Deconstructible abstract elementary classes of modules
Deconstructible classes of modules are among the main sources of approximations in relative homological algebra. They also occur in connection with abstract elementary classes (AECs). Let P = (A,<) where A = { M \in Mod-R ; Ext^i_R(M,N) = 0 for all i > 0 and all N \in C } for a class of modules C, and < is a partial order on A such that X < Y, iff Y/X \in A. Baldwin, Eklof and Trlifaj proved that P is an AEC, iff A is deconstructible and closed under arbitrary direct limits.
Let B be an arbitrary deconstructible class of modules that admits a partial order \prec such that (B,\prec) is an AEC. It is an open problem whether B is necessarily closed under arbitrary direct limits. Assuming the Axiom of Constructibility (V = L), we show that B is always closed under countable direct limits. In ZFC, we obtain the same conclusion, but under the additional assumption of B being \aleph_1-deconstructible.