The Development and Implementation of the Early Math Assessment at School
In the Spring of 2021, Alberta Education and Carleton University began a collaboration to develop and test an early numeracy screener. Heather and Tracie will discuss the screener and how it can be used in both research and practice.
Heather Douglas is an adjunct research professor in the Department of Cognitive Science at Carleton University. After 10 years of teaching elementary school, Heather returned to university to find out more about how children learn math. In 2020, she received her PhD in Cognitive Science and has continued working to foster connections between research and the classroom. Heather is a proud part of the AIM Collective, a community of educators and researchers working together to share evidence-informed, teacher-approved math education tools and resources.
Tracie Anthony is the Division Numeracy Coordinator for Grande Prairie Public School Division. In her years as a classroom teacher, she developed a strong commitment to the philosophy and the principles of math education. Her passion for early mathematics led her to pursue a Master of Education in Mathematics. She firmly believes that we can enable all students to reach their individual goals, promoting student success through our passions and our collective vision.