(0, 2)-Mirror symmetry on homogeneous Hopf surfaces
Mario Garcia-Fernandez, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Date and Time:
Wednesday, March 23, 2022 - 2:30pm to 2:55pm
Fields Institute, Room 230
I will present recent joint work with Luis ´Alvarez-C´onsul and Andoni De Arriba de La Hera in arXiv:2012.01851, where we find first examples of (0, 2) mirror symmetry on compact non-K¨ahler complex manifolds. For this we follow Borisov’s approach to mirror symmetry using vertex algebras and the chiral de Rham complex. Our examples of (0, 2) mirrors are given by pairs of Hopf surfaces endowed with a Bismut-flat pluriclosed metric. Requiring that the geometry is homogeneous, we reduce the problem to the study of Killing spinors on a quadratic Lie algebra and the construction of associated N = 2 superconformal structures on the superaffine vertex algebra, combined with topological T-duality.