Bures Contractions on Tracial C∗-Algebras
Mizanur Rahaman, University of Regina
Date and Time:
Tuesday, August 15, 2017 - 2:30pm to 3:00pm
The Bures metric is one of the many metrics that exists on the set of density matrices. The definition of this metric involves the concept of fidelity of pairs of density matrices. These concepts can be extended to any unital C∗-algebra A that possesses a faithful trace
functional. In this talk, I will discuss joint work with Professor Douglas Farenick on positive trace preserving linear maps that are
strict contractions on A with respect to the Bures metric. It turns out that
such maps are found in abundance in the set of positive trace preserving linear
maps. The various results obtained for such maps on C∗ -algebras will be then
used to demonstrate some applications in quantum information theory.