Cocycles on Deaconu-Renault groupoids, and KMS states for generalized gauge dynamics
In this talk, I shall present an algebraic classification of all continuous R-valued one-cocycles on the Deaconu-Renault groupoid associated to a compact metrizable space X and a finite family σ of commuting surjective local homeomorphisms on X. This classification result enables us to characterize, for every such cocycle c, the set of all probability regular Borel measures on X that are quasi-invariant for (X,σ) with Radon-Nikodym derivative c — completely in terms of ergodic-theoretic objects known as Ruelle transfer operators.
I shall also present a generalized version of the Ruelle-Perron-Frobenius Theorem that says that if (σ,c) satisfies some mild topological and metrical conditions, then a Ruelle-Perron-Frobenius eigenmeasure on X exists, which allows us to construct KMS states on the corresponding groupoid C∗-algebra for the generalized gauge dynamics associated to c.
Some applications involving discrete and topological higher-rank graphs shall be shown. It is hoped that the ideas contained in this talk will appeal to C∗-algebraists and ergodic theorists alike.
This is joint work with Carla Farsi, Alex Kumjian, and Judith Packer.