Extended diffeomorphism groups for noncommutative manifolds
Venkata Karthik Timmavajjula, University of New Brunswick
Date and Time:
Wednesday, May 24, 2023 - 5:15pm to 5:40pm
Given an unital pre-C∗ algebra B with a ∗-exterior algebra, one can define extended diffeomorphism group for the noncommutative manifold B and its subgroup of topologically trivial elements. Using results of Bratteli–Elliott–Jorgensen and Krähmer, we compute these groups when B is an irrational noncommutative 2-torus and the algebraic standard Podleś sphere, respectively. We then apply this to the computation of moduli spaces of solutions to Euclidean Maxwell’s equations with fixed topological sector and current 1-form.
This is joint work with B. Ćaćić.