- and short-term participants, 60% for workshops, schools, seminars, and other program participant costs. Typical participant costs are a maximum of $55 per diem, plus a maximum of $200/day up to $2400/month for accommodation. Estimates of travel costs should be based on economy travel. The proposal should specify the overall amounts allocated to each activity and category above.
Part of the mandate of the Institute is to broaden and enlarge the mathematical sciences community. We particularly encourage the participation of women and members of underrepresented groups. Proposals should include details of their involvement as speakers, participants and organizers.
Provide names, affiliation and email addresses of five or more suggested reviewers. The reviewers should be at arm's length from members of the organizing committee, but can include potential program participants.
Sample proposals and consultations are available to assist in preparing proposals. Contact the Institute's Directorate for assistance.
NSF Supplementary Application
The Fields Institute is one of the few international mathematics institutes that receive direct funding from the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF). Organizers of thematic and focus program at the Institute can apply for additional funds to support the participation of U.S.-based mathematical scientist by submitting a supplementary application directly to Fields.
NSF funds should be used for travel and local expenses for U.S-based participants, with priority given to early career researchers (up to 10 years after PhD), postdocs, students, and underrepresented groups. The supplementary application should include:
- previous NSF support granted to program organizers for this event, or for similar events within the past 5 years;
- a summarized budget (in CAD) indicating how the funds would be used (e.g., estimated numbers in each of the priority categories above.);
- anticipated impact of the activity.
Supplementary applications can be submitted either as an appendix to the complete proposal for the program or as a separate application after the program is approved and should be emailed here.
Acknowledging Fields Institute Funding
If you’ve received funding from the Fields Institute, we want you to share this news. An acknowledgement of our support is a testament to the calibre of your work, and helps us demonstrate the value of mathematics research to the scientific community, funding agencies, and the general public. Acknowledgement guidelines can be found here.